



  • 中文名:蘇業旺
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:研究員
  • 畢業院校:大連理工大學,清華大學


03/2015~今 中國科學院力學研究所,研究員,中科院百人計畫
02/2014~11/2014美國西北大學土木與環境工程系,博士後(w/ Prof. Zdeněk P. Bažant)
03/2011~01/2014美國西北大學土木與環境工程系,博士後(w/ Prof. Yonggang Huang)


頁 岩 氣:水力壓裂問題,準脆性材料的本構關係,材料在高速衝擊下的粉碎行為


共發表文章40多篇,SCI引用600多次,包括多篇JMPS, Nature Communications, PNAS, Small, Advanced Function Materials, IJSS, Langmuir, APL, Soft Matter和JAP等。(*為通訊作者,#為共同第一作者)
1.Su, Y.; Wu, J.; Fan, Z.; Hwang, K.; Song, J.; Huang, Y.; Rogers, J. A., Postbuckling analysis and its application to stretchable electronics. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2012, 60(3), 487-508.
2.Su, Y.; Ji, B.; Hwang, K.; Huang, Y., Micro-buckling in the nanocomposite structure of biological materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2012, 60(10), 1771-1790.
3.He, S.; Su, Y.; Ji, B.; Gao, H., Some basic questions on mechanosensing in cell-substrate interaction. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2014, 70, 116-135.
4.Su, Y.; Wang, S.; Huang, Y.; Luan, H.; Dong, W.; Fan, J. A.; Yang, Q.; Rogers, J. A.; Huang, Y.,Elasticity of fractal inspired interconnects. Small 2015, 11(3), 367-373.
5.Dagdeviren, C.; Su, Y.; Joe, P.; Yona, R.; Liu, Y.; Kim, Y.-S.; Huang, Y.; Damadoran1, A. R.; Xia, J.; Martin, L. W.; Huang, Y.; Rogers, J. A., Conformable, Amplified Lead Zirconate Titanate Sensors with Enhanced Piezoelectric Response for Cutaneous Pressure Monitoring. Nature Communications 2014, 5: 4496.
6.Persano, L.; Dagdeviren, C.; Su, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Girardo, S.; Pisignano, D.; Huang, Y.; Rogers, J. A., High performance piezoelectric devices based on aligned arrays of nanofibers of poly(vinylidenefluoride-co-trifluoroethylene). Nature Communications2013, 4: 1633.
7.Fan, J.A.; Yeo, W-H.; Su, Y.; Hatton, Y.; Lee, W.; Jung, S-Y.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, H.; Falgout, L.; Bajema, M.; Coleman, T.; Gregoire, D.; Larson, R.; Huang, Y.; Rogers, J.A., Fractal Design Concepts for Stretchable Electronics. Nature Communications 2014, 5: 3266
----"Patterns Make Circuits Stretchy" Editors at Nature highlight our work on fractal motifs for stretchable electronics, originally published in Nature Communications” Nature, February, 2014.
8.Dagdeviren, C.;Yang, B-D.; Su, Y.;Tran,P.; Joe, P.; Anderson, E.; Xia, J.; Doraiswamy, V.; Dehdashti, B.; Poston, R.; Khalpey, Z.; Ghaffari, R.; Huang, Y.; Gregoire, D.; Marivin, J..; Rogers, J.A., Conformal, Multilayer Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting and Storage From Motions of the Heart, Lung and Diaphragm.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2014, 111 (5), 1927-1932.
----Many news agencies highlight our work on conformal mechanical energy harvesters for the heart, lung and diaphragm, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA: Popular Mechanics, CBS News, LA Times, BBC News, Chemical and Engineering News, New Scientist, Chemistry World and many others, January 21, 2014.
9.Su, Y.; Liu, Z.; Kim, S.; Wu, J.; Huang, Y.; Rogers, J. A., Mechanics of stretchable electronics with high fill factors. International Journal of Solids and Structures 2012, 49(23-24), 3416-3421.
10.Su, Y.; Liu, Z.; Wang, S.; Ghaffari, R.; Kim, D.-H.; Hwang, K.-C.; Rogers, J. A. and Huang, Y., Mechanics of Stretchable Electronics on Balloon Catheter under Extreme Deformation. International Journal of Solids and Structures2014, 51(7-8), 1555-1561.
