





1981.9-1985.7 山西農業大學園藝系果樹專業,農學學士學位,優秀畢業生
1985.9-1988.8 山西農業大學園藝系果樹專業,農學碩士學位
2001.2-2005.6 荷蘭瓦赫寧根大學Wageningen University),植物科學(遺傳育種)博士學位


2000.3-2005.12 山西省林業廳實驗苗圃,總工程師兼研究和開發科科長。
① 1997年1月-1998年12月,由山西省政府留學基金和荷蘭國際農業中心IAC助助在荷蘭農科院植物育種研究所(CPRO-DLO),參加歐洲研究項目蘋果分子標記圖譜構建和加密以及在抗病育種的套用。
② 2001年2月-2002年1月由瑞士世界實驗室獎學金(World Laboratory Scholarship)資助,在荷蘭瓦赫寧根大學研究中心國際植物所(WUR-PRI),參加歐盟蘋果過敏研究項目(EU-SAFE)。
③ 2003年3月-2005年7月(歐盟EU-SAFE資助)在荷蘭荷蘭瓦赫寧根大學和研究中心國際植物研究所(PRI),參加歐盟蘋果過敏研究項目。
2006年2月- 浙江大學引進人才,聘為浙江大學農業與生物技術學院果樹研究所研究員,
2007年1月聘為果樹學博士生導師, 浙江大學985農業生物與環境科技創新I類平台第二方向“設施農業與品質控制”骨幹(PI)。
2007年10月-今 浙江大學過敏研究中心副主任。
2011年12月--今 任浙江大學果樹科學研究所副所長




承擔國家自然科學基金項目、國際合作項目以及省市科研項目, 參加多項歐盟框架研究計畫,國家863桃分子育種,農業部行業公益項目果樹遺傳改良以及浙江省果品育種重大專項。
1. 國家自然科學基金項目:套用SSR分子標記解析水蜜桃果實風味性狀的遺傳控制(30771496,2008-2010年)。
2. 國家自然科學基金:桃果實過敏原特異基因成員鑑別及遺傳多樣性分析(30971970;2010-2012)。
3. 浙江省科技項目:楊梅果實品質性狀EST庫構建及功能基因挖掘(2006-2008)
4. 歐盟第七框架計畫,Genetic and genomic tools toincrease the breeding efficiency in fruit trees提高果樹育種效率的遺傳和基因組學技術工具),簡稱果樹組學育種技術項目(Fruit Breedomics) (契約號265582,2011-2015)
6. 國家863項目:參加桃分子育種和種質創新(2011-2015)
7. 楊梅在餘姚濱海平原適應性試驗研究(2013-2016)
8. 餘姚楊梅新品系選育與利用研究(2013-2016)
9. 國家自然科學基金:桃果實主要過敏原脂質轉移蛋白品種間變異和全基因組關聯分析(31272131,2013-2016)
10. 國家自然科學基金:楊梅雌雄性別決定的遺傳和基因組學基礎(31471843,2015-2018)




