Cliffside Altar是預告片開場時Ruby所祭拜的對象,一個處在白雪皚皚的懸崖邊的墓碑。墓碑刻著玫瑰和文字。碑文內容為“Summer Rose Thus I Kindly Scatter”(“輕柔地,我灑落夏日的玫瑰”),系由詩人托馬斯·摩爾的長詩《夏日最後的玫瑰》(《The Last Rose of Summer》 Thomas Moore)中的詩句化用而成。崖邊祭壇
譯本一: Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest 殷紅似玫瑰,充斥我夢境並引我至你安息之所。 White is cold and always yearning burdened by a royal test 霜白冷如霜,卻總熱切地渴望能肩負皇室重任。 Black the beast descends from shadows 玄黑為猛獸,自暗影中降臨。 Yellow beauty burns gold 焰黃美燒金,黃金也被灼傷。
譯本二: Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest 紅似玫瑰, 充盈夢境, 引我來到, 安息之地; White is cold and always yearning burdened by a royal test 白似凌雪, 忠義考驗, 愁苦慕戀; Black the beast descends from shadows 黑之凶獸, 影中降臨; Yellow beauty burns gold 黃之佳人, 鑠金灼目。
譯本三: Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest 艷若玫瑰填我夢,帶我入爾安息所; White is cold and always yearning burdened by a royal test 白如冷霜不可近,常思忠義兩肩扛; Black the beast descends from shadows 黑為野獸猛而疾,生自黑暗傳於影。 Yellow beauty burns gold 黃似佳人美如畫,熾焰如火金亦鑠。