Space robotics

Space robotics

《Space robotics》是2020年北京理工大學出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名: Space robotics
  • 作者:王耀兵
  • 類別:教材
  • 出版社:北京理工大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • ISBN:9787568291477


《空間機器人(英文版)》是北京理工大學出版社與Springer Nature聯合出版圖書。《空間機器人(英文版)》詳實論述了極限環境下空間機器人的基本設計理論,介紹了空間機器人工程實現的基本方法和步驟,著重講述了空間機器人運動學與動力□、□動規劃與控制、系統總體設計、機械系統設計與驗證、控制系統設計、空間機器人系統仿真等內容,還給出了大型空間機械臂設計、空間移動機器人設計、行星表面採樣機械臂設計及驗證等大量工程實例。《空間機器人(英文版)》兼備科學前瞻性和工程實用性,可為機器人專業、航空航天領域特種機械、智慧型機械等專業技術人員以及從事戰略性工程的項目管理人員提供重要參考。


1 Introduction
1.1 Definition, Characteristics, and Classification of Space Robot2<2r>
1.1.1 Definition of Space Robot
1.1.2 Characteristics of Space Robot2<2r>
1.1.3 Classification of Space Robot2<2r>1.2 Basic Composition and Main Research Areas ofSpaceRobot2<2r>
1.2.1 Basic Composition of Space Robot2<2r>
1.2.2 Main Research Areas of Space Robotics [3]
2Kinematics and Dynamics of Space Robot2<2r>
2.1 Topology Mathematical Description
2.2 Definition of Coordinate and CoordinateTransformation
2.3 Space Robot Kinematics [1]
2.3.1 Position and Speed of Each Body
2.3.2 End Position and Speed
2.4 Space Rigid Robot Dynamic Equations [2]
2.4.1 Dynamic Equations of Space Rigid Robots Established byLagrange Method
2.4.2 Dynamic Equation of Space Rigid Robot Established byNewton-Euler Method
2.4.3 Situations Without Considering Base Floating
2.5 Space Flexible Robot Dynamic Equations [3, 4]
2.5.1 Flexible Body Deformation and Kinetic Energy
2.5.2 Elastic Force and Generalized Force of the Flexible Body
2.5.3 Interbody Constraint Equation of the Flexible Body.
2.5.4 Dynamic Model of the Flexible Multi-Body System
2.5.5 Dynamics of Space Flexible Robot
3Motion Planning of Space Robot
3.1 Motion Planning for Space Robot
3.1.1 Description of the Planning Problem
3.1.2 Selection of Motion Trajectory
3.1.3 Motion Planning in Joint Space
3.1.4 Motion Planning in Cartesian Space
3.1.5 Redundant Design for Avoidance of Joint Limits and Singularitie2<2r>
3.2 Motion Planning of Space Robot
3.2.1 Global Path Planning
3.2.2 Local Path Planning
4Motion Control of Space Robot2<2r>
4.1 Three-Loop Servo Motion Control
4.1.1 Motor Drive and Joint Servo Control
4.1.2 Debugging and Testing of the Joint Servo Control System
4.2 Computed Torque Method-Based Motion Control
4.2.1 Control Method Based on Calculated Torque
4.2.2 Sliding Mode Variable Structure Control
5Force Control of Space Robot
5.1 Hybrid Force/Position Control
5.2 Impedance Control
5.2.1 Selection of Desired Impedance
5.2.2 Position-Based Impedance Control
5.2.3 Impedance Control Using Jacobian Transposition.
5.2.4 Dynamics-Based Impedance Control
5.2.5 Multi-robot Cooperative Impedance Control
6 SpaceRobot System
6.1 System Design
6.1.1 Design Content2<2r>6.1.2 Design Principle2<2r>
6.2 Design Elements and Constraint Requirement2<2r>
6.2.1 Functional Requirement2<2r>6.2.2 Performance Requirement2<2r>
6.2.3 Environmental Constraint2<2r>
7Space Robot Mechanical System
8Space Robot Control System
9Space Robot Perception System
10Space Robot Teleoperation System
11Space Robot System Verification
12Design Example of Large Space Manipulator
13Design Example of Planetary Exploration Mobile Robot
14Design Example of Planetary Surface Sampling Manipulator
15Current State of Space Robot2<2r>16 Future Prospects of Space Robots


