



  • 中文名:訊息匯流排系統
  • 外文名:a message bus system
  • 特點:低延遲,低開銷,高可用性
  • 實質ipc機制




匯流排是D-Bus的進程間通信機制,一個系統中通常存在多條匯流排,這些匯流排由D-Bus匯流排守護進程管理。最重要的匯流排為系統匯流排(System Bus),Linux核心引導時,該匯流排就已被裝入記憶體。只有Linux核心、Linux桌面環境和許可權較高的程式才能向該匯流排寫入訊息,以此保障系統安全性,防止有惡意進程假冒Linux傳送訊息。
會話匯流排(Session Buses)由普通進程創建,可同時存在多條。會話匯流排屬於某個進程私有,它用於進程間傳遞訊息。
訊息:D-Bus的訊息分為信號(signals)、方法調用(method calls)、方法返回(method returns)和錯誤(errors)。信號是最基本的訊息,註冊的進程可簡單地傳送信號到匯流排上,其他進程通過匯流排讀取訊息。方法調用是通過匯流排傳遞參數,執行另一個進程接口函式的機制,用於某個進程控制另一個進程。方法返回是註冊的進程在收到相關信息後,自動做出反應的機制,由回調函式實現。錯誤是信號的一種,是註冊進程錯誤處理機制之一。


建立一個dbus連線之後 -- dbus_bus_get(),為這個dbus連線(DbusConnection)起名 -- dbus_bus_request_name(),這個名字將會成為我們在後續進行遠程調用的時候的服務名,然後我們進入監聽循環 -- dbus_connection_read_write()。在循環中,我們從匯流排上取出訊息 -- dbus_connection_pop_message(),並通過比對訊息中的方法接口名和方法名 -- dbus_message_is_method_call(),如果一致,那么我們跳轉到相應的處理中去。在相應的處理中,我們會從訊息中取出遠程調用的參數。並且建立起回傳結果的通路 -- reply_to_method_call()。回傳動作本身等同於一次不需要等待結果的遠程調用。


建立一個dbus連線之後,為這個dbus連線起名,建立一個傳送信號的通道,注意,在建立通道的函式中,需要我們填寫該信號的接口名和信號名 -- dbus_message_new_signal()。然後我們把信號對應的相關參數壓進去 -- dbus_message_iter_init_append(); dbus_message_iter_append_basic()。然後就可以啟動傳送了 -- dbus_connection_send(); dbus_connection_flush。


建立好dbus連線之後,為這dbus連線命名,申請一個遠程調用通道 -- dbus_message_new_method_call(),注意,在申請遠程調用通道的時候,需要填寫伺服器名,本次調用的接口名,和本次調用名(方法名)。壓入本次調用的參數 -- dbus_message_iter_init_append(); dbus_message_iter_append_basic(),實際上是申請了一個首地址,我們就是把我們真正要傳的參數,往這個首地址裡面送(送完之後一般都會判斷是否記憶體越界了)。然後就是啟動傳送調用並釋放傳送相關的訊息結構 -- dbus_connection_send_with_reply()。這個啟動函式中帶有一個句柄。我們馬上會阻塞等待這個句柄給我們帶回匯流排上回傳的訊息。當這個句柄回傳訊息之後,我們從訊息結構中分離出參數。用dbus提供的函式提取參數的類型和參數 -- dbus_message_iter_init(); dbus_message_iter_next(); dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(); dbus_message_iter_get_basic()。也就達成了我們進行本次遠程調用的目的了。


