v. 把……分類,把……分級;把(信息)歸入保密級別
1Classify them by branch, region, and year.將它們按部門、地區和年份分類。
2Thing is that it's very difficult to classify.問題是很難進行分類。
3This is true regardless of how we classify the service.無論我們如何對服務進行分類,這都是真的。
4Men in the post office classify mail according to places it is to go.郵局裡的人員將信件按寄送地點分類。《新英漢大辭典》
5The major difference seems to be in how they classify their attorneys.主要的區別似乎在於他們如何對他們的律師進行分類。
6Let's think about how we can classify single and double and triple bonds,.我們來考慮一下如何劃分單鍵、雙鍵和三鍵。
7Rather than relying on how others classify you, consider how you identify yourself.與其依賴別人對你的分類,不如考慮一下你如何定義自己。
8The effort to classify and categorise disorders of something as complex as the human mind.對精神障礙的分類和歸類作出的努力就像人類思維那樣複雜。
9Some people are not so fond of pizza. They classify it as junk food, along with greasy French fries, potato chips, and hamburgers.有些人不喜歡吃比薩。他們把它歸類為垃圾食物,和油膩的薯條、薯片、漢堡包一樣。
10Now in a way, Painlevé's films conform to norms of the 20s and 30s, that is, they don't fit very neatly into the categories we use to classify films today.然而在某種程度上,Painlevé 的電影符合20年代和30年代的標準,也就是說,它們不太符合我們現在用來給電影分類的類別。
11If we classify these users by project, then, from a project-by-project point of view, the defect database appears to be unique for each user and each project.如果我們根據項目對這些用戶進行分類,那么從一個個項目的觀點來看,缺陷資料庫看起來對每個用戶和每個項目都是唯一的。
12At the same time, the Net is increasingly populated with spiders, worms, agents and other types of automated beasts designed to penetrate the sites and seek out and classify information.與此同時,網路上的蜘蛛、蠕蟲、代理程式和其他類型的自動化病毒越來越多,這些病毒旨在滲透站點,尋找信息並對其進行分類。
13It is necessary initially to classify the headaches into certain types.起初把頭疼分成若干類別是有必要的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
14Correctly classify and deal with the rubbish!正確地對垃圾進行分類和處理!
15There will still be lots of challenges if we are to classify garbage in a short time.如果我們要在短時間內對垃圾進行分類,仍然會有很多挑戰。
16She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.她猶豫了一下,不知道該將自己歸為哪一類。
17Classify them based on similarities and differences.根據它們的相同點和不同點對它們進行分類。
18There is not enough evidence to classify it as a disease.沒有足夠的證據將它歸類為一種疾病。
19What we seek is a level of knowing that we could classify as beyond a reasonable doubt.我們所尋求的是我們可以將其歸類為凌駕於合理懷疑之上的認知水平。
20The distinction between pheromones and odorants—chemicals that are consciously detected as odors—can be blurry, and some researchers classify pheromones as a type of odorant.信息素和 odorants (被檢測為氣味的化學物質)之間的區別可能是模糊的,一些研究人員將信息素歸類為一種 odorant。
21Cheese is hard to classify.我們很難把乳酪分門別類。
22Since TLUs can classify, they know stuff.既然 TLU 懂得分類,它們就知道素材。
23Create Category Trees to classify projects.創建類別樹來分類項目。
24Publish and classify MathService.wsdl.發布並對MathService . wsdl進行分類。
25These will be used to classify our announcements.這些辭彙將用來對公告進行分類。
26I ask him why he can't classify who is wealthy.我問他為什麼不能界定哪些是富人。
27You can still classify content topics without a scheme.在沒有方案的時候仍然可以對內容進行分類。
28But, first of all, let us classify rhetoric into its varieties.但首先讓我們將修辭學加以分類。