《The British Empire》是Longman出版的圖書,作者是Philippa Levine
- ISBN:9780582472815
- 作者:Philippa Levine
- 出版社:Longman
- 出版時間:2007年4月2日
- 頁數:264
- 定價:USD 43.00
- 裝幀:Paperback
《The British Empire》是Longman出版的圖書,作者是Philippa Levine
《The British Empire》是Longman出版的圖書,作者是Philippa Levine 內容簡介 Violent, powerful, vast: the British Empire is typically viewed as distant and tropical. By contrast, this book examines the effects of the empire ...
《George Eliot and the British Empire》是2002年Cambridge University Press出版的圖書,作者是Nancy Henry。內容簡介 In this innovative study Nancy Henry introduces a set of facts that place George Eliot's life and work within...
《The Cambridge History of the British Empire》是Cambridge University Press出版的圖書,作者是John Holland Rose,Arthur Percival Newton。內容簡介 The Cambridge History of the British Empire was a major work of historical ...
《Colonial Lives Across the British Empire》是2006年Cambridge University Press出版的圖書,作者是Lambert, David (EDT)、Lester, Alan (EDT)。內容簡介 This volume uses a series of portraits of 'imperial lives' in order to ...
The Shipping-Laws of the British Empire 《The Shipping-Laws of the British Empire》是一本圖書,作者是Atkinson, George; Park, James Alan;
大英國協運動會(英語:The Commonwealth Games),是大英國協國家每四年舉辦一次的綜合運動會。英聯運首次舉辦於1930年,當時被稱為大英帝國運動會(The British Empire Games)。運動會的名稱在1954年被改為大英帝國和聯邦運動會(British ...
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire,簡稱不列顛帝國勳章或大英帝國勳章,是英國授勳及嘉獎制度中的一種騎士勳章,由英王喬治五世於1917年6月4日所創立。勳章分民事和軍事兩類,共設5種級別,分別為 爵級大十字勳章 (Knight/...
大英帝國最優秀勳章(Most Excellent Order of the British Empire),簡稱大英帝國勳章(Order of the British Empire),或譯為不列顛帝國勳章,是英國授勳及嘉獎制度中的一種騎士勳章,由英王喬治五世於1917年6月4日所創立。勳章分...
不列顛帝國勳章(The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire,1917年設立)英格蘭、蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭都擁有各自的最高勳章,例如嘉德勳章是英格蘭的最高勳章,薊花勳章是蘇格蘭的最高勳章,愛爾蘭的最高勳章聖派屈克勳章已經廢除。每一枚...
此外,還有Britannia(不列顛國)、Albion(是希臘、羅馬人對英國的稱謂)、the British Empire(大英帝國)、the British Commonwealth of Nations(不列顛聯邦) 、the Commonwealth of Nations(大英國協)等名稱,均表示不同的含義,但都不...
4.4 The Chartist Movement (1836--1848)4.5 Trade Unions and the Labour Party Chapter 5 The British Empire 5.1 British Colonial Expansion 5.2 British Aggression against China 5.3 The British Empire 5.4 Britain in ...
——大衛.阿米蒂奇,哈佛大學,《大英帝國的意識形態起源》(The Ideological Origins of the British Empire)的作者 這本內容豐富、促人思考的著作,審視了一個目前在政治理論、國際關係及歐洲歷史等領域都令人極感興趣的主題。它值得...
"We declare that we are loyal subjects of His Majesty the King, Emporer, and will take part in the British Empire Games in the spirit of true sportsmanship, recognising the rules which govern them and desirous of ...
James I and the Parliament Charles 1 The Short Parliament and the Long Parliament The Civil War Restoration The Glorious Revolution Exercises Part Four The Rise of the British Empire The Industrial Revolution The Chartist ...
1913年,大英國協大學協會的前身大英帝國大學局辦公室(The office of the Universities Bureau of the British Empire)在倫敦成立。1948年,該局更名為The Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth。1963年,該協會再次更名...
(Knight/Dame Grand Cross,男女皆簡稱“GBE”),爵級司令勳章 (Knight/Dame Commander,男性簡稱“KBE”,女性簡稱“DBE”),司令勳章 (Commander,簡稱“CBE”),官佐勳章 (Officer,Order of the British Empire簡稱“OBE”)...
Unit 10 The Smarts (1603——1649)Unit 11 English Civil War (1642——1660)Unit 12 Trade with China Unit 13 Exploration in Oceania (1642——1820)Unit 14 The British Empire in India, Africa and Latin America Unit...
The Covenant of the League of Nations《國際聯盟盟約》節選/ 040 The Constitution of the German Federation (The Weimar Constitution)《魏瑪憲法》節選/ 047 Treaty between the United States of America, the British Empire, ...
Chapter 5 The “Purification” of Medieal Spain / 188 Chapter 6 The Dutch World Empire / 202 Chapter 7 Tolerance and Intolerance in the East / 238 Chapter 8 The British Empire / 264 Part III The Future of World ...
ExpansionoftheBritishEmpire...63 AmericanRevolution64 Literatureinthe18thcentury...67 TofaCbolnetents vi Glossary...71 Furtherstudy73 Learningactivitiesandtasks...74 Chapter4TheIndustrialRevolution...79 WhyitoccurredinBritain...
印度帝國勳章(The Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire) (已廢)皇家維多利亞勳章(Royal Victorian Order)不列顛帝國勳章(The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire)聖米切爾及聖喬治勳章設立的原因是為了紀念愛奧尼亞群島...