

fuselage,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[航] 機身(飛機)”。


  • 外文名:fuselage
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈfjuːzəlɑːʒ]
  • 美式發音:[ˈfjuːsəlɑːʒ]


英 [ˈfjuːzəlɑːʒ] 美 [ˈfjuːsəlɑːʒ]
n. [航] 機身(飛機)
[ 複數 fuselages ]


Fuselage fairing 機身整流裝置 ; 機身整形片
center fuselage 中央機身 ; 中心機身 ; 中機身
monocoque fuselage 硬殼式機身
aft fuselage 後機身 ; 後段機身
Fuselage size 機身尺寸
Rear Fuselage 後機身 ; 後段機身
twin fuselage aircraft 雙機身飛機
fuselage compartment 機身艙
Fuselage maximum Angle 機身最大傾斜角度


  • The aircraft took off with a gaping hole in its fuselage. 那飛機起飛了,機身上有一個裂開的洞。
  • The force of the impact ripped apart the plane's fuselage. 衝擊力使該飛機的機身斷裂了。
  • The problem turned out to be metal fatigue in the fuselage. 問題原來出在機身的金屬疲勞。
  • Some oscillation of the fuselage had been noticed on early flights. 在之前的幾次飛行中,就察覺到了機身有些搖晃。
  • The fuselage had a single aisle and 12 rows. 這個模擬機身有一條過道和12排。
  • But Dr Drela says the D-series's wider fuselage would compensate for that. 但Drela博士說,D系列的寬機身可以對這一問題進行補償。
  • But it is loud, and if a rotor breaks it could smash into the fuselage. 但是反對的呼聲也很大,假如轉子受損,便會機毀人亡。
  • It is fitted with five pods: two under each wing and one under the fuselage. 它安裝了五個吊艙:每個機翼下各兩個,機身下一個。
  • The engines are mounted at the back of the fuselage, rather than under the wings. 發動機安裝了在機身尾部,而不是在機翼下面。
  • The fuselage shape contributes additional lift, as do the longer, narrower wings. 這種機身形狀能夠獲得偶外的上升力,如同加上了更長更窄的機翼。
  • The engines would be embedded into the fuselage, instead of located under the wings. 發動機將會嵌入到機身而不是置於機翼下端。
  • It once covered a plane in camouflage and painted "No one saw us coming" on the fuselage. 它就曾經用迷彩色噴塗機身,還在機身上寫“沒人看見我飛過來”。
  • The plane's fuselage split in front of the wings, but did not separate from the plane. 位於機翼前端的機身部分斷裂,但還未同飛機分離開來。
  • The airplane is based on a design where the fuselage provides a significant part of the lift. 該飛機的機身設計提供了重要的升力。
  • They also moved the engines from the usual wing-mounted locations to the rear of the fuselage. 他們還將引擎從機翼下方移至機身後部。
  • Some, who had been standing on the plane's fuselage, were not even wet when they were rescued. 一些曾站在飛機機身上人,被救起時身上甚至一點都沒有濕到。
  • The blended wing's widened fuselage will make for amphitheater-like seating, with long, wide rows. 加寬的機身將被如圓形劇場一般放置長而寬的座椅。
  • The "fuselage" of the robotic insect was designed to hold a small GM14 motor, crank and wing hinge. 機器昆蟲的“機身”被設計成能夠搭載一台小型GM 14引擎以及曲軸和鉸鏈。
  • On most passenger jets, the wings and fuselage generate about 90% and 10% of the lift respectively. 對於大部分客機來說,機翼和機身分別能夠產生90%和10%的升力。
  • Air slipping along the fuselage moves slower, so the engines ingest less oxygen and burn less fuel. 機身上流動的空氣速度減慢,所以引擎的吸氧量減少從而節省了燃料。
  • This was done by increasing the power of engines and making the aircraft fuselage more streamlined. 這是通過增大引擎的動力以及把機身製作成流線型來實現的。
  • The system is contained almost entirely in a single pod that mounts to the underside of the fuselage. 該系統幾乎完全嵌在機身底部的單一吊艙內。
  • The aircraft's interior emergency lights were still functioning, the fuselage tilted at an odd Angle. 機艙內部的應急燈還亮著,機身傾斜成一個奇怪的角度。
  • The big challenge is figuring out how to design the air intakes to maximize airflow over the fuselage. 最大的挑戰是如何設計進風口以使機身氣流最大化。
  • This begins in parts that are subjected to repeated strains, such as where the wings join the fuselage. 這種故障始於承受反覆拉緊的部位,象機翼與機身的連線處。
  • Vought in America and Alenia in Italy delivered defective chunks of the new composite plastic fuselage. 美國的Vought公司和義大利的Alenia公司曾交付了有缺陷的新型合成塑膠機身。
  • Some chairs were set around affixed tables, others were placed along the fuselage, near the Windows. 有些椅子放置在固定的桌子周圍,另一些沿著過道放在舷窗附近。
  • Emissions must be hidden and the plane's fuselage sculpted to avoid detection by radar and infrared sensors. 排放物必須隱藏起來,機身設計時也必須考慮到不能被雷達和紅外探測器發現。


