《Solid State Physics》是Cengage Learning出版的圖書,作者是Neil W. Ashcroft,N. David Mermin
- ISBN:9780030839931
- 作者:Neil W. Ashcroft、N. David Mermin
- 出版社:Cengage Learning
- 出版時間:1976年1月2日
- 頁數:848
- 定價:USD 367.95
- 裝幀:Hardcover
《Solid State Physics》是Cengage Learning出版的圖書,作者是Neil W. Ashcroft,N. David Mermin
Solid State Physics 《Solid State Physics》是Cengage Learning出版的圖書,作者是Neil W. Ashcroft,N. David Mermin
fields such as acoustics, optics, mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism, as well as in modern extensions including atomic and nuclear physics, cryogenics, solid-state physics, particle physics, and plasma physics....
《Solid State Physics, Proceedings of the 55th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2010》是2011年出版的圖書,作者是Garg, Alka B.、Mittal, R.、Mukhopadhyay, R。內容簡介 The symposium covered a wide range of solid state ...
《The Physics of Solids》是Oxford Univ Pr出版的圖書,作者是Turton, Richard 內容簡介 This book is aimed at first and second year undergraduates taking a course in solid state physics. It is suitable for physics or ...
參考書目 F. Seitz and D. Turnbull,Solid State Physics,Vol. 2,Academic Press, New York, 1956. G.J.Dienes and G.H.Vineyard,Radiation Effects in Solids,Interscience, New York, 1957.
固體物理學(英文solid-state physics)是研究固體的性質、它的微觀結構及其各種內部運動,以及這種微觀結構和內部運動同固體的巨觀性質的關係的學科。固體的內部結構和運動形式很複雜,這方面的研究是從晶體開始的,因為晶體的內部結構簡單,...
儘管固體的物理性質在數世紀以來一直是科學界中普遍的問題,以“固體物理學”為名的研究領域出現卻遲至1940年代才出現,特別隨著美國物理學會的固態物理部門(Division of Solid State Physics, DSSP)的建立而確定。固態物理部門滿足了工業...
《固態物理學(第1卷)》是2011年出版的圖書,作者是帕特森。內容介紹 《固態物理學(第1卷)(英文版)》內容簡介:Learning solid-state physics requires a certain degree of maturity, since it involvestying together diverse concepts...
4.1particlesandinteractionsofsolid-statephysics(b)4.2thephonon-phononinteraction(b)4.3theeiectron-phononinteraction 4.4briefcommentsonelectroninteractions(b)4.5theboltlanannequationandelectricalconductivity 4.6transport...
物理研究所已經做好了安排,發表那些以信的形式寄給Journal of Physics C:Solid State Physics.的編輯,從而引起了我們注意的這類錯誤。目 錄 第1章 對稱性和固態 1.1 簡介 1.2 群論 1.3 群的表示 1.4 點群 1.5 空間群 ...
《固體物理學現代教程》內容簡介:Solid State Physics is the study of the state of solids. Its development is accompanied by the development of modern science and technology. It contains many fundamental concepts that are esse...
3.W.Brandt and A.Dupasquier(Eds.), Positron Solid-State Physics(North-Holland, Amsterdam,1983)4.A.Duspaquier and A.P.Mills jr.(eds) Positrons Spectroscopy of Solids (Amsterdam, Oxford,Tokyo,Washington D.C.,1995)5....
2.10 other x-ray applications in solid-state physics 2.11 neutron diffraction 2.12 electron diffraction chapter 3 lattice vibrations: thermal, acoustic, and opticalproperties 3.1 introduction 3.2 elastic waves 3.3 ...
Solid State Physics: notes by Chetan Nayak (UCLA)固體物理. 晶體。布拉格反射。晶體群。介電常數和抗磁磁導率。布洛赫譜。費米能級。導體,半導體和絕緣體。比熱。電子和空穴。電晶體。超導。霍爾效應。核物理。同位素。放射性。裂變...
基泰爾所著的的固體物理教材《固態物理學導論》(Introduction to Solid State Physics,最新版為第八版),以及和赫伯特·克勒默合著的《Thermal Physics》是世界各地物理系學生的經典教材 序言 第2版前言 《力學》卷自成書以來已經使用了...
SPIE國際光學工程學會電子書、Springer出版公司電子書、Wiley出版公司電子書、RSC英國皇家化學會電子書、Semiconductors and Semimetals(Elsevier系列叢書)、Progress in Optics(Elsevier系列叢書)、Solid State Physics(Elsevier系列叢書)等;...
* N.W. Ashcroft and N.D. Mermin, ''Solid State Physics'', Brooks Cole, 1976 * {{cite book|author=劉恩科,朱秉升,羅晉生|title=半導體物理想(第4版)|publisher=國防工業出版社|year=2011|isbn=978-7-118-06562-6}}...
只對鹼金屬適用。正因為如此,這一類晶體的費米面近似為球形。參考文獻 ,Charles Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, Eighth Edition, ISBN 7-5025-7183-3 Ashcroft/Mermin, Solid State Physics, ISBN 981-243-864-5 ...
東京大學固體物理研究所 東京大學固體物理研究所(The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo)。隸屬於東京大學的一個附屬研究所。
and the concepts of group. Basic methods for characterization of crystal structure, such as X-ray diffraction, should be mastered (This part of crystal structure is combined with that in the course of Solid State Physics...
基泰爾所著的的固體物理教材《固態物理學導論》(Introduction to Solid State Physics,最新版為第八版),以及和赫伯特·克勒默合著的《Thermal Physics》是世界各地物理系學生的經典教材。
A lot has happened in the field of condensed matter physics since the original edition of "Green's functions for Solid State Physicists" was published in 1974. Nevertheless, the book has helped introduce several generations...