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2019/01- ,中國科學院西北生態環境資源研究院油氣資源研究中心,副研究員






1. Jing Li, Pengpeng Li, Shixin Zhou, Zexiang Sun, Bingkun Meng, Yaoyu Li. Competitive adsorption of methane and ethane on organic-rich shale at pressure up to 30 MPa: Experimental results and geological implications. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 444: 136617.
2. Jing Li, Shixin Zhou, Deliang Fu, kefei Chen, Chen Zhang, Zexiang Sun, Pengpeng Li. Quantitative gas-in-place comparison of original and bitumen‐free lacustrine shale. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2022, 96(2): 559-570.
3. Jing Li, Pengpeng Li, Shixin Zhou, Bingkun Meng, Zexiang Sun, Xiaodong Zhang. Opposite Contributions of Types I and II Organic Matter to Nanoporosity in Lacustrine Shale. Natural Resources Research, 2021, 30: 4843-4859.
4. Jing Li, Shixin Zhou, Garri Gaus, Yuanju Li, Yu Ma, Kefei Chen, Yuhong Zhang. Characterization of methane adsorption on shale and isolated kerogen from the Sichuan Basin under pressure up to 60 MPa: Experimental results and geological implications. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2018, 189: 83-93.
5. Jing Li, Shixin Zhou, Yuanju Li, Yu Ma, Yanan Yang and Chengcheng Li. Effect of organic matter on pore structure of mature lacustrine organic-rich shale:A case study of the Triassic Yanchang shale, Ordos Basin, China. Fuel, 2016, 185: 421-431.
6. Jing Li, Shixin Zhou, Deliang Fu, Yuanju Li, Yu Ma, Yanan Yang and Chengcheng Li. Changes in the pore characteristics of shale during comminution. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2016, 34(5): 676-688.
7. Jing Li, Shixin Zhou, Deliang Fu, Yuanju Li, Yu Ma, Yanan Yang and Chengcheng Li. Oil-source rock correlation for Paleo-oil reservoir in the Puguang gas field, northeast Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2016, 34(6): 578-586.
8. Bingkun Meng, Shixin Zhou, Jing Li*, Zexiang Sun. Mantle-Derived Helium Distribution and Tectonic Implications in the Sichuan–Yunnan Block, China. ACS Omega, 2021, 6: 30674-30685.
9. Deliang Fu, Lina Sun, Jing Li*, Zixiang Wang, Tao Tian, Jianming Yao, Zhonghui Duan, Fu Yang. Development mechanism of organic-inorganic composite pores in the shale of the Niutitang Formation at the Huijunba syncline. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021, 14, 1296.
10. Pengpeng Li, Shixin Zhou, Xiaodong Zhang, Jing Li*, Shuo Zhang, Anqi Hou, Chen Guo. Analysis on correlation between nanopores and coal compositions during thermal maturation process. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020, 121, 104608.
11. Kefei Chen, Shixin Zhou, Jing Li*, Chen Zhang, Zexiang Sun, Pengpeng Li, Bingkun Meng. Geochemical Characteristics of Natural Gas and Hydrocarbon Charge History in the Western Qaidam Basin, Northwest China. Geofluids, 2020, 2954758.
12. Pengpeng Li, Xiaodong Zhang, Jing Li*, Jiapan Zhao, Junping Huang, Shuo Zhang, Shixin Zhou. Analysis on the key factors affecting the productivity of coalbed methane wells: A case study of high-rank coal reservoir in central and southern Qinshui Basin, China. ACS Omega, 2020, 5: 28012–28026.
13. Zhiming Wang, Shuo Zhang, Xiaodong Zhang, Pengpeng Li, Jing Li*. Effect of microstructure and chemical composition of coal on methane adsorption, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, 82, 103507.
14. Deliang Fu, Shixin Zhou, Yu Ma, Jing Li*, Guosheng Xu, Tao Tian, Fu Yang. Petroleum accumulation history of Nanbaxian belt — Study of gas generation and fluid phase, northern margin of Qaidam Basin, West of China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 178: 449-458.
15. 李靖, 李源遽, 李朋朋, 周世新, 陳克非, 張臣, 孫澤祥.深層溫壓條件下有機酸熱穩定性模擬研究——以乙酸和乙二酸為例. 沉積學報, 2021, 39(4): 1047-1056.
16. 李靖,周世新,鄭朝陽,王保忠,柳少鵬,張海坤,鞏書華. 川東北地區油氣形成和演化過程中稀土元素地球化學特徵.中國礦業大學學報,2013,42(4):606-615.
17. 李靖,周世新,鞏書華,鄭朝陽,付德亮. 川東北地區烴源岩與儲層瀝青生物標誌物特徵及古油藏油源辨識. 岩性油氣藏,2013,25(3):55-62.


1. 國家自然科學基金-面上項目:富有機質頁岩中氣體吸附—滲流機理研究,60萬元, 2022/01-2025/12,主持。
2. 中國科學院穩定支持基礎研究領域青年團隊計畫-課題:四川盆地富氦氣藏成藏理論及資源潛力預測評價,100萬元,2021/06-2026/06,主持。
3. 中國科學院西部之光人才培養項目(A類):陸相頁岩甲烷/乙烷二元氣體吸附性能及其主控因素研究,50萬元,2020/01-2022/12,主持。
4. 國家自然科學基金-青年項目:頁岩原位含氣量實驗室評價方法的改進, 25萬元,2015/01-2017/12,主持。
5. 油氣資源研究中心“十三五”科技創新基金:基於重量法與體積法相結合的頁岩二元氣體吸附性能測試新方法研究,20萬元,2016/01-2019/12,主持。
6. 中國科學院西部之光人才培養項目(B類):頁岩與其有機質在高壓條件下氣體吸附特徵研究,10萬元,2014/01-2016/12,主持。
7. 中國科學院知識創新工程青年人才領域前沿項目:碎屑岩夾層對鄂爾多斯盆地陸相頁岩原位含氣量的貢獻,8萬元,2015/01-2016/12,主持。
8. 國家科技重大專項專題:柴西複雜構造區深層油氣成藏潛力評價,2016ZX05003002004,248.3萬元,2016/01-2020/12,科研骨幹。
9. 中國科學院先導科技專項(B類)專題:三疊系陸相頁岩的地質特徵,XDB10010103,250萬元,2014/01-2018/12,科研骨幹。
10. 中國石油化工股份有限公司委託項目:南方外圍地區氦氣成藏地質條件研究與區塊優選,35450003-20-ZC0607-0014,152.9萬元,2020/06-2021/12,科研骨幹。


李靖、周世新、魯新川、陳克非、張臣、孫澤祥、李朋朋、張玉紅. 一種重量法與容積法相結合的二元氣體吸附測試方法. 發明專利,專利號:ZL201811608399.6


  1. 頁岩甲烷等溫吸附測定方法 第2部分:重量法,GB/T 35210.2-2020,中華人民共和國國家標準.
  2. 頁岩甲烷等溫吸附測定 重量法,NB/T 10117-2018,中華人民共和國能源行業標準.