建立一個dbus連線之後,為這個dbus連線起名,為我們將要進行的訊息循環添加匹配條件(就是通過信號名和信號接口名來進行匹配控制的) -- dbus_bus_add_match()。我們進入等待循環後,只需要對信號名,信號接口名進行判斷就可以分別處理各種信號了。在各個處理分支上。我們可以分離出訊息中的參數。對參數類型進行判斷和其他的處理。
As long as the connection is open, this function will block until it can read or write, then read or write, then return #TRUE.
If the connection is closed, the function returns #FALSE.
Returns the first-received message from the incoming message queue, removing it from the queue. The caller owns a reference to the returned message. If the queue is empty, returns #NULL.
Adds a message to the outgoing message queue. Does not block to write the message to the network; that happens asynchronously. To force the message to be written, call dbus_connection_flush(). Because this only queues the message, the only reason it can
fail is lack of memory. Even if the connection is disconnected, no error will be returned.
@param connection the connection.
@param message the message to write.
@param serial return location for message serial, or #NULL if you don't care
@returns #TRUE on success.
Queues a message to send, as with dbus_connection_send(), but also returns a #DBusPendingCall used to receive a reply to the message. If no reply is received in the given timeout_milliseconds, this function expires the pending reply and generates a synthetic error reply (generated in-process, not by the remote application) indicating that a timeout occurred.
A #DBusPendingCall will see a reply message before any filters or registered object path handlers. See dbus_connection_dispatch() for details on when handlers are run.
A #DBusPendingCall will always see exactly one reply message, unless it's cancelled with dbus_pending_call_cancel().
If #NULL is passed for the pending_return, the #DBusPendingCall will still be generated internally, and used to track the message reply timeout. This means a timeout error will occur if no reply arrives, unlike with dbus_connection_send().
If -1 is passed for the timeout, a sane default timeout is used. -1 is typically the best value for the timeout for this reason, unless you want a very short or very long timeout. There is no way to avoid a timeout entirely, other than passing INT_MAX for the
timeout to mean "very long timeout." libdbus clamps an INT_MAX timeout down to a few hours timeout though.
@warning if the connection is disconnected, the #DBusPendingCall will be set to #NULL, so be careful with this.
@param connection the connection
@param message the message to send
@param pending_return return location for a #DBusPendingCall object, or #NULL if connection is disconnected
@param timeout_milliseconds timeout in milliseconds or -1 for default
@returns #FALSE if no memory, #TRUE otherwise.
Checks whether the message is a signal with the given interface and member fields. If the message is not #DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL, or has a different interface or member field, returns #FALSE.
Initializes a #DBusMessageIter for reading the arguments of the message passed in.
Moves the iterator to the next field, if any. If there's no next field, returns #FALSE. If the iterator moves forward, returns #TRUE.
Returns the argument type of the argument that the message iterator points to. If the iterator is at the end of the message, returns #DBUS_TYPE_INVALID.
Reads a basic-typed value from the message iterator. Basic types are the non-containers such as integer and string.
Constructs a new message representing a signal emission. Returns #NULL if memory can't be allocated for the message. A signal is identified by its originating object path, interface, and the name of the signal.
Path, interface, and signal name must all be valid (the D-Bus specification defines the syntax of these fields).
@param path the path to the object emitting the signal
@param interface the interface the signal is emitted from
@param name name of the signal
@returns a new DBusMessage, free with dbus_message_unref()
Initializes a #DBusMessageIter for appending arguments to the end of a message.
@param message the message
@param iter pointer to an iterator to initialize
Appends a basic-typed value to the message. The basic types are the non-container types such as integer and string.
@param iter the append iterator
@param type the type of the value
@param value the address of the value
@returns #FALSE if not enough memory
Constructs a new message to invoke a method on a remote object. Returns #NULL if memory can't be allocated for the message. The destination may be #NULL in which case no destination is set; this is appropriate when using D-Bus in a peer-to-peer context (no message bus). The interface may be #NULL, which means that if multiple methods with the given name exist it is which one will be invoked.
The path and method names may not be #NULL.
Destination, path, interface, and method name can't contain any invalid characters (see the D-Bus specification).
@param destination name that the message should be sent to or #NULL
@param path object path the message should be sent to
@param interface interface to invoke method on, or #NULL
@param method method to invoke
@returns a new DBusMessage, free with dbus_message_unref()
Connects to a bus daemon and registers the client with it. If a connection to the bus already exists, then that connection is returned. The caller of this function owns a reference to the bus.
@param type bus type
@param error address where an error can be returned.
@returns a #DBusConnection with new ref
Asks the bus to assign the given name to this connection by invoking the RequestName method on the bus.
