- 外文名:englishness
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:['iŋɡliʃnis]
- 釋義:英國人作風;英國風格
I made clear to her how laughable would have been the waywardness of English spelling but for the tragic compulsion we were under to cram it for our examinations.我明確告訴她,英文拼法的毫無規則是多么可笑,只有在不幸的強迫之下,我們為了考試才對它死記硬背。They are: a playful curiosity, a ...
《The English Kitchen》是2007年8月Prospect Books出版的圖書,作者是White, Eileen。內容簡介 English cookery is always in search of its identity. This book offers some clues in respect of particular dishes or types of food. Not that these are the only markers of Englishness, but taken altogether...
Paul Rubens's painting of Pero and Cimon or Roman Charity (1630). The book argues that competing early modern figurations of the nurturing mother mediate in politically implicated ways between customary biblical models of English kingship and innovative Hebraic/Puritan paradigms of English ness.
身為「國寶」(National treasure),亞倫.班奈的無比貴重,是他對英國人的城府有多高多深瞭然於胸(The Englishness),他又深諳這種國族文化的虛偽和不安全感是如何捆綁一起。因此,筆下一乾可憐可笑的人物就像照妖鏡。 只是英國人不會以自己人嘲弄自己人為忤,你可以說,都是幽默感解的套,或sophistication惹的...
尼古拉斯爵士任多種出版物的作者,其中有《現代設計的先驅》《英國藝術的英國性》(The Englishness of Enlish Art)(雷斯講座,1955年)以及《歐洲建築概要》(1942年)。1967年他獲得RIBA的皇家金質獎章。內容簡介 本書是由享有盛譽的作者將兩部有關著作整合而成。《反理性主義者》一書認為現代主義運動那種拘謹嚴肅的...
《Literary Englands》是2004年1月出版的圖書,作者是Gervais, David。內容簡介 In our time 'Englishness' has become a theme for speculation rather than dogma: twentieth-century writers have found it an elusive and ambiguous concept, a cue for nostalgia or for a sense of exile and loss. Literary ...
(14)“Ronald Coase’s Englishness and Steven Cheung’s Chineseness,”Pacific Economic Review,12(2):171-187,2007.(SSCI)(15)“Economics 0,1,2?—Illustrating the Core Insights of Economic Analysis,”Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics,19(2-3):263-88,2008.(16)“Ten ...
Jane Austen’s Ever-lasting Charm: Her Englishness—with Pride and Prejudice as a case study 白雪蓮 The Hunt for Red October-Tom Clancy’s Vision of the World 江 元 小說《蘇菲的選擇》及其同名電影的敘事—人本精神的再現 王春霞 Politeness in Intercultural Communication—From the Perspective of ...
to remain so for years to come. Her importance is that she wrote books that children loved to read and attracted them to books--much like J.D. Rowlings. Blyton's most famous series was The Famous Five. Blyton's works painted an idyllic vision of rural England and hearty Englishness ...
to remain so for years to come. Her importance is that she wrote books that children loved to read and attracted them to books--much like J.D. Rowlings. Blyton's most famous series was The Famous Five. Blyton's works painted an idyllic vision of rural England and hearty Englishness ...
to remain so for years to come. Her importance is that she wrote books that children loved to read and attracted them to books--much like J.D. Rowlings. Blyton's most famous series was The Famous Five. Blyton's works painted an idyllic vision of rural England and hearty Englishness ...
(Architectural Review)的編輯,《鵜鶘藝術史》(Pelican History of Art)和《英格蘭建築》系列叢書的創刊編輯。尼古拉斯爵士任多種出版物的作者,其中有《現代設計的先驅》、《英國藝術的英國性》(The Englishnessof English Art)(雷斯講座,1955年)以及《歐洲建築概要》(1942年)。1967年他獲得RIBA的皇家金質獎章。
his fallen comrades from D-Day while still harbouring dreams of finding the love of his life. Meanwhile widowed Margaret, who loves ballroom dancing, must patiently wait her turn for a dance with one of the ship's 'gentleman hosts'. A bittersweet portrait of love, ageing, Englishness and...
He highlights neatly (and hilariously) Waugh’s demonic streak of prankishness: insisting to the bafflement and fury of all and sundry that Tito, the Yugoslav leader, was a woman. 他扼要地(同時嬉笑地)強調了沃夫頗帶邪氣的惡作劇:儘管讓人感到不解或憤怒,他仍然堅稱南斯拉夫領導人狄托是個女人。Th...
3 HINTS ON TRANSLATION FROM LATIN TO ENGLISH 4 OVID with an Englishtranslation: Tristia, Ex Ponto 5 Latin Translation at Sight 6 Translation: an Elizabethan art 7 A translation of the Kharosthi documents from Chinese Turkestan 8 THE LIFE OF Edward FitzGerald 9 The Art of Letters: LU CHI?S ...
24. Loch Ness Monster ……… 42 25. Graduation Traditions ……… 44 26. Second Life Toys ……… 46 27. Classic Children’s Books Worldwide……… 48 28. An Upside-Down Coffee Shop……… 50 29. Shops for Mice ……… 52 30. A Tour Bus for Dogs……… 54 31. The Titanic……… ...
floridity,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“鮮麗;臉色好”。短語搭配 floridity floridness 鮮麗 雙語例句 In English a "yours sincerely" or even a simple "regards" would suffice; French-style floridity survives, just, only in the context of diplomatic correspondence.而英語用“yours...