



  • 外文名:debit
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈdebɪt]
  • 美式發音:[ˈdebɪt]


debit /ˈdɛbɪt/ TEM8 ( debiting, debited, debits )
1.V-T When your bank debits your account, money is taken from it and paid to someone else. 記入…的借方賬戶
2.N-COUNT A debit is a record of the money taken from your bank account, for example, when you write a cheque. 借方


debit side[會計] 借方 ; 收方 ; 借入方
cash debit[會計] 現金借方 ; 現金收入 ; 翻譯 ; 現金借方英語
debit debter 借方
DEBIT DATE 付款日期 ; 借記卡日期 ; 借記日期 ; 記賬日期
Debit Notes 自動產生借項通知單 ; 借項通知單
debit t 借方 ; 借項 ; 記入帳戶的借方 ; 把……記入借方
debit instrument 欠據 ; 翻譯
EURO DEBIT 歐元借記卡 ; 正在翻譯
suspense debit 暫記借項 ; 暫付款


  • 1We pay all our bills by direct debit.我們以直接借記方式支付所有賬單。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Debit cards dispense with the need for cash altogether.有借記卡就完全不需要用現金了。《牛津詞典》
  • 3I would use credit cards over debit cards because of liability issues.因為責任問題,我會使用信用卡而不是借記卡。
  • 4Keep in mind, too, that credit cards typically have better liability protection than debit cards.也要記住,和借記卡相比,信用卡通常有更好的債務保護。
  • 5Debit cards have different liability limits depending on the bank and the events surrounding any fraud.借記卡的責任限額因銀行和欺詐事件而異。
  • 6Credit and debit cards, though, are going to be with us for the foreseeable future, and so are hackers, if we stick with magstripe technology.不過,如果我們堅持使用磁條技術,信用卡和借記卡在可預見的未來都將陪伴著我們,黑客也是如此。
  • 7Consider pre-paid debit CARDS.考慮預付費的銀行借記卡。
  • 8The abbreviation for debit is Dr.“借方”的縮寫是“Dr .”。
  • 9Your debit card is stolen.你的借記卡丟了。
  • 10A debit you owe me personally.欠我的債,以個人名義。
  • 11Don't use a debit card.不要使用借記卡。
  • 12Debit money from a particular account.從特定的帳戶中取款。
  • 13This leaves a debit balance of $320.這樣還剩下欠款餘額320美元。
  • 14The overseas ATM and your debit card.考慮是否能在海外的提款機上使用你的銀行卡。
  • 15Stick to a bank account and debit card.堅持使用銀行賬戶或者是簽證卡。
  • 16Just put your debit card into the mag-stripe reader.只需把借記卡塞入磁卡讀卡器,叮!
  • 17Mom and Dad have credit card debit of about $7500.父母的信用卡欠債大約有$7500。
  • 18The widespread use of debit CARDS hasn't helped, either.借記卡的廣泛套用,也促使了扒竊的消失。
  • 19Then, the required transaction (deposit or debit) is performed.然後,執行所需的操作(存款或取款)。
  • 20G: Yes.I received this debit notice.What is this all about?旅客:是的,我收到這份欠款通知單,請問它是關於什麼的欠款單?
  • 21The trusty SIM card can also act as a debit and credit card.可信的用戶識別卡也可以作為借記卡和信用卡來使用。
  • 22A debit card ACTS just like cash, which makes it the best option.借記卡的功能就像現金一樣,因此是最佳之選。
  • 23Credit CARDS also provide more fraud protection than debit CARDS.信用卡比簽帳卡具有更強的反欺詐能力。
  • 24When I think of paying with plastic, I think of credit or debit CARDS.如果我想用“塑膠”來付賬的話,那首先躍入腦海的肯定是信用卡或借記卡。
  • 25A single payment could have had 6 to 12 debit and credit transactions.一次付款可能擁有6 - 12個借貸交易。
  • 26Youth debit cards can easily be set up with appropriate spending limits.青少年的借記卡可以便捷的和適度花費限制相聯繫。
  • 27But if you have a Visa Electron debit card, there are no card charges.但是如果你有一張簽證電子卡,就沒有收費了。
  • 28In some cases, even credit and debit card Numbers may have been stolen.有些甚至連信用卡號和提款卡號都被盜。
  • 29Then it provides an edit field for the user to enter the amount to deposit or debit.然後,提供一個編輯框,用戶可以在其中輸入存款或取款的數量。


