


  • 中文名:國小英語閱讀100篇(第三版)
  • 作者:吳迪
  • 出版時間:2022年
  • 出版社:上海交通大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787313253835
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝




第一篇 趣味圖文起步篇
1. Personal Information ………………………… 1
2. The Johnson Family …………………………… 3
3. Bungee, the Alien ……………………………… 5
4. Sports …………………………………………… 6
5. Farmer’s Lunch………………………………… 8
6. Banana Ice Cream……………………………… 10
7. What Do They Say? …………………………… 11
8. What Food Is This? …………………………… 12
9. In the Zoo ……………………………………… 13
10. Gorillas ………………………………………… 15
11. A Tree …………………………………………… 17
12. My Bedroom …………………………………… 19
13. Miss Marple’s Week …………………………… 21
14. English Daily …………………………………… 23
15. A New Gift ……………………………………… 25
16. A Clever Girl …………………………………… 27
17. Books and Stories……………………………… 29
18. My Friends ……………………………………… 31
19. How Do They Come to School? ……………… 33
20. Where Do the Teachers Go After School? …… 35
第二篇 報紙雜誌進階篇
21. Spain’s Princess ……………………………… 36
22. The Great Fire of London……………………… 38
23. Children’s Café ………………………………… 40
24. Loch Ness Monster …………………………… 42
25. Graduation Traditions ………………………… 44
26. Second Life Toys ……………………………… 46
27. Classic Children’s Books Worldwide………… 48
28. An Upside-Down Coffee Shop………………… 50
29. Shops for Mice ………………………………… 52
30. A Tour Bus for Dogs…………………………… 54
31. The Titanic……………………………………… 56
32. Computer Games for Women ………………… 58
33. Memories ……………………………………… 60
34. Near-sighted Students ………………………… 62
35. School Officials Eat with Students …………… 64
36. McDonald’s Palace Museum Shop …………… 66
37. Notre-Dame Cathedral Was on Fire ………… 68
38. Ne Zha in English Language Dub …………… 70
39. Chinese New Year in British Museum ……… 72
40. Chinese Tourists in Spain …………………… 74
第三篇 科學探索橋樑篇
41. Insects…………………………………………… 76
42. Lifecycle of Amphibians ……………………… 78
43. Force …………………………………………… 80
44. Fossils…………………………………………… 82
45. Environment …………………………………… 84
46. Dinosaurs ……………………………………… 86
47. Rocks …………………………………………… 88
48. Energy…………………………………………… 90
49. Reptiles ………………………………………… 92
50. Ecosystem ……………………………………… 94
51. Lakes and Seas ………………………………… 96
52. Sound …………………………………………… 98
53. Mammals …………………………………… 100
54. Systems of the Human Body ……………… 102
55. Virus ………………………………………… 104
56. Carrots ……………………………………… 106
57. Hurricane …………………………………… 108
58. Melodic Music and Waking State ………… 110
59. Light and Shadow …………………………… 112
60. Food Chains ………………………………… 114
第四篇 童話寓言提升篇
61. A Flying Carpet ……………………………… 116
62. Rudolph’s Red Nose………………………… 118
63. Tops and Bottoms…………………………… 120
64. Bang, Bung…………………………………… 122
65. Sandy’s Wretched Bag ……………………… 124
66. Three Gifts …………………………………… 126
67. A Silly Man…………………………………… 128
68. On Fire ……………………………………… 130
69. The Rooster and the Jewel ………………… 132
70. Ditto ………………………………………… 134
71. The Same to You …………………………… 136
72. No Smoking ………………………………… 138
73. The Old Lady ………………………………… 140
74. Elsa’s Fairy Garden ………………………… 142
75. The Ancient Plate …………………………… 144
76. Silly Jack …………………………………… 146
77. The Princess’s New Pet …………………… 148
78. Stone Soup…………………………………… 150
79. The Necktie ………………………………… 152
80. A Day to Remember ………………………… 154
第五篇 人文名著飛越篇
81. Charles Dickens …………………………… 156
82. William Shakespeare ……………………… 158
83. Mark Twain ………………………………… 160
84. High Tea vs Low Tea………………………… 162
85. Ladies and Gentlemen in the Victorian Era ……164
86. Young Arthur ………………………………… 166
87. Down the Rabbit Hole ……………………… 168
88. The Dog ……………………………………… 170
89. Tom and Huck ……………………………… 172
90. Phileas Fogg Meets Passepartout ………… 174
91. The Workhouse ……………………………… 176
92. Hamlet and Ophelia ………………………… 178
93. Miss Havisham ……………………………… 180
94. Thornfield Hall ……………………………… 182
95. The Old Pirate at the Admiral Benbow …… 184
96. The Elephant’s Child Wanted Some Answers…186
97. The Montagues and the Capulets ………… 188
98. The Emerald City …………………………… 190
99. David Copperfield…………………………… 192
100. Strange Mails ……………………………… 194
參考答案…………………………………………… 196


