《The Developing World》是2010年Interesting Books出版的圖書,作者是Fredrik Haren
- 書名:The Developing World
- 作者:Fredrik Haren
- 出版社: Interesting Books
- 出版時間:2010-8
《The Developing World》是2010年Interesting Books出版的圖書,作者是Fredrik Haren
《The Developing World》是2010年Interesting Books出版的圖書,作者是Fredrik Haren...
"Conor Woodman's Unfair Trade is proof that economics can be both vivid and accessible. By rootling through the developing world's sweatshops, ...
開發中國家科學院(也稱“世界科學院”)原名為第三世界科學院, 簡稱為TWAS(The World Academy of Sciences),成立於1983年11月10日,總部設在義大利的里雅斯特,是非...
撰寫章節:Expanding the ‘Strategic Periphery’: A History of China’s Interaction with the Developing World. (與Carola McGiffert合作)...
Pombai opens transportation marketplace for the developing world[12] Pombai:打造暢遊世界的交通票務平台(環球旅訊)[13] Pombai,全球交通票務線上交易平台,在家...
開發中國家工程科技院(The Academy of Engineering and Technology of the Developing World,簡稱“AETDEW”)旨在為實現聯合國促進開發中國家擺脫貧困發展經濟的全球...
Chinese Academy of Sciences, foreign member of Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Fellow of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World.李安...
第三世界科學院(The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World,TWAS)院士(2008)德國宏博學術大使(Humboldt Ambassador Scientist,2010)...
The Great Surge:The Ascent of the Developing World 譯者 黃蘭淇 ISBN 9787508686301 頁數 330 定價 59.00元 出版社 中信出版集團 出版時間 2018年7月...
一個將會大大進步發展中國度生活水準的改變方興未艾。 A transformation is occurring that should greatly boost living standards in the developing world....
“Understanding China’s Economic Transformation: Are There Lessons for the Developing World?” World Economics, April–June 2006, 7(2): 73-96....
The Health of Adults in the Developing World”、“Global Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance”、“Tobacco control in Oxford Textbook of Public Health (the ...
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174205.[4] Wolfgang Glänzel*, Lin Zhang, Scientometrics in the developing world: A tribute to Michael J. Moravcsik from ...
Poor Nutrition in the Developing World 390 開發中國家兒童營養不良現象 Helping Children After the Tsunami 394 海嘯過後,救援兒童 UN Treaty Against...
Boone. Building Resilience of Human-Natural Systems of Pastoralism in the Developing World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. The Springer, New York, 2016.楊志峰...
Section5ImplicationsfortheDevelopingWorld162 Section62020:ADayintheLife164 Section7ANewEcosystem165 BackgroundKnowledge166 ThinkingandExercising166 Reference167 Some...
Module 1 Europe Module 2 The developing world Module 3 Natural disasters Module 4 The state of the planet Module 5 Great minds Mdoule 6 Amazing ...
in-depth reports‘ background stories and expert analysis. In addition‘ the program gives extensive coverage on what’s happening in the developing world....
Text 12 The Man Who Dared to Think Small Text 13 Plenty of Room.Indeed Text 14 Small Things and Big Changes in the Developing World Text 15 Ultrafine...
As IQ scores continue to rise into the twenty-first century, particularly in the developing world, the 'Flynn effect' marches on.[1] (原文)...
2006年 TWAS Prize in Chemistry from the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World 2006年 Pfizer Lectureship from Pfizer Singapore 2007年 Seaborg Lectureshi...
4、“International Atomic Energy Agency” in Encyclopedia of the Developing World, 3 vols., ed. Thomas Leonard. New York: Routledge, 2005, pp.831-32....
IBO is currently engaged in several different initiatives, including the PeaceTones Initiative, empowering artists in the developing world with legal and ...
Bridging the Gaps between Science and Policy for the Sustainable Management of Rangeland Resources in the Developing World. BioScience, 2017,67(7):656-663...