11.Su, Y.; Ji, B.; Zhang, K.; Gao, H.; Huang, Y.; Hwang, K., Nano to Micro Structural Hierarchy Is Crucial for Stable Superhydrophobic and Water-Repellent Surfaces. Langmuir 2010, 26 (7), 4984-4989.
12.Su, Y.; Ji, B.; Huang, Y.; Hwang, K., Nature's Design of Hierarchical Superhydrophobic Surfaces of a Water Strider for Low Adhesion and Low-Energy Dissipation. Langmuir 2010, 26 (24), 18926-18937.
13.Li, R.; Cheng, H.;Su, Y.;Hwang, S.-W.; Yin, L.; Tao, H.; Brenckle, M. A.; Kim, D. H.; Omenetto, F. G.; Rogers, J. A.; Huang, Y. G., An Analytical Model of Reactive Diffusion for Transient Electronics. Advanced Functional Materials 2013, 23 (24), 3106-3114.
14.Su, Y.; He, S.; Ji, B.; Huang, Y.; Hwang, K., More evidence of the crucial roles of surface superhydrophobicity in free and safe maneuver of water strider. Applied Physics Letters 2011, 99(26), 263704, 2011, (99), 26, 263704.
15.Su, Y.; He, S.; Hwang, K.; Ji, B. H., Why have not the hairs on the feet of gecko been smaller? Applied Physics Letters 2012, 101, (17).
16.Su, Y.; Ji, B.; Huang, Y.; Hwang, K., Effects of contact shape on biological wet adhesion. Journal of Materials Science 2007, 42, (21), 8885-8893.
17.Li, M.; Xia, J.; Li, R.; Kang, Z.; Su, Y., Design of two-dimensional horseshoe layout for stretchable electronic systems. Journal of Materials Science 2013, 48, (24), 8443-8448.
18.Li, R.; Li, M.; Su, Y.; Song, J.; Ni, X., An analytical mechanics model for the island-bridge structure of stretchable electronics. Soft Matter 2013, 9, 8476-8482.
19.Su, Y.; Li, R.; Cheng, H.; Ying, M.; Bonifas, A. P.; Hwang, K.-C.; Rogers, J. A. and Huang, Y., Mechanics of finger-tip electronics. Journal of Applied Physics 2013, 114, 164511.
20.Su, Y.; Ji, B.; Huang, Y.; Hwang, K., Concave biological surfaces for strong wet adhesion. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 2009, 22(6), 593-604.
21.Bazant, Z. P.; Su, Y., Impact Comminution of Solids Due to Progressive Crack Growth Driven by Kinetic Energy of High-Rate Shear. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 2015, 82, 031007.
22.Su, Y.; Bazant, Z. P.; Zhao, Y.; Salviato, M.; Kirane, K., Viscous Energy Dissipation of Kinetic Energy of Particles Comminuted by High-Rate Shearing in Projectile Penetration, with Potential Ramification to Gas Shale. International Journal of Fracture. In press
23.Kim, S.; Su, Y.; Mihi, A.; Lee, S.; Liu, Z.; Bhandakkar, T. K.; Wu, J.; Geddes, J. B.; Johnson, H. T.; Zhang, Y. W.; Park, J. K.; Braun, P. V.; Huang, Y. G.; Rogers, J. A., Imbricate Scales as a Design Construct for Microsystem Technologies. Small 2012, 8(6), 901-906.
24.Dagdeviren, C.; Hwang, S.-W.; Su, Y.; Kim, S.; Cheng, H.; Gur, O.; Haney, R.; Omenetto, F. G.; Huang, Y.; Rogers, J. A., Transient, Biocompatible Electronics and Energy Harvesters Based on ZnO. Small 2013, 9(20), 3398-3404.
25.Zhang, Y.; Fu, H.; Su, Y.; Xu, S.; Cheng, H.; Fan, J.A.; Hwang, K.-C.; Rogers, J.A.; Huang, Y., Mechanics of ultra-stretchable self-similar serpentine interconnects. Acta Materialia 2013, 61, 7816–7827.
26.Chen, C.; Tao, W.; Su, Y.; Wu, J.; and Song, J.,Lateral Buckling of Interconnectsin a Non-coplanar Mesh Design for Stretchable Electronics. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 2013, 80, 4:041031.
