《The Eastern Orthodox Churches》是2010年出版的圖書,作者是Burgess, Michael。
- 外文名:The Eastern Orthodox Churches
- 作者:Burgess, Michael
- 出版時間:2010年10月
- 頁數:324 頁
- ISBN:9780786460816
- 定價:50.85 美元
《The Eastern Orthodox Churches》是2010年出版的圖書,作者是Burgess, Michael。
The Eastern Orthodox Churches 《The Eastern Orthodox Churches》是2010年出版的圖書,作者是Burgess, Michael。
eastern orthodox church [宗]東正教(等於Orthodox Eastern Church)church of scotland (蘇格蘭正式定為國教的)蘇格蘭長老會 eastern church 東正教會 parish church 教區教堂 high church 高教會派(英國國教的一派)雙語例句 1The family had gone to church.這家人都去教堂了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》2The ...
A bold new religious history of the late antique and medieval Middle East that places ordinary Christians at the center of the story In the second half of the first millennium CE, the Christian Middle East fractured irreparably into competing churches and Arabs conquered the region, setting in ...
東正教,國際通稱“正教會”(英語:Orthodox Church)或“東正教會”(英語:Eastern Orthodox Church),官名“正統大公教會”(希臘語:Ορθόδοξη Καθολική Εκκλησία,俄語:Православная Католическая Церковь,英語:Orthodox Catholic ...
東方人派正教會(英語:Oriental Orthodox Churches),是5世紀脫離普世牧首的東正教派系,信守前三次大公裁判主議的大公會議,主張基督一性論與基督二性論共存。20世紀末,與普世牧首的東羅馬派正教會達成教義共融。亞歷山大科普特正教會(The Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria)不列顛正教會(The British Orthodox ...
東歐正統教會(英語:Oriental Orthodox churches),繼承自公元1世紀的初代教會,前身是11世紀基督教大分裂的希臘正教會,後與俄羅斯正教會合體,沿用現稱。治下包括基督教原始五大牧區的四座。包括普世牧首聖安德魯的君士坦丁堡牧首區,以及聖瑪爾克的亞歷山大牧首區、聖帕弗羅的安提阿牧首區、聖雅科弗的耶路撒冷牧首區;...
希臘東正教會 希臘東正教會(Greek Orthodox Church),是基督教的東正教會宗派及教會,也是東方基督教的首席教會,以及與普世牧首共融的希臘語教會統稱。包括君士坦丁堡、亞歷山大港、安條克、耶路撒冷四個自治牧區,信徒2400萬人。
In modern times, those churches usually classified as monophysite (the Armenian Apostolic, Coptic Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox, and Syrian Orthodox) are generally accepted by Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant Christendom as essentially orthodox in their doctrine of the Person of Jesus ...
君士坦丁堡大公宗主教(Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople)(東正教中文譯名:君士坦丁堡普世牧首)(領導君士坦丁堡正教會Orthodox Church of Constantinople,並且是東正教(Eastern Orthodoxy)精神領袖)亞歷山大和全非洲宗主教(Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa)(東正教中文譯名:亞歷山大和全非洲牧首)(領導...
不列顛正教會(British Orthodox Church):在聯合王國 法國科普特正教會(French Coptic Orthodox Church):在法國 衣索比亞正統台瓦西多教會(Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church)厄利垂亞正統台瓦西多教會(Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church)安提阿敘利亞正教會(Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch)(也稱為Syrian ...
自治正教會 自治正教會(英語:Autonomous OrthodoxChurches),是東正教的行政區劃之一,直屬於上級的獨立正教會,但擁有完全的自治權。主要包括西奈山、芬蘭正教會、愛沙尼亞正教會、日本正教會、烏克蘭正教會。
The Trisagion (Greek: Τρισάγιον "Thrice Holy"), sometimes called by its opening line Agios O Theos or by the Latin Tersanctus, is a standard hymn of the Divine Liturgy in most of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, Oriental Orthodox Churches and Eastern Catholic Churches. In Western...
根據The Angus Reid World Poll調查,總的來說,美國宗教徒十多年來出現銳減的趨勢。1992年的調查83%年聲稱信仰基督教,而2006年發現堅持基督教信仰的人降落到63%。宗教與政治 美國保障宗教自由的權利,政府實行政教分離制度,不支持也不反對任何一種宗教。但宗教在美國政治中相當活躍。大多數美國總統都與基督教新教...
大公裁判(英語:Judge of the Œcumene),是基督教三個特權牧職之一,由亞歷山大港牧首兼任,但職權不是同一概念。大公裁判的順位次於羅馬教皇、普世牧首,擁有提出誰是異端的司法權柄。直轄羅馬帝國五個國家教會的亞歷山大港教會。主議了三次大公會議。第四次大公會議後,時任裁判聖道高因基督一性論被開除教籍,...
1.N the head of certain autonomous Orthodox Christian Churches, such as that of Bulgaria and Cyprus (東正教的)主教 1.ADJ (of a xylem strand) having the first-formed xylem external to that formed later (木質纖維)外始式的 [botany] → compare endarch, mesarch 短語搭配 john exarch 約翰艾...
1.N a rite of initiation involving anointing with chrism and taking place at the same time as baptism 搽聖油 [Greek Orthodox Church]雙語例句 In the liturgy of the Eastern Churches, the post-baptismal anointing is the sacrament of Chrismation (Confirmation).在東方教會的禮儀中,洗禮後的傅油禮...
In the Christian churches, both Western (Roman Catholic and Protestant) and Eastern (Orthodox), olive oil is the symbol of God's boundless generosity toward humankind and of his never-ending love. Christ (Christós) means the anointed one, that is, anointed with (olive) oil. When it is ...
Volume 4 (published in 1871) focuses on texts relating to (and in many cases originally owned by) Orthodox churches and monasteries in Asia Minor and the eastern Mediterranean, including details of the land and possessions with which they were endowed, and of subsequent donations by the Pious.
chrisom,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“初生嬰孩的白色洗禮巾/洗禮服;嬰兒”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 chrism (also chrisom)1.N a mixture of olive oil and balsam used for sacramental anointing in the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches (希臘和羅馬教堂洗禮上用的)聖油 短語...
In the settlement acts Paltogskaya mainstream schools; a library, a cultural center, a post office and two shops. On the territory Paltoga are two Orthodox churches: Church of the Epiphany (1733 built) and the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Sign (1810 built). Wooden ...
against the Serbs : houses are burned down , Orthodox churches are destroyed heaping new despair onto old pain in a never-ending spiral of violence. Spurred on by his own childish illusions, Adem persuades his older brother to continue the search , even though it seemed hopeless from the ...
chrism,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“聖油;聖油儀式”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 chrism (also chrisom)1.N a mixture of olive oil and balsam used for sacramental anointing in the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches (希臘和羅馬教堂洗禮上用的)聖油 雙語例句 The chrism is ...
One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church),記述在《使徒信經》的正宗基督教教會概念,是對獨一教會(至一教會,英語:One Church)、神聖教會(至聖教會,英語:Holy Church)、天主教會(至公教會,英語:Catholic Church)、使徒教會(宗徒教會,英語:Apostolic Church)以及東正教會(正統教會,英語:Orthodox ...