- 外文名:consolidate
- 詞性:動詞(v.)
- 釋義:鞏固,使固定;聯合
- 1The question is: will the junta consolidate its power by force?問題是,這個軍政府會通過武力來鞏固它的政權嗎?《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 2Cooper and her colleagues argue that a "town of culture" award could consolidate the town city ties in Britain.庫珀和她的同事們認為,“文化之城”獎可以鞏固英國城鎮與城市間的聯繫。
- 3The new release will be a LTS release, so it will likely be more conservative than other releases and consolidate on the many changes over the past year.這個新發行將是一個長期支持發行,所以,它將可能比其他發行更加保守,鞏固過去一年的許多變化。
- 4Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana's four higher education boards.查爾斯·施瓦茨法官給該州60天解散且合併路易斯安那的4個高等教育委員會。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 5Changes in the competitive dynamics of this fragmented industry are at last making it feasible for wholesalers to consolidate.這個支離破碎的行業競爭動態的變化,終於使批發商整合成為可能。
- 6For most of us, the best plan is to take in new information in the morning and then try to consolidate it into memory during the afternoon.對於我們大多數人來說,最好的方案是在早上學習新知識,然後在下午努力鞏固來加深記憶。
- 7If you have a phone in your dorm or apartment, a cell phone, and any other phone numbers, consolidate them into one number with Google Voice.如果你的宿舍或公寓有電話、手機或其他任何電話號碼,可以通過谷歌聲音把它們集成為一個號碼。
- 8With the LCL container car shipping option, shipping companies consolidate items from multiple customers.有了合裝貨櫃汽車運輸這一選擇,公司可以合併來自多個客戶的貨物。
- 9Consolidate email accounts.聯合郵件賬戶。
- 10There is a lot to consolidate.BBC要鞏固的地方的確很多。
- 11What do they have to consolidate?他們還有什麼可鞏固的?
- 12Then they'll also consolidate servers.他們還將鞏固伺服器。
- 13It helped the junta consolidate its grip.這幫助軍人集團鞏固了他們對局勢的掌控。
- 14What criteria will be used to consolidate records?將使用什麼標準來合併記錄?
- 15Consolidate and complete the change management process.鞏固並且完成變更管理處理過程。
- 16We think it's time to consolidate our position by merging.我們認為現在是通過合併來加強我們公司的時候了。
- 17Consolidate like work with other enterprises within the cloud?能否鞏固與雲計算內的其他企業的協作?
- 18Second, consolidate the existing international legal framework.第二,切實鞏固現有核安全國際法框架。
- 19Consolidate, if you can, into one bottle and toss the rest.如果能做到的話,把它們合到一個瓶子裡扔掉其它的空瓶。
- 20Why consolidate all the data when only 20% is actively used?為什麼合併其中僅有 20% 經常用到的所有數據?
- 21He believed that the European Economic Community should consolidate.他認為歐洲經濟共同體應該加強。
- 22Babur stayed in Delhi to consolidate his power, but he hated India.巴布爾待在德里以鞏固他的權力,但他討厭印度。
- 23But first the rebels will have to consolidate control over the country.但是首先叛軍必須要鞏固對利比亞各地的控制。
- 24It may serve to consolidate and stabilize memories for later processing.這套系統的作用是為後面要處理的任務鞏固並維持記憶。
- 25But her immediate task will be to consolidate Argentina's economic recovery.但是她迫在眉睫的任務是鞏固阿根廷的經濟復甦。
- 26On taking office Mr Yanukovich's immediate instinct was to consolidate power.亞努科維奇一上台,就本能地鞏固自己的權利。
- 27Pick a publishing tool and set up a place to consolidate team information.選擇一個發布工具並創建一個整合團隊資料的地點。