27.Pan, B.; Li, R.; Su, Y.; Wang, B.; Zhong, Y., Analytical bending solutions of clamped rectangular thin plates resting on elastic foundations by the symplectic superposition method.Applied Mathematics Letters2013, 26(3), 355-361.
28.Xu, L.; Gutbrod, S.; Bonifas, A. P.; Su, Y.; Sulkin, M.; Lu, N.; Chung, H.-J.; Jang, K.-I.; Liu, Z.; Ying, M.; Lu, C.; Webb, R. C.; Kim, J.-S.; Laughner, J. I.; Cheng, H.; Liu, Y.; Ameen, A.; Jeong, J.-W.; Kim. G.-T.; Huang, Y.; Efimov, I. R.; Rogers, J. A., 3D Multifunctional Integumentary Membranes for Spatiotemporal Measurement/Stimulation Across the Entire Epicardium. Nature Communications2014, 5: 3329.
----"Wrapped Around the Heart" Clancy and Xiang write a News and Views piece in Nature that highlights our work on 3D electronic membranes for the heart, originally published in Nature Communications” Nature, March, 2014.
----Many news agencies highlight our work on 3D electronic membranes for the heart, published in Nature Communications: NPR, ABC News, CNN, Smithsonian, National Geographic, MIT's Technology Review, New Scientist, Medical Daily, The Scientist and many others, February 28, 2014.
29.Ying, M.; Bonifas, A. P.; Lu, N.; Su, Y.; Li, R.; Cheng, H.; Ameen, A.; Huang, Y. G.; Rogers, J. A., Silicon nanomembranes for fingertip electronics. Nanotechnology 2012, 23(34), 344004.
----Many news agencies highlight our work on fingertip electronics: Wall Street Journal, Nanowerk, Science Daily, New Scientist, Innovation News Daily, Science NOW and many others August 2012.
30.Yu, C.; Duan, Z.; Yuan, P.; Li, Y.; Su, Y.; Zhang, X.; Pan, Y.; Dai, L.; Nuzzo, R.; Huang, Y.; Jiang, H.; Rogers, J. A., Electronically Programmable, Reversible Shape Change in Two- and Three-Dimensional Hydrogel Structures. Advanced Materials 2013, 25, (11), 1541-1546.
31.Wang, S.; Li, M.; Wu, J.; Kim, D.-H.; Lu, N.; Su, Y.; Kang, Z.; Huang, Y.; Rogers, J. A., Mechanics of Epidermal Electronics. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME 2012, 79,031022.
32.Xu, S.; Zhang, Y.; Cho, J.; Lee, J.; Huang, X.; Jia, L.; Fan, J.; Su, Y.; Su, J.; Zhang, H.; Cheng, H.; Lu, B.; Yu, C.; Chuang, C.; Kim, T.; Song, T.; Shigeta, K.; Kang, S.; Dagdeviren, C.; Petrov, I.; Braun, P.; Huang, Y.; Paik, U.; Rogers, J. A., Stretchable batteries with self-similar serpentine interconnects and integrated wireless recharging systems. Nature Communications 2013, 4:1543.
----Many news agencies highlight our work on stretchable, rechargable lithium ion batteries, published in Nature Communications: Popular Science, CBS News, NBC News, BBC News, PC Magazine and many others, February 28, 2013.
33.Jeong, J.-W.; Yeo, W.-H.; Akhtar, A.; Norton, J.; Kwack, Y.-J.; Li, S., Jung, S.-Y.; Su, Y.; Lee, W.; Xia, J.; Cheng, H.; Huang, Y.; Choi, W.-S.; Bretl, T. W. and Rogers, J. A., Materials and optimized designs for human-machine interfaces via epidermal electronics. Advanced Materials 2013, 25(47), 6839-6846.
34.Kim, D.-H.; Ghaffari, R.; Lu, N.; Wang, S.; Lee, S.; Keum, H.; D'Angelo, R.; Klinker, L.; Su, Y.; Lu, C.; Kim, Y.; Ameen, A.; Li, Y.; Zhang, Y.; de Graff, B.; Hsu, Y.; Liu, Z.; Ruskin, J.; Xu, L.; Lu, C.; Omenetto, F.; Huang, Y.; Mansour, M.; Slepian, M.; Rogers, J. A., Electronic sensor and actuator webs for large-area complex geometry cardiac mapping and therapy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012, 109(49), 19910-19915.
