



  • 外文名:enliven
  • 詞性:及物動詞
  • 英式發音:[ɪnˈlaɪvn]
  • 美式發音:[ɪnˈlaɪvn]


enliven /ɪnˈlaɪvən/ TEM4 ( enlivening, enlivened, enlivens )
1.V-T To enliven events, situations, or people means to make them more lively or cheerful. 使更活躍; 使更興高采烈


Enliven International 茵萊國際公司 ; 茵萊國際 ; 美商茵萊國際
Enliven Sentinel 活化哨兵
enliven copy 使稿子有生氣
enliven verb 使生動
enliven Ƶ 帶來生氣
Enliven Statues 活化雕像
enliven n 使生氣的
enliven ༥ 帶來生氣
to enliven 搞活


  • 1How can we enliven this party?我們怎樣才能使晚會更活潑?
  • 2And I enliven whom I will.我搞活誰我會的。
  • 3He sidetracked to enliven the atmosphere.他換了個話題來活躍一下氣氛。
  • 4It can enliven and cheer up your baby.它可以搞活和歡呼了您的寶寶。
  • 5Enliven your screen!搞活你的螢幕!
  • 6These sassy shoes will enliven little black dresses.這些活力四射的鞋子會給小黑裙帶來點睛之效。
  • 7In order to enliven economy, we must prosper the market.若要搞活經濟,定要繁榮市場。
  • 8Lots of them enrich and enliven our language, noted the Workers' Daily.如《工人日報》所說,它們中有一些豐富並活躍了我們的語言。
  • 9You will be able to enliven your site in the direct meaning of this word.你將能夠搞活您網站中的直接意義,這兩個字。
  • 10The creation of graphic lines enliven a classic wood floor in Parisian flat.生動線條的創造活躍了這個巴黎公寓的經典木地板。
  • 11You take the dry idea and enliven it with images and examples and metaphors.你用形象、案例和比喻賦予枯燥的概念以生氣。
  • 12Perhaps they need the drama to enliven the sterile atmosphere of the boardroom.他們可能需要這種戲劇性的場面,來活躍董事會枯燥的氣氛。
  • 13The gay scene could not really enliven it, for his heart was not in turn with it.這種歡樂的場面並不能真正地使他活躍起來,因為他的心情與這場面不合拍。
  • 14Young people perfORm the "goat dance" OR the "goose dance" to enliven the atmosphere.好熱鬧的年輕人常出些洋相逗樂,或表演些“山羊舞”、“鵝舞”之類的小節目活躍氣氛。
  • 15The caricature is unfair, but it could enliven what has been a largely issueless election.這種諷刺雖不公平,但這多多少少也活躍了一下波瀾不驚的大選。
  • 16The rural teachers need to enhance, master and practice flexible measures to enliven students.採用多種多樣活躍學生生活的班級管理措施是農村教師亟待加強、掌握和實踐的。
  • 17No matter how you grab it, it's guaranteed to enliven your coffee break and perk up your pantry.不管你怎么拿它,都能點亮你的下午茶時刻,裝扮你的餐具櫃喔。
  • 18Everyone preens in lounge suit, new gown and eye-alluring hat; food and drink mellow and enliven.人們穿著西服革履、新長裙,戴著式樣新奇的帽子,食物飲料醇美爽口。
  • 19You'll start seeing connections between the images and ideas that will enliven and expand your work.你將發現在圖像和想法之間的某種聯繫,而這個聯繫將激活和拓展你的工作。
  • 20I guess he longed for contraband that would enliven those long, lonely nights on the frigid frontier.我猜想,他渴望弄些禁書,好在這寒冷的邊境為那些孤獨的漫漫長夜添些活力。
  • 21I like to scatter a few in to enliven the text, but it comes back to that copyright thing. (And time.)我願意弄一些圖片在文章里讓文章更加生動一些,但是,又要糾結於著作權問題。(當然還有時間)。
  • 22Wood elements at the entry and the sunshades on the west glazing enliven the expression of the processing area.入口木元素和西部玻璃遮陽篷活躍了處理區的氛圍。
  • 23The special merchandise brought by these peddlers, coming in throngs from other areas, enliven the local market.這些客幫帶來的特色商品活躍了本地市場。
  • 24In many countries, colors represent various holidays; they are also used to express feelings and enliven language.在許多國家,顏色代表各種假期,也被用來表達感情,活躍語言。
  • 25Let Walter Benjamin lay out the complexities of his day and even enliven your experience of our own digital culture.本雅明將其錯綜複雜的日常生活投影在我們面前,你甚至可以從中體驗到我們當代的數碼文化帶給你的愉悅。
  • 26Every class is unique, and offers a safe container to awaken and enliven ourselves, while enjoying a healthy workout.每一堂課都是獨特的,在健康運動的同時提供了喚醒並豐富自我的空間。
  • 27Yeats's "Sailing to Byzantium" can enliven a journey on any waters, and it will never be forgotten if you recite it on the Bosporus.如果正在出海,耶茨的“航向拜占庭”使行程更加富有生氣,而且如果你在博斯普魯斯海峽背誦這首詩會更加難忘。
  • 28This is not only can avoid the brutal competition for jobs, and can enliven the employment environment to ease the employment pressure.這不僅可以避免就業競爭的殘酷,而且,可以搞活整個就業環境,緩解就業壓力。
  • 29It doesn't help that today is a Sunday, so the usual bustle of hawkers, pedestrians and cars that enliven the empty drabness are missing.雖然我們來的這天是星期天,可往常小販的叫賣聲,行人和汽車,這些讓空寂的街道充滿活力的嘈雜聲,通通消失了。


