



  • 中文名:讀懂中國:英語視聽說教程
  • 作者:彭靜、盛荔、李於南、劉琳、盧桂華、謝佳
  • 出版時間:2023年8月1日
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787302624400
  • 定價:52 元
  • 印次:1-1
  • 印刷日期:2023.08.17


《讀懂中國視聽說教程》共設8個單元,分別圍繞中國教育、中國味道、中國家庭文化、中國電影市場、中國高等教育國際化、世界遺產在中國、見證中國發展和綠色中國等主題展開。每單元精選三段視聽材料,兼具思想性、時代性、趣味性和實用性。本書通過熱身練習、視聽練習和小組任務學習等多樣化活動提高學生的跨文化能力、思辨能力、中國元素的英語表達能力。本書另配有PPT課件和聽力腳本。 《讀懂中國視聽說教程》可作為非外語專業學生的全校通識課及公共英語選修課、外語專業學生的“思政課”、來華留學生的“中國文化課”教材,也可供國際傳媒和英語愛好者閱讀參考。


Unit 1 Education in China…1
Section A China's Education by Numbers ……………………………………3
Section B Traditional Culture Being Revived in Chinese Schools……………8
Section C Equal Access to Education……………………………………13
Unit 2 Taste of China………………………………………19
Section A Searching for China's Ancient Tea Leaves………………………21
Section B Taking a New-style Chinese Food Back to China ………………27
Section C The Eight Traditional Cuisines of China ………………………34
Unit 3 Family Culture of China…………………………41
Section A Growing Tradition for Chinese Families at Yale…………………43
Section B Childcare in China……………………………48
Section C The Marriage Dilemma in China………………………………55
Unit 4 China's Movie Market………61
Section A China's Sci-fi Movie The Wandering Earth…………………………63
Section B How China Is Changing Hollywood……………………………67
Section C China's Movie Market Continues to Boom ……………………72
Unit 5 The Internationalization of China's Higher Education …………………77
Section A Building a Shared Future—China Helps Malawi Build First Science University……79
Section B Science Majors Are Popular Among Foreign Students in China …84
Section C Times Higher Education Ranking………………………………89
Unit 6 World Heritage in China…………………………95
Section A Four Sisters Await for Adventures ………………………………97
Section B Cultural Inheritance in Xi'an………………………………………101
Section C Quanzhou: Emporium of the World in Song-Yuan China………107
Unit 7 Witnessing China's Development………………115
Section A Amazing China's High-speed Rail……………………………117
Section B AI Technology in China……………………………………121
Section C Inside China's Future Factory …………………………………125
Unit 8 Green China…………………………………………131
Section A China's Carbon Trading Market…………………………………133
Section B A Civilization May Thrive Only if Its Natural Surroundings Thrive……138
Section C Why China Starts to Classify Its Garbage………………………143
Appendix Keys to Exercises……149