35.Yin, L.; Cheng, H.; Mao, S.; Haasch, R.; Liu, Y.; Xie, X.; Hwang, S.-W.; Jain, H.; Kang, S.; Su, Y.; Li, R.; Huang, Y. and Rogers, J. A.,Dissolvable metals for transient electronics. Advanced Materials 2014, 24(5), 645-658.
36.Hattori, Y.; Falgout, L.; Lee, W.; Jung, S.-Y.; Poon, E.; Lee, J.; Na, I..; Geisler, A.; Sadhwani, D.; Zhang, Y.; Su, Y.; Wang, X.; Liu, Z.; Xia, J.; Cheng, H.; Webb, R.; Bonifas A.; Won, P.; Jeong J.-W.; Jang, K.-I.; Song, Y.; Nardone, B.; Nodzenski, M.; Fan, J. A.; Huang, Y.; West, D. P.; Paller, A. S.; Alam, M.; Yeo, W.-H.; Rogers, J. A.,Multifunctional Skin-Like Electronics for Quantitative,Clinical Monitoring of Cutaneous Wound Healing. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2014, 3(10), 1597-1607
37.Hwang, S.-W.; Park, G.; Edwards, C.; Corbin, E. A.; Kang, S.-K.; Cheng, H.; Song, J.-K.; Kim, J.-H.; Yu, S.; Ng, J.; Lee, J.; Yee, C.; Bhaduri. B.; Su, Y.; Omennetto, F. G.; Huang, Y.; Bashir, R.; Goddard, L.; Popescu, G.; Lee, K.-M., Rogers, J. A., Dissolution Chemistry and Biocompatibility of Single-Crystalline Silicon Nanomembranes and Associated Materials for Transient Electronics. ACS Nano 2014, 8(6), 5843-5851.
38.Hwang, S.-W.; Tao, H.; Kim, D.-H.; Cheng, H.; Song, J.; Rill, E.; Brenckle, M. A.; Panilaitis, B.; Won, S.; Kim, Y.; Song, Y.; Yu, K.; Ameen, A.; Li, R.; Su, Y.; Yang, M.; Kaplan, D.; Zakin, M.; Slepian, M.; Huang, Y.; Omenetto, F.; Rogers, J. A., A Physically Transient Form of Silicon Electronics. Science 2012, 337(6102), 1640-1644.
----Work on 'transient' electronics appears in >1000 print, web, radio and television news stories, worldwide, following its publication in Science on Sep. 28, 2012.
39.Yu, C.; Li, Y.; Zhang, X.; Huang, X.; Malyarchuk, V.; Wang, S.; Shi, Y.; Gao, L.; Su, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, H.; Huang, Y; Rogers, J. A., Adaptive Optoelectronic Camouflage Systems With Designs Inspired by Cephalopod Skins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2014, 111(36), 12998-13003
40.Huang, Y.; Dong, W.; Huang, T.; Wang, Y.; Xiao, L.; Su, Y.; Yin, Z., Self-similar design for stretchable wireless LC strain sensors. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2015, 224, 36–42.
41.Dagdevirena, C.; Shi, Y.; Joe, P.; Ghaffari, R.; Balooch, G; Usgaonkar, K.; Gur, O.; Tran, P. L.; Crosby, J. R.; Meyer, M.; Su, Y.; Webb, C. R.; Tedesco, A. S.; Slepian, M. J., Huang, Y.; Rogers, J. A. Conformal Piezoelectric Systems for Clinical and Experimental Characterization of Soft Tissue Biomechanics. Nature Materials. Accepted.
42.Su, Y.; Wu, J.; Fan, Z.; Hwang, K.-C.; Huang, Y.; Roger J.A., “Mechanics of Twistable Electronics,” in Stretchable Electronics (ed. Takao Someya), Wiley-Vch, Weinheim, Germany, pp 31-39, 2013.
43.Duan, Y.; Ding, Y., Wang, Y., Su, Y., Huang, Y., “Flexible/Stretchable Piezoelectric Nanofiber Devices”.
44.Fractal design concepts for stretchable electronics. (US)


