- 外文名:comminution
- 詞性:名詞
- 發音:[,kɑmə'njʊʃən]
- 釋義:粉碎;搗碎
粉碎機械(Comminution Machine)是套用機械力對固體物料進行粉碎作業,使之變為小塊、細粉或粉末的機械。粉碎機械是破碎機械和粉磨機械的總稱。兩者通常安排料粒度的大小作大致的區分:排料中粒度大於3毫米的含量占總排料量50%以上者稱為破碎機械;小於3毫米的含量占總排料量50%以上者則稱為粉磨機械。有時也將粉...
USA ( 2003)[6] Dr. N. Stehr Residence. Time Distribution in a Stirred Ball Mill and their Effect on Comminution. Chem.Eng.Process.,18 (1984) 73-83 作者簡介:姓名: 雷立猛(1978年06月),性別:男 民族:漢,籍貫:湖南,學位:工學博士,職務:銷售總監,主要研究方向:納米粉體研磨,
ultrafine comminution 超細粉碎設備種類很多,主要有三類:①振動磨 磨體是一個裝載研磨體的筒體,用彈簧支承。筒內有一球形偏心轉子,由電動機直接帶動,作高速旋轉(1000~3000r/min)。慣性離心力使筒體在垂直和水平兩個方向上作高頻振動,置於筒內研磨體之間的粉料,在研磨體高頻衝擊和研磨作用下磨細。若用圓柱...
UNIT TWO COMMINUTION (粉碎)Lesson One Principles of Comminution(粉碎原理)Lesson Two Comminution Theory and Grindability(粉碎學說與可磨度)Lesson Three Primary Crushers(粗碎破碎機)Lesson Four Secondary Crushers(二段破碎機)Lesson Five Grinding Mills(磨礦機)(I)Lesson Six Grinding Mills(磨礦機)(Ⅱ)UNIT ...
porphyrization porphyrization,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“研細,粉碎”。短語搭配 porphyrization equipment 粉碎設備 superfine porphyrization technology 超細粉碎技術 ink porphyrization and ink redeposit 油墨研細和油墨再沉積 同近義詞 comminution,pulverization ...
44. Kirane, K.; Su, Y.; Bazant, Z. P.*, Strain-Rate-Dependent Microplane Model for High-Rate Comminution of Concrete under Impact Based on Kinetic Energy Release Theory. Proceedings of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2015, 471(2182), 20150535.43. Su, ...
1.Comminution property of bauxite and selective separation of Al and Si in bausite,mineral processing and extractive metallurgy,2008 2.Disintegration mode of bauxite and selective separation of Al and Si,mineral prosessing, 2007 3.Investigation on the leaching of pyrite in a germ-free system, ...
A.Tordesillas, E.Liu. Evolution of mesoscopic granular clusters in comminution systems: a structural mechanics model of grain breakage and force chain buckling. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 2015, 27: 105-132. (SCI)Liu Enlong, Hai-Sui Yu, Deng Gang et al. Numerical Analysis of the ...
圖3股骨遠端早期骨髓炎的矢狀面MRI顯示股骨遠端乾骺端的信號增強,伴有繼發的一個骨膜下小膿腫。Additionally, in complex proximal tibial fractures, comminution often extends posteriorly, further complicating stable lag screw fixation.另外,在複雜的脛骨平台骨折,骨折粉碎可以延伸至後側,不利於穩定螺釘的固定。
2017年被Coalition for Energy Efficient Comminution授予年度技術研究獎章 2017年指導學生獲得第二屆全國高等學校礦物加工工程工程專業學生實踐作品大賽三等獎 2016年指導學生獲得第一屆全國高等學校礦物加工工程工程專業學生實踐作品大賽三等獎 2016年09月被福州大學紫金礦業學院評為“優秀大學生導師”2015年獲國家留學基金...
Study on Ultrafine Comminution and Its Mechanism of Hard Kaolin Journal of Wuhan University of Tech. 1997.1-2.12:19~24 Application of Microbial Technology to Mineral Processing Journal of Wuhan University of Tech. 2000 微生物浸出煤系高嶺土中黃鐵礦的初步研究 武漢工業大學學報 2000.2.22:8~14 CM...
Chao Li, Shouye Yang, Ergang Lian, Lei Bi, Zhaofeng Zhang, A review of comminution age method and its potential application in the East China Sea to constrain the time scale of sediment source-to-sink process,Journal of Ocean University of China, 2015, 14(3): 399-406.王晨羽, 連爾剛,...
Changes in the pore characteristics of shale during comminution. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2016, 34(5): 676-688. 7. Jing Li, Shixin Zhou, Deliang Fu, Yuanju Li, Yu Ma, Yanan Yang and Chengcheng Li. Oil-source rock correlation for Paleo-oil reservoir in the Puguang gas field, ...
(14)Research on Ultrafine Comminution of Minerals by Thermally Assisted High Pressure Water Jet.Proceedings of the 2007 American WJTA Conference. 19-21 August 2007 Houston Texas,USA;(15) 基於線性最佳化算法的自動配煤控制系統設計.中國煤炭.2011. vol.37(2).66-69 (16)基於VC與MATLAB混編的機械故障...
Its chief suspensibility can be raised to 70% from 34%, because of using airstream comminution process instead of conventional Raymond mill, and selecting suitable adjuvants.由於採用了氣流粉碎技術,取代了傳統的雷蒙機粉碎,並選用了合適了助劑,使農藥可濕性粉劑的主要指標懸浮率由34%提高到70%以上。
or child carpale stunt.且常伴有先天性髖內翻、坐恥骨發育不全、脊柱裂以及兒童腕骨發育滯遲等。The treatment depends on the size of the wedge shaped fragment, its comminution, the degree of dislocation and involvement of the carpale.楔形骨折塊大小、是否粉碎、脫位程度和是否腕骨骨折決定其治療方法。