

《歐美概況與跨文化商務交際視聽說》是 浙江大學出版社2010年8月1日出版的圖書。


  • 書名:歐美概況與跨文化商務交際視聽說
  • 頁數:217頁
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


出版社: 浙江大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年8月1日)
叢書名: 高職高專商務英語·套用英語專業規劃教材
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
ISBN: 9787308078719
條形碼: 9787308078719
尺寸: 25.8 x 18 x 1 cm
重量: 399 g




CHAPTER One History of Great Britain
Unit 1 The Origin of the English Nation
Unit 2 Britain and Roman Empire
Unit 3 Anglo-Saxon Britain
Unit 4 Rise and Fall of Danish Rule in Britain
Unit 5 Norman Conquest
Unit 6 The Crusades and Richard the Lionheart
Unit 7 Charter and Parliament (1215——1485)
Unit 8 The Hundred Years' War (1337——1453)
Unit 9 The Wars of Roses and the Tudor Monarchy
Unit 10 The Smarts (1603——1649)
Unit 11 English Civil War (1642——1660)
Unit 12 Trade with China
Unit 13 Exploration in Oceania (1642——1820)
Unit 14 The British Empire in India, Africa and Latin America
Unit 15 Australia, Britain's Colony for Expelling Their Criminals
Unit 16 Industrial Revolution and Chartist Movement in Britain
Unit 17 The British Empire (1815——1913) Reached Its Height
Unit 18 Britain Withdrew from Palestine (1948——1949)
Unit 19 British Commonwealth (1914——1949)
Unit 20 British Government and Politics
Examination on Chapter One
CHAPTER Two History of America
Unit 1 Ancient Civilization of America
Unit 2 Colonial America (1600——-1700)
Unit 3 The Founding of the USA (1763 1789)
Unit 4 The End of Slavery (1792 1888)
Unit 5 American Civil War (1861——1865)
Unit 6 USA" the Plains Wars (1849 1913)
Unit 7 Further Immigration to America
Unit 8 The Great Depression (1929 1939)
Unit 9 The United Nations (1945 1948)
Unit 10 The End of the Cold War (1945 1989)
Unit 11 Space Exploration (1957——2000)
Unit 12 America and Wars in the Middle East
Unit 13 American Government and Politics
Unit 14 National Economy of the United States
Examination on Chapter Two
CHAPTER Three A Brief Introduction to Intercultural Business Communication."
Unit 1 The European Union (EU) and Its Emblem
Unit 2 Trade Relationship between China and Western Countries in 2010 Shanghai Exposition
Unit 3 Trade Relationship between China and the United States
Unit 4 Trade Relationship between China and Canada
Unit 5 Trade Relationship between China and Central-South America
Unit 6 Chilean President Cuts Ribbon for Chile's Pavilion in Shanghai
Unit 7 China, Britain Develop Stronger Relations
Unit 8 China Has Become the Main Export Market for French Wine
Unit 9 Friendship between China and Italy since Qing Dynasty
Unit 10 Siemens Confident of Maglev Train Deal with China
Unit 11 China, Austria Seek Stronger Ties with Five Deals
Unit 12 Trade Relationship between China and Holland
Unit 13 Luxemburg, Green Heart of Europe
Unit 14 China-Denmark Trade Grows Fast
Unit 15 Trade Relationship between China and Sweden since 1730s
Unit 16 Switzerland Pavilion
Unit 17 Spain Pavilion and Its Culture
Unit 18 Deepened Trade and Economic Cooperation between China and Arab States
Unit 19 Israel Will Highlight Innovation in Its Pavilion
Unit 20 China-Singapore Economic Cooperation Forum
Unit 21 China and Japan's Relationship
Examination on Chapter Three
CHAPTER Four Intercultural BusinEss Communication and Commercial Achievements
Unit 1 America Is Seeing a Challenge from China
Unit 2 EU——Comprehensive Strategic Partner of Cooperation
Unit 3 Regional Economic Cooperation to Seek Mutually Beneficial Win-win Situation
Unit 4 Multilateral Cooperation in Disaster Relief to Express Humanitarian Care""
Unit 5 Current Global Economy
Unit 6 Mandarin Is Bound to Increase Its Global Influence
Examination on Chapter Four
Appendix ⅠKeys to Listening Comprehension
Appendix ⅡKeys to Examinations