First you should know that for each bus name, the bus stores a queue of connections that would like to own it. Only one owns it at a time - called the primary owner. If the primary owner releases the name or disconnects, then the next owner in the queue atomically takes over.
So for example if you have an application org.freedesktop.TextEditor and multiple instances of it can be run, you can have all of them sitting in the queue. The first one to start up will receive messages sent to org.freedesktop.TextEditor, but if that one exits another will become the primary owner and receive messages.
The queue means you don't need to manually watch for the current owner to disappear and then request the name again.
@param connection the connection
@param name the name to request
@param flags flags
@param error location to store the error
@returns a result code, -1 if error is set
給DBusConnection起名字(命名) -- 兩個相互通信的連線(connection)不能同名
命名規則: xxx.xxx (zeng.xiaolong)
Adds a match rule to match messages going through the message bus. The "rule" argument is the string form of a match rule.
@param connection connection to the message bus
@param rule textual form of match rule
@param error location to store any errors
Block until the pending call is completed. The blocking is as with dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(); it does not enter the main loop or process other messages, it simply waits for the reply in question.
If the pending call is already completed, this function returns immediately.
@todo when you start blocking, the timeout is reset, but it should really only use time remaining since the pending call was created. This requires storing timestamps instead of intervals in the timeout
@param pending the pending call
Gets the reply, or returns #NULL if none has been received yet. Ownership of the reply message passes to the caller. This function can only be called once per pending call, since the reply message is tranferred to the caller.
@param pending the pending call
@returns the reply message or #NULL.
安裝後,頭檔案位於"/usr/include/dbus-<版本號>/dbus"目錄中,編譯使用D-Bus的程式時需加入編譯指令"`pkg-config --cflags --libs dbus-1`"。
3. D-Bus的用例
  1. #include // 包含glib庫
  2. #include // 包含  glib庫中D-Bus管理庫
  3. #include
  4. static gboolean send_ding(DBusConnection *bus);// 定義傳送訊息函式的原型
  5. int main ()
  6. {
  7. GMainLoop *loop; // 定義一個事件循環對象的指針
  8. DBusConnection *bus; // 定義匯流排連線對象的指針
  9. DBusError error; // 定義D-Bus錯誤訊息對象
  10. loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); // 創建新事件循環對象
  11. dbus_error_init (&error); // 將錯誤訊息對象連線到D-Bus
  12. // 錯誤訊息對象
  13. bus = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);// 連線到匯流排
  14. if (!bus) { // 判斷是否連線錯誤
  15. g_warning("連線到D-Bus失敗: %s", error.message);
  16. // 使用GLib輸出錯誤警告信息
  17. dbus_error_free(&error); // 清除錯誤訊息
  18. return 1;
  19. }
  20. dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main(bus, NULL);
  21. // 將匯流排設為接收GLib事件循環
  22. g_timeout_add(1000, (GSourceFunc)send_ding, bus);
  23. // 每隔1000ms調用一次send_ding()函式
  24. // 將匯流排指針作為參數
  25. g_main_loop_run(loop); // 啟動事件循環
  26. return 0;
  27. }
  28. static gboolean send_ding(DBusConnection *bus) // 定義發  送訊息函式的細節
  29. {
  30. DBusMessage *message; // 創建訊息對象指針
  31. message = dbus_message_new_signal("/com/burtonini/dbus/ding",
  32. "com.burtonini.dbus.Signal",
  33. "ding"); // 創建訊息對象並標識路徑
  34. dbus_message_append_args(message,
  35. DBUS_TYPE_STRING, "ding!",
  36. DBUS_TYPE_INVALID); //將字元串Ding!定義為訊息
  37. dbus_connection_send(bus, message, NULL); // 傳送該訊息
  38. dbus_message_unref(message); // 釋放訊息對象
  39. g_print("ding!\n"); // 該函式等同與標準輸入輸出
  40. return TRUE;
  41. }
  1. #include // 包含glib庫
  2. #include // 包含glib庫中D-Bus管理庫
  3. static DBusHandlerResult signal_filter // 定義接收訊息函式的原型
  4. (DBusConnection *connection, DBusMessage *message, void *user_data);
  5. int main()
  6. {
  7. GMainLoop *loop; // 定義一個事件循環對象的指針
  8. DBusConnection *bus; // 定義匯流排連線對象的指針
  9. DBusError error; // 定義D-Bus錯誤訊息對象
  10. loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); // 創建新事件循環對象
  11. dbus_error_init(&error); // 將錯誤訊息對象連線到D-Bus
  12. // 錯誤訊息對象
  13. bus = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error); // 連線到匯流排
  14. if (!bus) { // 判斷是否連線錯誤
  15. g_warning("連線到D-Bus失敗: %s", error.message);
  16. // 使用GLib輸出錯誤警告信息
  17. dbus_error_free(&error); // 清除錯誤訊息
  18. return 1;
  19. }
  20. dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main(bus, NULL);
  21. // 將匯流排設為接收GLib事件循環
  22. dbus_bus_add_match(bus, "type='signal',interface  ='com.burtonini.dbus.Signal'"); // 定義匹配器
  23. dbus_connection_add_filter(bus, signal_filter, loop, NULL);
  24. // 調用函式接收訊息
  25. g_main_loop_run(loop); // 啟動事件循環
  26. return 0;
  27. }
  28. static DBusHandlerResult // 定義接收訊息函式的細節
  29. signal_filter (DBusConnection *connection,   DBusMessage *message, void *user_data)
  30. {
  31. GMainLoop *loop = user_data; // 定義事件循環對象的指針,並與主函式中的同步
  32. if (dbus_message_is_signal // 接收連線成功訊息,判斷是否連線失敗
  33. (message, DBUS_INTERFACE_ORG_FREEDESKTOP_LOCAL,  "Disconnected")) {
  34. g_main_loop_quit (loop); // 退出主循環
  36. }
  37. if (dbus_message_is_signal(message, "com.burtonini.dbus.Signal",
  38. "Ping")) {
  39. // 指定訊息對象路徑,判斷是否成功
  40. DBusError error; // 定義錯誤對象
  41. char *s;
  42. dbus_error_init(&error); // 將錯誤訊息對象連線到D-Bus錯誤
  43. // 訊息對象
  44. if (dbus_message_get_args // 接收訊息,並判斷是否有錯誤
  45. (message, &error, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &s,   DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) {
  46. g_print("接收到的訊息是: %s\n", s); // 輸出接收到的訊息
  47. dbus_free (s); // 清除該訊息
  48. }
  49. else { // 有錯誤時執行下列語句
  50. g_print("訊息已收到,但有錯誤提示: %s\n", error.message);
  51. dbus_error_free (&error);
  52. }
  54. }
  56. }


