

comprehensive,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞名詞,主要意思為“ 綜合性的,全面的;有理解力的”等。


  • 外文名:comprehensive
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞
  • 類別:英語單詞
  • 單詞發音:英[ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv]美[ˌkɑːmprɪˈhensɪv]


英 [ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv] 美 [ˌkɑːmprɪˈhensɪv]
adj. 綜合性的,全面的;有理解力的
n. 綜合中學;專業綜合測驗
[ 複數 comprehensives 比較級 more comprehensive 最高級 most comprehensive ]


comprehensive evaluation 綜合評價,綜合評價法
comprehensive analysis 綜合分析
comprehensive utilization 綜合利用
comprehensive quality 綜合素質
comprehensive treatment 綜合治理;綜合治療;綜合處理
comprehensive national power 綜合國力
comprehensive review 全面審查
comprehensive solution 全面解答;全解脫
comprehensive national strength 綜合國力
comprehensive plan 全面計畫;整體規劃
comprehensive planning 綜合規劃;全面計畫
comprehensive experiment 綜合實驗
comprehensive university 綜合性大學
comprehensive education 綜合教育;全面教育
comprehensive examination 綜合考試;綜合測驗
improve the comprehensive quality 提高綜合素質
comprehensive english 綜合英語
comprehensive insurance n. 綜合保險
comprehensive trading company 綜合貿易公司
comprehensive energy consumption 綜合能耗


  • 1Streaming within comprehensive schools is common practice.綜合中學常把學生按能力分班。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The idea was to create a comprehensive road map of the Web.這個想法原是為全球資訊網做一個綜合指南。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The Rough Guide to Nepal is a comprehensive guide to the region.《尼泊爾概覽》是介紹該地區的一本全面指南。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4He was educated at his local comprehensive school and then at Oxford.他先在地方綜合學校然後在牛津大學接受教育。《牛津詞典》
  • 5First, they are also adding news briefs and comprehensive indexes.首先,他們還增加了新聞簡報和綜合索引。
  • 6Specifically, their questions became more comprehensive at the new exhibit.具體來說,他們的問題在新展覽中變得更加全面了。
  • 7His comprehensive surveys have provided statements of how data are collected.他的綜合調查提供了關於如何收集數據的陳述。
  • 8His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious.他對鐘擺附錄的全面理解是顯而易見的。
  • 9It's quite clear from my visit, this is a full size, comprehensive university.從我的訪問來看,很明顯這是一所規模完整的綜合性大學。
  • 10His comprehensive surveys have provided the statements of how data are collected.他全面的調查給出了關於如何收集數據的陳述。
  • 11His works on the absurdity and sufferings of life create the most comprehensive irony.他的作品對生活中的荒謬和苦難進行了最全面的反諷。
  • 12The police officers decided to conduct a thorough and comprehensive review of the case.警方決定對這起案件進行一次徹底全面的審查。
  • 13We offer a comprehensive range of express delivery options for a small additional charge.我們提供全面的快遞服務,只收取少量的額外費用。
  • 14Public schools were organized into one system of comprehensive schools for ages 7 through 16.公立學校被組織成一個為7至16歲學生服務的綜合學校系統。
  • 15The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this.全面支出審查讓政府有機會幫助糾正這一問題。
  • 16Extensive reading plays a crucial role in improving the comprehensive skills in English learning.泛讀在提高英語學習綜合技能方面起著至關重要的作用。
  • 17A genuinely comprehensive medical practice does not have to include leeches, the eye of newt, or dragon dung.真正全面的醫學實踐並不一定要包括水蛭、蠑螈之眼或龍糞。
  • 18Chetty has not yet issued a comprehensive analysis of the relative predictive power of each of these factors.切蒂還沒有對這些因素中每一個的相對預測能力進行全面分析。
  • 19Tipping is a kind of comprehensive social phenomenon, which is related to social custom and economic significance.小費是一種綜合性的社會現象,它與社會習俗和經濟意義有關。
  • 20Plausible as this seems, it is still a theory and based on our more comprehensive knowledge of land-based animals.這似乎是合理的,但它仍然是一種理論,這個理論是基於我們對陸生動物的更全面的認識。
  • 21The country's achievements in education have other nations doing their homework at Kirkkojarvi Comprehensive School in Espoo.該國在教育方面取得的成就讓其他國家在埃斯波的科克雅爾維綜合學校下功夫。
  • 22Fourthly, oppose trade protectionism and facilitate early, comprehensive and balanced outcomes of the Doha Round Negotiations.第四,反對貿易保護主義,促進多哈回合談判早日取得全面、平衡的成果。
  • 23Sand sculpture, a new and comprehensive art is in perfect harmony with drawing, construction, and outdoor recreational activities.沙雕融雕塑、繪畫、建築、體育、戶外娛樂為一體,是一門新興的綜合性藝術。
  • 24The study found that, among prosecuted firms, those with the most comprehensive CSR programmes tended to get more lenient penalties.研究發現,在被起訴的公司中,那些擁有最全面的企業社會責任計畫的公司往往會得到更寬鬆的處罰。
  • 25To conduct comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, we should always consider economic development as our primary task.要實現全面、協調、可持續發展,我們應該始終把經濟發展作為我們的第一要務。
  • 26Occasionally , a sequence of fossil-rich layers of rock permits a comprehensive look at one type of organism over a long period of time.偶爾,一個富含化石的岩層序列可以讓我們持續並全面地觀察一種生物。
  • 27As we have learned, malaria is an extremely complex disease that can be defeated only through a comprehensive mix of multiple interventions.正如我們所認識到的,瘧疾是一種極其複雜的疾病,只有將全面的多重干預措施結合在一起才能將其挫敗。
  • 28Many people say that comprehensive schools help more children to succeed because they provide everybody with similar opportunities in a fairer way.許多人說綜合性學校幫助更多的孩子成功,因為這類學校以更公平的方式為每個人提供了相似的機會。
  • 29Once a power station, this striking building on the south bank of the Thames is now one of the most comprehensive contemporary art galleries in the world.這座位於泰晤士河南岸的引人注目的建築曾經是一座發電站,現在是世界上最全面的當代藝術畫廊之一。
  • 30Though few comprehensive studies have been conducted, one by the University of Washington investigated how drug sample availability affected what physicians prescribe.儘管人們幾乎沒有進行過全面的研究,但是華盛頓大學的一項研究調查了藥品樣本的可獲得性對醫生開的處方的影響。


