- 出版國家::GERMANY
- 出版周期::Semimonthly
- 出版年份::1968
- 語言::English
簡介THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS 出版國家:GERMANY 出版商:Berlin, New York, Springer 出版周期:Semimonthly 出版年份:1968 語言:English 影響因子:3.658 ISSN...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2003, 107: 1321-1330. (SCI, IF 3.063).Yueming Yan, Hsam, S.L.K., Yu, J. and Zeller, F.J., Allelic ...
《Theoretical and Applied Genetics》編委 《Current Opinion in Plant Biology》編委 《BMC Genomics》編委 [22] 張啟發人物評價 編輯 張啟發致力於套用生物技術進行...
在Molecular Biology and Evolution, BMC Biology, Genetics, Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, Journal of Experimental Biology, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 107, 1492-1499。15. Song ZP,, Lu BR, Zhu YG, Chen JK (2003) Gene flow from cultivated rice to the wild species ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2002, 105, 1050-1057. [1] 中文百科內容由網友共同編輯,如您發現自己的詞條內容不準確或不完善,歡迎使用本人詞條編輯服務(...
在《Theoretical and Applied Genetics》(TAG)、《Genome》、《Plant Breeding》、《Crop Science》、《Field Crops Research》、《Australasian Plant Pathology》發表...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 1994, 89: 535-539吳為人論著著作 1、《世紀之交863計畫生物高技術叢書·作物DNA標記輔助育種》,科學出版社,2001...
研究結果在Molecular Ecology、Theoreticaland Applied Genetics、Euphytica、Hereditas、Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution、《科學通報》、《高技術通訊》、《遺傳學報...
FEBS Letters, Plant Systematics and Evolution, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Euphytica, Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization & Utilization 和 Journal of...
(三項主持),在Nature、Genome Research、Genetics、Heredity、BMC Plant Biology和Theoretical and Applied Genetics 等國際一流刊物上發表SCI論文30餘篇,被同行引用達...
《Theoretical and Applied Genetics》、《Current Opinion in Plant Biology》、《BMC Genomics》、《Annual Review of Plant Biology》等學術刊物的編委,《Rice》、...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2005,110(3):479–4912.Gao ZS, van de Weg WE, Schaart JG, Schouten HJ, Tran DH, Kodde LP, van der Meer IM, ...
《Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction》, 《Eukaryotic Cell》, 《Fungal Genetics and Biology》, 《Theoretical and Applied Genetics》,《Current Genetics》等學術...
發表論文:以第一或通訊作者在《Plant, Cell & Environment》、《Theoretical and Applied Genetics》、《Genome》、《Molecular Biology Reports》、《Phytopathology》...
3. 在國內外學術刊物發表論文100餘篇,包括美國的《Theoretical and Applied Genetics》、德國的《Plant Breeding》、英國的《Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology》...
在國內外正式刊物發表論文107篇;在Plant Cell Reports、Breeding Science、Theoretical and Applied Genetics、Euphytica、JIPB和Plant Breeding等SCI收錄刊物發表文章7篇,...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2010,121(6):1 071-1 082李仲來. 傅種孫: 中國數學教育的先驅. 見: 顧明遠主編:北京師範大學名人志——學子篇,北京師範大學...
在Genetics, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Plant Science, Euphytica, Science of Bulletin,《科學通報》、《中國農業科學》、《遺傳學報》、《作物學報》等雜誌...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 126, 2267-2277. (IF=3.79)2012Butelli, E., Licciardello, C., Zhang, Y., Liu, J., Mackay, S., Bailey, P., ...
with single-segment substitution lines,Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2008,116(7):923-9312. Detection of QTL on panicle number in rice (Oryza sativa L...
以第一作者身份在PNAS、Journal of Experimental Botany、Theoretical and Applied Genetics和Molecular Breeding等國際重要學術期刊上發表SCI論文7篇。主持國家自然科學...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics117: 963–975. IF2013=3.65813.Lu K, Li JN, Zhong WR, Zhang K, Fu FY, Chai YR (2008) Isolation, characterization ...
包括Journal of Cereal Sciences一篇,Molecular Breeding一篇以及Theoretical and Applied Genetics三篇;並在GenBank註冊小麥和節節麥新基因或等位變異26個,產生了較大...
napusandB. oleracea.Theoretical and Applied Genetics(online)8.Wanshan Xiong, Xiaorong Li, Donghui Fu,Jiaqin Meiet al.(2013)DNA Methylation Alterations at ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 卷號109, 期號2, 頁碼370-376 2004-00-00作者:Liu, P., J. Zhu (朱軍), and L. Yan...
為國內外近20家期刊的審稿人,並擔任期刊Theoretical and Applied Genetics [8] , Molecular Breeding [9] ,BMC Plant Biology [10] 和Journal of Integrative ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics46.Wang, Y., G. L. Reighard, D. R. Layne, A. G. Abbott, H. Huang*. 2005 Inheritance of AFLP markers and their...
L. (2005). The distribution of genetic parameter estimates and confidence intervals from small disconnected diallels. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 110(7...