



  • 外文名:revitalization
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˌriːˌvaɪtəlaɪˈzeɪʃn]
  • 美式發音:[ˌriːˌvaɪtələˈzeɪʃn]


revitalization revitalization 新生
revitalization team 振興工作隊
october revitalization 十月復興運動
land revitalization 土地整理
landscape revitalization 景觀復興
comprehensive revitalization 綜合整治
Community Revitalization 社區復興
culture revitalization 文化振興


  • 118-hour cities combine the best of 24-hour and 9-5 cities, which contributes to downtown revitalization.十八小時城市結合了二十四小時城市和朝九晚五城市的優勢,促使了城市中心的復甦。
  • 2But then in 1993, the NIH Revitalization Act was signed into law.但後來在1993年,《美國國家衛生研究院復興法》通過簽署成為法律。
  • 3We will continue to promote restructuring and revitalization in key industries.繼續推進重點產業調整振興。
  • 4For China's national industry revitalization to make its due contributions!為中國的民族工業的振興作出自己應有的貢獻!
  • 5Whenever chamois dries up and becomes hard, Soak it in water for revitalization.每當羚羊烘乾和艱苦成為,浸泡它在水中為復活。
  • 6This project typifies the design legacy commitment of the Regent Park revitalization program.該項目明確化了攝政公園振興計畫在遺產保護方面的承諾。
  • 7"Sustainable tourism" theory put forward related to tourism, the revitalization and prosperity.可持續性觀光“理論的提出關係到旅遊業的振興和繁榮。”
  • 8Reason: The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.原因:對於任何機構,最可靠的成功途徑是通過新領導階層帶來革新。
  • 9Reason: : The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.原因:對於任何機構,最可靠的成功途徑是通過新領導階層帶來革新。 侀。
  • 10Reason: : The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.理由:對任何事業而言,取得成功最保險的途徑就是聘用新生力量擔當領導。
  • 11I invite you to join me on this journey of reaffirmation, remembrance, reform, and revitalization!請你們和我一起來重申、回顧、革新和重振旗鼓!
  • 12Reason: The surest path to success for any enterprise is a revitalization through new leadership.理由:對於任何機構而言,走向成功的最可靠的途徑就是通過新領導層實現革新。
  • 13Still, it’s an interesting concept that could inform future urban planning and revitalization projects.儘管如此,對於未來城市規劃和城市復新工程來說,這依然是一種有價值的概念。
  • 14No, at least I do not view the web services programming model as a reappearance or revitalization of CORBA.不,至少我不把Web服務編程模型看作是CORBA的再現或再生。
  • 15The revitalization of the Chinese, nor indeed the need for more blacksmith, rather than empty talk "doctrine".而中華振興,也的確需要更多的鐵匠,而不是空談“主義”者。
  • 16Nivea Man did't revitalization the same as the advertisement, it seems I should psychological adjustment first.妮維雅並沒有像廣告中那樣使人恢復活力,看來氣色真的需要首先調節心理。
  • 17Company "s discrete essence is the revitalization of company" s property right structure, repartition of the assets.公司分立的實質是公司產權結構的重新調整,資產的重新劃分。
  • 18Selling Saab is a key element of GM's revitalization strategy, but the U. S. auto maker has struggled to seal a deal.出售薩博是通用汽車重組戰略的關鍵要素,但這家美國公司一直難於達成一項協定。
  • 19The project is the first step in the area's larger revitalization plan to link the canal network and Glasgow's City Center.這個項目是連線運河系統和格拉斯哥城市中心的一個巨觀復興項目的第一步。
  • 20The Foshan Plan aims at providing a new model for historic conservation and revitalization that can be applied throughout China.佛山計畫旨在提供一個歷史性的新模式的保護和振興,可以適用於整箇中國。
  • 21I was in real estate, mainly urban revitalization, and Marcia was a social worker, which she'd been for most of our married life.我在房地產業工作,主要是城區重建,而瑪西婭是社工,我們婚後的大部分時間裡她都做這個。
  • 22Work continues, to support the revitalization of health services within communities, and to provide appropriate counselling and care.工作仍在繼續,以支持恢復社區的衛生服務,提供適當的諮詢和護理。
  • 23Your regional health sector strategy on HIV lists five critical priorities for the region. Revitalization of primary health care heads the list.在本區域,衛生部門防治愛滋病毒戰略列出了區域五大重點,振興初級衛生保健成為重中之重。
  • 24The author analyzes the existing problems and the successful cases of the Chinese traditional brands, indicating the approaches to revitalization.分析了中國老字號存在的問題、不敗的關鍵,以及重振的途徑;
  • 25This paper suggests a bottom-up approach to language revitalization, emphasizing the importance of "privatization" of language and self-empowerment.本文主張由下而上的草根性運動,強調自我掌控私人語言的使用,以自我增權的方式維持母語。
  • 26Japan is advanced in its railway traffic system, whose commerce near the railways has experienced such a course of blossom, downfall and revitalization.日本是軌道交通比較發達的國家,其鐵路樞紐的商業開發曾經歷了興旺—衰敗—振興的過程。
  • 27Me time, then, is a period of time when a woman can put herself first and do something that she particularly enjoys to aid relaxation and revitalization.由此,me time就是一段可以讓女性把自己放在首位,可以做一些自己喜歡的事情來放鬆自己並幫助自己重新煥發活力的時間。
  • 28In fact, based on this highly potential and the development of a comprehensive community revitalization businesses to adapt to each other is entirely possible.其實,在此基礎上高度開發社會潛力和全面振興各行各業來相互適應是完全可能的。
  • 29Education is a fundamental revitalization of the country and nation, promoting quality education is placed in front of our country and nation a very urgent task.教育是振興國家和民族的根本,推進素質教育是擺在我們國家和民族面前一項非常緊迫的任務。
  • 30It involves a full assessment and revitalization of an organization's business applications and systems — both internal processing and customer-facing applications.它包括完整的評估以及企業業務應用程式和系統的改進——內部處理和面向客戶的應用程式


