



  • 外文名:forage
  • 詞性:名詞、不及物動詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈfɒrɪdʒ]
  • 美式發音:[ˈfɔːrɪdʒ]


V-I If someone forages for something, they search for it in a busy way. 匆忙搜尋
V-I When animals forage, they search for food. (動物) 覓食


forage crop[畜牧] 飼料作物 ; 飼草作物 ; 飼料成本
forage drier 飼料乾燥機 ; 牧草乾燥機
forage harvester[畜牧] 飼料收穫機 ; 飼料收割機 ; 飼料收穫機
forage yield 飼草產量 ; 飼料產量 ; 草產量
roughage forage 粗飼料 ; 粗飼料粗飼料
forage reserve 飼料基地 ; 飼草儲備
forage rake 飼料摟耙
forage box 運飼料車廂
forage about 搜查 ; 翻譯


  • 1They were forced to forage for clothing and fuel.他們被迫匆忙搜尋衣物和燃料。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Another decision is when to forage for food.另一個決定是什麼時候尋找食物。
  • 3Pull yourself together, and come with me and forage.振作起來,跟我一起去找點吃的。
  • 4Sunset casts a warm glow over the tufa formations as seagulls forage for dinner.海鷗在尋找晚餐時,夕陽在凝灰岩地層投射了溫暖的光輝。
  • 5Another crow, called Barney, has demonstrated his skill at using sticks to forage for food.另一隻叫巴尼的烏鴉展示了它用棍子尋找食物的本領。
  • 6Many ants are small and forage primarily in the layer of leaves and other debris on the ground.許多螞蟻很小,主要在地面的樹葉和其他碎屑中覓食。
  • 7They usually hunt together and forage whatever foods are available to them, instead of domesticating animals and planting crops.他們通常一起打獵,尋找任何他們能找到的食物,而不是馴養動物和種植作物。
  • 8When they do forage for food and for shelter materials, they have to leave their homes and go up on land where their main predators are.當它們尋找食物和遮蔽物的時候,它們不得不離開家,到主要捕食者所在的陸地上去。
  • 9It had long been thought that hummingbirds, which forage by day, pollinate its red flowers and that hawkmoths, which forage at night, pollinate its white flowers.長期以來,人們一直認為,白天覓食的蜂鳥會給它的紅色花朵授粉,而晚上覓食的鷹蛾會給它的白色花朵授粉。
  • 10Such improvements allow our hens to forage for higher-quality natural feed that will be good for the land, the hens, and the eggs that we supply to our customers.這些改進做法讓我們的母雞能夠覓食到更優質的天然飼料,這種飼料對土壤、母雞以及我們供應給客戶的雞蛋都有好處。
  • 11The conventional view is that carotenoids are meaningful because they are rare: healthier males can forage for more of the pigments than can their inferior counterparts.傳統的觀點認為類胡蘿蔔素之所以有意義,是因為它們很罕見:健康的雄性可以比它們的同類尋找到更多的色素。
  • 12A natural predator indigenous to India, Neodumetia sangawani, was found useful in controlling the Rhodes grass-scale insect that was devouring forage grass in many parts of the US.人們發現來自印度本土的食肉動物 Neodumetia sangawani 有助於控制在羅德島草場大規模泛濫的昆蟲,這種昆蟲吞食了美國多地的草場。
  • 13Cows and sheep depends forage to feed.牛和羊依靠草料餵養。
  • 14There is much forage for the cattle.那兒有很多餵牛的飼料。
  • 15All the good forage CARDS were similarly tagged.所有綠色卡片上同樣安置了相同的標籤。
  • 16Instead they can subsist on leftovers and whatever they forage.可以用剩飯餵養它們,它們還可以自己外出找食。
  • 17He can't even walk, let alone forage for food or sleep beyond 6am.他甚至不會走路,更別說自己覓食,和撐到下午6點以後睡覺了。
  • 18Their forage and water supplies have diminished, but the cattle must still be fed.儘管他們的草料和供水減少了,但他們還是要餵養牛群。
  • 19Because of their efforts, the pioneers who followed didn't have to forage for food.由於他們的努力,他們以後的先鋒們就不用搜尋食物了。
  • 20Antarctica has no hospitals, no food to forage and if you get lost, not a lot of hope.南極洲可沒有醫院,也沒有吃的,要是你走丟了,那就什麼都別想了。
  • 21They sleep in hollows at night and forage by day while traveling from branch to branch.晚上睡在洞裡,白天在樹林中遊蕩覓食。
  • 22The IU researchers created a virtual environment in which 20 to 200 people “forage” for ideas.印第安那大學的研究人員創造了一個虛擬環境,在其中20到200人搜尋各自的理念。
  • 23They were beautiful but I no longer had enough energy to forage through my bags for the camera.山峰美麗,但是我已經沒有力氣從包里掏照相機了。
  • 24The few aid organisations in-country report a big rise in people taking to the hills to forage for wild foods.一些國內的援助組織報告說,越來越多的人們到山裡尋找可食用的野生物品果腹。
  • 25Flickers are woodpeckers that can hammer trees but prefer to forage on the ground. They often dig in the dirt for ants.它是一種啄木鳥,可以錘擊樹木,喜歡在地面上覓食,往往掘地來尋找螞蟻。
  • 26Why these skills evolved is not hard to imagine, since it would help almost any animal forage for food, says Gallistel.格里·斯泰爾說,可以想見,動物們之所以在進化過程中需要識數技能,是因為識數能力可以幫助絕大多數的動物更有效地獲得食物。
  • 27EATR (for Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot), a car-size military reconnaissance 'bot, will forage more actively.同汽車般大小的能量自給戰術機器人(EATR)用於軍事偵察目的,其覓食本領將更強。
  • 28You’d have to forage for your favoriteextensions all over again and gather all the websites you had painstakinglybookmarked.答案通常都是肯定的。 你不得不重新搜尋你的最喜歡的擴展程式和你曾經添加到書籤欄的所有網址。
  • 29Since they live in tropical jungles along the equator, rhino beetles have to be strong to forage through the jungle floor.因為犀牛甲蟲生活在赤道附近的熱帶叢林,因此,它不得不足夠強壯才能在熾熱的地表搜尋到食物。


