The Scorpion

The scorpion - Megadeth
My life is everything
That feeds my thirst that causes sin
My wants are all i care
No shame or guilt there's nothing there
Look deep into my face
I sell deceit without a trace
Fear not what i can do
Unless you want it done to you
Oh ohhhh
As I climb onto your back I will promise not to sting
I will tell you what you want to hear and not mean anything
Then I treat you like a dog as I shoot my venom in
You pretend you didn't know that I am a scorpion Oh
My self I'm centered in
There's nothing else there's never been
And I dream to be left alone
With the sadness the madness of my own
Look deep into my soul
It's black as coal like a bullethole
Fear not get off your knees
There's no defense you'll do what i please
Oh ohh
As I climb onto your back I will promise not to sting
I will tell you what you want to hear and not mean anything
Then I treat you like a dog as I shoot my venom in
You pretend you didn't know that I am a scorpion Oh
As I climb onto your back I will promise not to sting
I will tell you what you want to hear and not mean anything
I will treat you like a dog as I shoot my venom in
'Cause you knew all along that I am a scorpion ya
My lies to reach the shore
I aggrandize and nothing more
My hopes to steal away
All you love I'll soon betray
Look deep into my past
The pain I deal is unsurpassed
I'm not a lowly scorpion
I'm so much worse; I'm the fall of man
Reporter speaking:
Fighting broke out overnight between rival factions along the
Israeli/Syrian border Initial reports say Israeli jet fighters
Bombed the guerrilla base killing at least 49 soldiers and 13 civilians
A 49 year old unidentified man went beserk last night
Opening fire with a 12 gauge shotgun in a crowded downtown
Restaurant 14 people are dead including 3 children
A crackdown on labratory experients on animals is expected
To become law today Animal rights activists have been
Pushing for the bill for 9 years and have taken part in mass demonstrations
Police have smashed a multi million dollar drug smuggling
Ring 22 punds of heroin was seized along with a small
Amount of cocaine marijuana and hashish 25 people have
Been arrested and face charges ranging from smuggling to
Possession for the purpose of traficking


