



  • 外文名:demography
  • 詞性:名詞




economic demography經濟人口學 ;[統計]經濟人口統計學 ; 人口經濟學
urban demography[社科]城市人口學
Medical Demography醫學人口學


  • 1I see demography as a central subject related to economics.我認為人口統計學是與經濟學相關的核心學科。
  • 2Why should you consider taking a course in demography in college?為什麼你應該考慮在大學裡修一門人口學的課程呢?
  • 3Demography gives you the tools to understand and to address these problems.人口統計學為你提供了理解和解決這些問題的工具。
  • 4Models from economics and demography become the definitive tools for examining the financial base of social security.來自經濟學和人口學的模型成為檢驗社會保障財政基礎的最權威工具。
  • 5Demography also includes the study of non-living objects like light bulbs and taxi cabs and buildings because these are also populations.人口統計學還包括對非生物物體的研究,如燈泡、計程車和建築物,因為這些也屬於種群。
  • 6Demography is not destiny.人口情況並非命運。
  • 7The other is demography.其二是人口統計學。
  • 8Demography is a start.人口只是一個開始。
  • 9SOME blame demography, others the recession.有人責怪人口統計,有人歸咎於經濟衰退。
  • 10The main character is a man, the focal subject demography.故事的主人公是一個男人,人口調查是聚焦的重點。
  • 11The growth optimists point to India's favourable demography.對增長持樂觀態度的人們認為印度的優勢在於其人口結構。
  • 12Now demography and productivity are pushing in the same direction.現在,人口統計學和生產率形成了合力。
  • 13Such an abrupt change is hard to explain by demography alone, however.如此劇烈的變化是很難僅僅用人口統計學解釋的。
  • 14They remain unconsciously wedded to 20th-century demography, ” he says.他們仍然無意識地停留在20世紀的人口數據中。
  • 15None of this means that Europe has broken the chains of its demography.這並不意味著歐洲掙脫了人口鎖鏈。
  • 16For most of human history economic power has been determined by demography.對於大部分人類歷史來說,經濟實力取決於人口。
  • 17But even if demography guarantees nothing, it can make growth harder or easier.但是即使人口結構本身不能保證什麼,它還是可以讓經濟成長變得更困難,或更輕鬆。
  • 18But the big horse-race message out of Super Tuesday is that demography is destiny.不過這場超級星期二的大拉力賽帶來的訊息卻是人口決定命運。
  • 19But demography will bring profound changes, says Christopher Lockwood (interviewed here).但人口統計會帶來深刻的變化,克里斯托弗·洛克伍德(Christopher Lock wood)這樣評價。
  • 20Demography counts too: as Asians are roughly half the human race, they deserve representation.人口也是一個重要因素:亞洲有約占全人類總數近一半的人口,他們有作為表率的資格。
  • 21Some studies reckon that demography explains as much as a third of Asia's economic growth.一些研究推測非洲經濟成長的三分之一都歸功於人口遷移。
  • 22It was once a rule of demography that people have fewer children as their countries get richer.人口統計學上曾經有一條規律:國家越富裕,人們就越少生育。
  • 23Demography makes it harder for people who start at the bottom of the ladder to climb up it.人口問題已經讓從階梯底層開始的人很難爬上去。
  • 24Populations can rise while fertility declines because of inertia, which matters a lot in demography.根據人口統計學,生育率降低時人口因為慣性仍然會增長。
  • 25Demography, which has disguised the extent of the problem so far, will eventually exacerbate it.人口統計掩飾了這個問題的嚴重程度,但最終會惡化問題。


