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  • 外文名:faithful
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈfeɪθf(ə)l]
  • 美式音標:[ˈfeɪθf(ə)l]


英 [ˈfeɪθf(ə)l] 美 [ˈfeɪθf(ə)l]
adj. 忠實的,忠誠的;如實的,忠於原事(物)的;忠貞的;可信任的,可信賴的
n. 忠實支持者(the faithful)
【名】 (Faithful)(英)費思富爾(人名)
[ 複數 faithful或faithfuls 比較級 more faithful 最高級 most faithful ]


old faithful 追隨者;忠實的支持者
faithful to 忠實於 ; 忠心於 ; 忠於 ; 忠誠於
faithful pal 鐵哥們
be faithful to 忠誠於 ; 忠實於 ; 對…忠實
as faithful as a dog 像狗一般的忠誠


  • 1The officers died faithful to the honour of a soldier.軍官們懷著對軍人氣節的忠誠而捐軀。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2I have been a faithful reader of your newspaper for many years.我是貴報多年來的忠實讀者。《牛津詞典》
  • 3She was rewarded for her 40 years' faithful service with the company.她為公司忠誠服務了40年,因而獲得獎賞。《牛津詞典》
  • 4He spends his time making speeches at factories or gatherings of the Party faithful.他花時間在工廠或者在該黨忠實擁護者的集會上發表演講。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5We must be honest and faithful to the people.我們對人民必須忠誠老實。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 6He entrusted his children to a faithful friend.他把他的孩子囑託給一位忠實的朋友照料。
  • 7"It is certainly hard," said the shadow, "for he was a faithful servant!"“這件事的確難以抉擇,”影子說,“因為他一直是一個忠實的僕人!”
  • 8Think that Melampo, my faithful Melampo, never saw them in all these years!想想梅蘭波,我忠實的梅蘭波,這么多年都沒見過它們!
  • 9My faithful love will be with him, and through my name his horn will be exalted.我忠誠的愛與他同在,因我的名,他的角必被高舉。
  • 10He is best known for the generosity he shows to his faithful and hard-working employees.他最廣為人知的是他對忠誠並勤奮的員工表現出的慷慨。
  • 11He's got his oxygen on, and the portable tank next to him on the rug like a faithful dog.他已戴上氧氣罩,旁邊的攜帶型氧氣罐就像一隻忠誠的狗一樣躺在地毯上。
  • 12Heathcliff, if I were you, I'd go stretch myself over her grave and die like a faithful dog.希刺克厲夫,如果我是你,我就直挺挺地躺在她的墳上,像條忠實的狗一樣死去。
  • 13What he did not know was that the faithful Liza had found it, and put it back on his wash-stand.他沒想到忠實的莉莎找到了它,並把它放回了他的盥洗架上。
  • 14For the last two years, the laptop has served as my faithful aid and helped me finish most of my assignments and my thesis.過去兩年里,筆記本電腦一直是我忠實的助手,協助我完成了大部分的作業和論文。
  • 15As shocking as this utter failure may be to the nearly 1 billion faithful Facebook users around the world, it's no surprise to anyone who read the initial public offering (IPO) prospectus.對於全球近10億忠實的 Facebook 用戶來說,這個徹底失敗可能令人震驚,但對於看過首次公開募股(IPO)招股說明書的人來說,這沒有什麼可驚訝的。
  • 16I'm very faithful when I love someone.當我愛一個人時我是非常忠貞的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 17He remained faithful to the ideals of the party.他對黨的理想堅貞不移。《牛津詞典》
  • 18Colin Welland's screenplay is faithful to the novel.科林·韋蘭的電影劇本是忠實於小說原文的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 19The president will keep the support of the party faithful.總統將繼續獲得忠誠黨員的擁護。《牛津詞典》
  • 20She had been faithful to her promise to guard this secret.她一直信守諾言保守著這個秘密。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 21His translation manages to be faithful to the spirit of the original.他的譯文做到了忠於原文的精神。《牛津詞典》
  • 22Whether they say it aloud or not, most men expect their wives to be faithful.無論他們是否說出來,大部分男人都希望他們的妻子忠貞不渝。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 23They are planning to build a faithful recreation of the original frontier town.他們正計畫建造一座和原來邊境城鎮一模一樣的複製品。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 24I think this is fairly faithful to the kind of argument he means to put forward.我認為這很符合他想要提出的論點。
  • 25The master said, "You have been a faithful and good servant, Hans, so your pay shall be handsome."主人說:“漢斯,你是個忠實的好僕人,所以你的報酬會很優厚的。”
  • 26The faithful maiden held her wedding with her sweetheart Roland, and grief came to an end and joy began.這位忠貞的姑娘和她的愛人羅蘭舉行了婚禮,悲傷結束了,歡樂開始了。
  • 27Dogs are friends of man not only because they are lovely but also because they are faithful to their master.狗是人類的朋友,不僅因為他們可愛,而且因為他們忠實於主人。
  • 28After the first installment, Dickens wrote to the artist and asked him to correct a drawing Dickens felt was not faithful enough to his prose.在第一期之後,狄更斯寫信給這位畫家,請他修改一幅狄更斯認為和自己的散文不那么相符的畫。
  • 29Pistis is faithful.皮斯蒂斯是忠實的。