1.Gao ZS, Van de Weg WE, Schaart JG, Van der Meer IM, Kodde L, Laimer M, Breiteneder H, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Gilissen LJWJ. Linkage map positions and allelic diversity of two Mal d 3(non-specific lipid transfer protein) genes in the cultivated apple (Malus domestica).Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2005,110(3):479–491
2.Gao ZS, van de Weg WE, Schaart JG, Schouten HJ, Tran DH, Kodde LP, van der Meer IM, van der Geest AHM, Kodde J, Breiteneder H, Hoffmann-Sommergruber H, Bosch D, Gilissen LJWJ Genomic cloning and linkage mapping of the Mal d 1 (PR-10) gene family in apple (Malus domestica). Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2005,111:171–183
3.Gao ZS, van de Weg WE, Schaart JG, van Arkel G, Breiteneder H, Hoffmann-Sommergruber H, Gilissen LJWJ. Genomic characterization and linkage mapping of the apple allergen genes Mal d 2 (Thaumatin-like protein) and Mal d 4 (Profilin). Theoretical and Applied Genetics,2005,111:1087–1097
4.Hoffmann-Sommergruber K and the SAFE consortium,The SAFE project: ‘plant food allergies: field to table strategies for reducing their incidence in Europe’ an EC-funded study.Allergy2005; 60:436–442
5.Gao ZS, Van de Weg EW, Matos CI, Arens P, Bolhaar STHP, Knulst AC, Li YH, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Gilissen LJWJ, Assessment of allelic diversity in intron-containing Mal d 1 genes and their association to apple allergenicity, BMC Plant Biology2008, 8:116
6.Chen L, Zhang SM, Illa E, Song LJ, Wu SD, Howad W, Arus P, van de Weg WE, Chen KS, Gao ZS,Genomic characterization of putative allergen genes in peach/almond and their synteny with apple,BMC Genomics2008, 9:543
7.Illa E,Eduardo I, Audergon JM, Barale F,Dirlewanger E, Li XW, Moing A, Lambert P, Le Dantec L, Gao ZS(高中山), Poessel JL, Pozzi C, Rossini L, Vecchietti A, Arus P, Howad W, Saturating the Prunus(stone fruits) genome with candidate genes for fruit quality, Molecular Breeding(2011) 28:667–682
8.Yang ZW, Ma YT, Chen L, Xie RJ,Zhang XQ, Zhang B,Lu MD,Wu SD, Gilissen LJWJ, van Ree R, Gao ZS, Differential transcript abundance and genotypic variation of four putative allergen-encoding gene families in melting peach, 2011, Tree Genetics & Genomes, (2011) 7(5):903–916
9.Schouten HJ, van de Weg WE, Carling J, Khan SA, McKay SJ, van Kaauwen MPW, Wittenberg AHJ, Koehorst-van Putten HJJ, Noordijk Y, Gao ZS,Rees DJG, Van Dyk MM, Jaccoud D, Considine MJ, Kilian A, Diversity arrays technology (DArT) markers in apple for genetic linkage maps, Molecular Breeding, 2012,29:645-660
10.JiaoY, Jia HM, Li, XW,ChaiML, JiaHJ, ChenZ, WangGY, ChaiCY,van de WegEW, GaoZS, Development of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from a genomesurvey of Chinese Bayberry (Myrica rubra), BMC Genomics2012, 13:201
11.GaoZS, YangZW, WuSD, WangHY, LiuML,MaoWL, Wang J, Gadermaier G, Ferreira F, ZhengM, vanRee R, Peach allergy in China: a dominant role for mugwort pollen lipid transferproteinas a primary sensitizer, Journalof Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2013, 131 (1)224-226
12.LiXW, MengXQ, JiaHJ, YuMY, MaRJ, WangLY, Cao K, Shen ZJ,NiuL, Tian JB, ChenMJ, XieM, ArusP, Gao ZSand AranzanaMJ, Peach genetic resources: diversity, population structure and linkage disequilibrium, BMC Genetics2013, 14:84
13.Hong-xia Wu, Hui-min Jia, Xiao-wei Ma, Song-biao Wang, Quan-sheng Yao,Wen-tian Xu, Yi-gang Zhou, Zhong-shan Gao, Ru-lin Zhan, Transcriptome and proteomic analysis of mango(Mangifera indicaLinn) fruits, Journal of Proteomics, 2014, 105:19-30
14.Jia HM, Jiao Y, Wang GY, Li YH, Jia HJ, Wu HX, Chai CY, Dong X, Guo YP, Zhang LP, Gao QK, Chen W, Song LJ, van de Weg E and Gao ZS, Genetic diversity of male and female Chinese bayberry (Myrica rubra) populations and identification of sex-associated markers, BMC Genomics, 2015, 16:394
15.LiXW, Jiang J, Zhang LP, Yu Y, Ye ZW, Wang XM, Zhou JY,Chai ML,Zhang HQ, Arús P, JiaHJ*, GaoZS*. Identification of volatile and softening-related genes using digital gene expression profiles in melting peach, Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2015, 11:71. DOI: 10.1007/s11295-015-0891-9
16.Micheletti, Diego et al. Whole-Genome Analysis of Diversity and SNP-Major Gene Association in Peach Germplasm, PLoS ONE10.9 (2015): e0136803.
17.Hui-Ying Wang, Zhong-Shan Gao, Xiang Zhou,Yu Dai,Wo Yao, Xiao-Feng Zhang,Zhao-Wei Yang,Shan-Dong Wu,Chao-Hui Yu , Xu-Yan Yang, Ronald van Ree. Evaluation of the Role of IgE Responsesto Der p 1 and Der p 2 in Chinese HouseDust Mite-Allergic Patients, Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2015;167:203–210
18.GaoZS,MaYT,ZhouX,YangZW, Jia HJ,GaoL, WuSD, Han LY, Yi XYWang HY, AkkerdaasJH, van ReeR, Quantification of Peach Fruit Allergen Lipid Transfer Proteinby a Double Monoclonal Antibody-based Sandwich ELISA, Food Analytical Methods, 2016,9:823–830
19.GaoZS,ZhouX,YangZW, Versteeg SA,GaoL, Fu WY,Wang HY, Zhou JY, AkkerdaasJH, van ReeR, IgE-binding potencies of three peach Pru p 1 isoforms, Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 2016
23.汪國雲,賈慧敏, 賈惠娟, 鄧惠英,周超超,盧婷,沈煥忠,梁森苗,鄭金土,高中山。楊梅新品種‘夏至紅’,園藝學報,2015,42(S2):2865-2866


1.Zhong-shanGao, Hua-hao Shen, Min Zheng, Lynn Frewer and Luud Gilissen “Multidisciplinary Approaches to Allergies”Zhejiang University Press and Springer, 2012年7月, Hangzhou China. ISBN 978-7-308-09349-1(過敏性疾病多學科解決途徑, 浙大出版社和德國Springer合作出版)
2.Gao, Z.S., Gilissen, L.J.W.J. 2011, Breeding of Hypoallergenic Fruits(低過敏水果育種,in Breeding for Fruit Quality, First Edition. Edited by Matthew A. Jenks and Penelope J. Bebeli. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons,ISBN 9780813810720, Hoboken, NJ, USA. doi: 10.1002/9780470959350p.105-126
4.高中山,周湘,付婉藝參編第三章,過敏反應與免疫,119-174,《臨床免疫學進展》,2015.2 ISBN978-7-308-14404-9,浙江大學出版社。


