- 外文名:desirability
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[dɪˌzaɪərəˈbɪləti]
- 美式發音:[dɪˌzaɪərəˈbɪləti]
4.desirability N-UNCOUNT 性感 短語搭配 higher-than-desirable growth rate 漲幅偏高 Desirable Garden 可園 Dynamic desirable 動態期望 desirable a 理想的 ; 稱心的 The most desirable bulldog debut 最靚牛頭犬登場 ; 下一篇 desira...
協同共生管理模型,即SDAP:場景(Scene)-意願(Desirability)-能力(Ability)-過程(Process)。該模型設定一個協同共生各單元都能納入的場景,並在行為上有所要求,進而探討共生的意願以及實現共生的能力。過程路徑 無論是在組織內協同...
社會稱許性(Social desirability)是指獲得讚賞和接受的需要,並且相信採取文化上可接受和讚許的行為能夠滿足這種需要。簡介 社會稱許性是指在自我評價時評價者通常會以社會認可的方式做出評價反應的一種偏向或心向,從而使自己或別人看起來...
社會希望性量表(Social Desirability Scale of Attitudes)是指測查社會希望性傾向的工具。因自我報告測量中常常出現應答偏差(即被試總傾向於給出一個使其顯示良好形象的回答),影響問卷的效度而設計。有多種。A.L.愛德華1957年編制的...
“社會讚許性”(social desirability)是指被試在對測驗內容的反應上按社會所期望的行為方式作答的傾向,使其能得到“好”的社會評價。比如,對於“我總是盡力避免惹麻煩”這樣的題目,多數人都會回答“是”。社會讚許性與“作假”不同,...
Ei = Evaluation or desirability of attribute i I = attribute 1, 2, … m 啟示意義 費希賓模型告示我們:人的情緒反應,雖然有時處於不自覺狀態,但是卻對人的行為極有關聯。人的外顯行為離不開個人的意向作用,而個人意向又...
has been indicated in simple terms. The purpose is to look forward to a pick-me-up, pragmatic spirituality guide as is gainful now to be applicable to development of individual personality and desirability of life as ...
calls into question the neutrality of liberal democratic mechanisms of participation and representation, the centrality of the category of work and the division between labor and capital, and the feasibility and desirability of...
3、In the same way it seems obvious to the miser that the quality of desirability belongs to gold as such, and not its exchange value.以同樣的方式似乎對於守財奴來說顯見的是願望的質地屬於如此的金子,而非它的交換價值...
many centuries, public service was considered a noble calling and, more recently, a profession. During the latter part of the 20th century, however, many scholars called into question both the reality and desirability of ...
and the United States, not of an inexorable logic of technological advance. Once in place, this system created the need for workers with systematically different ideas about the acquisition of skill and the desirability of...
A contemporary Chinese professor has made the witticism that in the matter of desirability, Wives are always better if they are others', while writing is always better if it's one's own.一位當代的中國教授在談到欲望時...
and shape of U.S. foreign policy. The Peace of Illusions intervenes in the ongoing debate about American grand strategy and the costs and benefits of "American empire." Layne urges the desirability of a strategy...
" topology. There was earlier scattered work by Euler, Listing (who coined the word "topology"), M/Sbius and his band, Riemann, Klein, and Betti. Indeed, even as early as 1679, Leibniz indicated the desirability ...