簡介(Intro),技術(Tech),德國奧普泰克(Opto Tech),比利時A R(Automation and Robotics ),產品(Products),
頂尖光學只與國際光學領域中最具領導地位的夥伴一起合作,提供最尖端的產品和技術支持,為您不斷提高生產質量與效率。Toptics Hangzhou Inc. was founded in 2000 and is located in the Hangzhou Hi-Tech industry development zone. Toptics is a joint venture which can supply the products and service for optics and laser field. Our products are included in the high accurate precision optical fabrication machines, ophthalmic and mould fabriction machines, optical measurement instruments and auto control and flow line for ophthalmic industry. In the same time, we also develop the measurement instruments such as Gonio meter.
Toptics only co-operate with the leaders in the optical industry and supplies the top quality products and techical support.
德國奧普泰克(Opto Tech)
Since its foundation in the year 1985, the OptoTech name has been associated with innovation and technological progress in the precision optics sector. Moreover, for over 20 years now, OptoTech has stood for precision and reliability, and for a unique capability when it comes to experience and knowledge in the production of high-quality optics. This makes OptoTech the prefered partner of the major manufacturers of precision optics worldwide.
比利時A R(Automation and Robotics )
Since 1983, Automation & Robotics has always been synonymous of innovation and customer-friendliness.
We first entered the ophthalmic industry, by collaborating with the Belgian company Buchmann. That is when our first control and packaging unit for stock lenses came to be.