Sonic the Hedgehog(刺蝟索尼克次世代,ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ Sonikku za Hejjihoggu)為一部紀念《刺蝟索尼克》系列誕生15周年而製作的對應兩大次世代主機PS3和Xbox 360的遊戲。2006年正好是索尼克誕生15周年,SEGA也順利於次世代平台上推出這款畫面上給人眼前一亮的新《刺蝟索尼克》(由於是PS3主機的遊戲故被大部分冬粉稱為“次世代索尼克(即Next-Generation)”)。
- 中文名:刺蝟索尼克次世代
- 原版名稱:Sonic the Hedgehog
- 其他名稱:ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ,刺蝟索尼克2006
- 遊戲類型:平面,動作遊戲
- 遊戲平台:PS3
Xbox 360 - 所屬系列:《刺蝟索尼克》系列
- 地區:日本、北美、歐洲、澳大拉西亞
- 開發商:Sonic Team、 Blindlight
- 發行商:Sega
- 發行日期:日本2006年12月21日(Xbox 360)
北美2006年11月14日(Xbox 360)
北美2006年11月19日(PS3) - 製作人:久美真郎
- 編劇:中村順,吉村清子,吉田史郎
- 音樂:小林英明,大谷智哉,南波真理子,佐藤大平,江口貴敕
- 玩家人數:1~2人
- 遊戲引擎:Havok物理引擎
- 分級:ESRB: E10+
PEGI: 12+
USK: 6+ - 媒介:DVD-DL,藍光光碟
- 主要角色:索尼克,夏特,希弗爾
- 輸入:遊戲控制器

角色 | 日語配音 | 英語配音 |
索尼克 | ||
夏特 | Jason Griffith | |
希弗爾 | Pete Capella | |
愛麗絲公主 | ||
艾格曼博士 | ||
Narrator | 內海賢二 | Mike Pollock |
塔爾斯 | ||
愛麗絲的侍從 | Hikari Yono | Amy Palant Lisa Ortiz |
布蕾茲 | ||
納克魯斯 | ||
梅菲勒斯 | 坂詰貴之 | Dan Green |
完全體索拉羅斯 | 奧田啟人 Yoshikazu Kozuma | Dan Green |
羅姬 | 落合留美 | Kathleen Delaney |
艾咪·羅斯 | Lisa Ortiz | |
E-123 Omega | Maddie Blaustein | |
蘇林納國王 | David Willis | |
G.U.N.士兵 | 內海賢二 | David Willis |


- His World~Theme ofSonic the Hedgehog~, 4:41
- [Event] TheSoleannaFestival, 0:58
- [Event]Dr. EggmanAppears, 1:04
- [Event] Sonic Appears, 0:53
- Wave Ocean~The Water's Edge~, 3:30
- Wave Ocean ~The Inlet~, 3:05
- [Event] Memory of Youth, 0:26
- [Boss]Egg Cerberus&Egg Genesis, 2:48
- Soleanna Castle Town, 2:33
- Dusty Desert~Quicksand~, 3:46
- [Event] Running Through the Plains, 2:24
- [Event] Tension...SilverAppears, 0:25
- [Boss] VS. Character, 3:40
- [Event] Eggman Sends Sonic to the Future, 1:32
- [Event] The Future World?, 0:41
- [Event] Can it be True?, 1:35
- [Event] Tension... Silver VS.Shadow, 1:07
- [Event]EliseJumps, 0:36
- Tropical Jungle~The Jungle ~ The Swamp~, 4:17
- [Event] In the Forest, 2:15
- [Event] Elise Goes Alone, 1:21
- [Event] Eggman's Plot, 1:48
- Kingdom Valley~Wind ~ The Castle ~ Lakeside ~ Water~, 6:49
- [Event] Out of Control, 0:37
- [Event] I Will Change My Destiny, 1:33
- [Boss]Egg-Wyvern, 3:36
- Theme of Dr. Eggman ~Full Version~, 3:32
- Theme of Sonic the Hedgehog ~2006 E3 Version~, 2:03
- Accordion Song, 1:31
- All Hail Shadow~Theme of Shadow the Hedgehog~, 4:00
- [Event] Shadow's Infiltration, 0:33
- White Acropolis~Snowy Peak~, 3:06
- White Acropolis ~The Base~, 2:52
- [Event] To the Ancient Soleanna Castle, 1:02
- Soleanna Forest, 2:08
- [Event] Tension... The Scepter of Darkness, 0:33
- [Event] The Resurrection of Mephiles, 1:24
- [Event] Confirming the Future, 1:30
- Flame Core~Volcano~, 3:09
- Flame Core ~The Cavern~, 3:14
- [Event] The Black Shadow, 0:27
- Tropical Jungle ~The Ruins~, 2:42
- [Event]Mephiles' Whisper, 1:36
- [Boss] Mephiles, 2:49
- Soleanna New City, 2:22
- Radical Train~The Abandoned Mine~, 2:43
- Radical Train ~The Chase~, 2:50
- [Event] The Accident 10 Years Ago, 0:47
- Aquatic Base~Level 1~, 2:37
- Aquatic Base ~Level 2~, 2:30
- [Event] Leaving theScepter of Darkness, 0:20
- [Event] The Sealing Revealed, 0:26
- [Event] Determination...Omega's Confession, 0:20
- [Event] Mephiles' Temptation, 1:11
- [Boss] Mephiles Phase 2, 3:50
- [Event] Showdown with Mephiles, 1:41
- Result, 1:40
- Town Mission 1, 1:11
- Town Mission 2, 0:53
- Town Mission 3, 0:48
- Town Mission 4, 0:51
- [Jingle] Invincible, 0:23
- [Jingle] Mission Clear, 0:12
- [Jingle] Town Mission Clear, 0:10
- Extras, 2:33
- Dreams of an Absolution~Theme of Silver the Hedgehog~, 5:16
- [Event] The Ruined World of the Future, 0:51
- Crisis City~The Flames ~ Scyscraper ~ Whirlwind ~ Tornado~, 6:51
- [Event] Confrontation withIblis, 0:31
- [Boss] Iblis, 3:11
- [Event] He's the Iblis Trigger!, 1:57
- Dusty Desert~The Ruins~, 2:53
- [Event] Is it Right...?, 1:10
- [Event] Invasion... Encounter withAmyand Elise, 0:31
- [Event] Never Cry, No Matter What, 1:44
- [Event] Determination... Return to the Future, 0:42
- [Event] The Last Clash with Iblis, 0:20
- [Boss] Iblis Phase 3, 3:45
- [Event] You Are My Companion, 1:57
- [Event] Mephiles' Smile, 0:20
- [Event] Elise's Tears, 0:54
- [Event] The Villain was Set Free, 0:45
- [Event] The Resurrection ofSolaris, 0:40
- [Event] The Time-Space Rift, 4:13
- End of the World, 5:21
- [Event] Wishing Upon theChaos Emeralds, 2:31
- [Boss] Solaris Phase 1, 3:27
- [Boss] Solaris Phase 2, 3:01
- [Event] Solaris Destroyed, 0:40
- [Event] The Flame of Hope, 1:15
- [Event] Just Smile, 1:29
- [Event] Parade: Past Memories, 1:52
- My Destiny~Theme of Elise~, 6:10
- My Destiny ~Theme of Elise~ (Karaoke), 6:10