《Politically Correct》是Kanetic Source、Cleetus Kasiody演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Politically Correct》專輯中。
- 外文名:Politically Correct
- 所屬專輯:Politically Correct
- 歌曲原唱:Kanetic Source、Cleetus Kasiody
- 發行日期:2021年4月1日
《Politically Correct》是Kanetic Source、Cleetus Kasiody演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Politically Correct》專輯中。
politically,英語單詞,主要用作副詞,作副詞時譯為“政治上”。單詞釋義 英 [pəˈlɪtɪkli] 美 [pəˈlɪtɪkli] adv. 政治上 短語搭配 Politically Incorrect 不合時宜的 Politically Correct Coflee Gets Creamed 咖啡立場 politically astute 滿腹經綸 Politically Correct 政策正確 ; 正式...
correct operation正確動作 correct time正確時間 correct pronunciation正音;正確發音 correct errors改正錯誤 politically correct政治上的正確(立場)雙語例句 1Yes, that's basically correct.對,基本正確。《牛津詞典》2Only one of the answers is correct.這些答案中只有一個是正確的。《牛津詞典》3I think you'...
《Politically Correct Bedtime Stories》是2012年Souvenir Press出版的圖書,作者是James Finn Garner。內容簡介 In a collection guaranteed to provoke both laughter and thought, 14 timeless fairy tales are revisited and reworked to become relevant fables for more modern times. These hilarious adaptations ...
Politically Correct, the Ultimate Storybook 《Politically Correct, the Ultimate Storybook》是Smithmark Pub出版的圖書,作者是James Finn Garner
《Politically Correct Environment》是一本圖書,作者是Gottlieb, Alan; Arnold, Ron; Asay, Jim 內容簡介 From the author's preface: "Why did we write this little book of gritty gags, saber-tongued stories, irreverent illustrations and zany zingers? Well, the truth is, we just felt like it. ...
The 500th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of America was celebrated in two big-budget, politically-correct films. This one is the better of two, which only goes to show just how bad the other one was. Hey, wait a minute, maybe "Christopher Columbus: The Discovery" was better after all...
生物武器和“政治上正確”(politically correct)的幻想 第三章 核時代的五種教訓 教訓之一:單靠仁慈是不夠的 教訓之二:“威懾”的作用被誇大 教訓之三:我們的運氣太好——至少到目前為止 教訓之四:里根的遺訓 教訓之五:警惕“和平使用核能”第四章 內部毀滅之路 被忽略的防衛措施 可怕的警告 無政府主義分子...
I ain't interested in bein' politically correct I stand right up and say what I believe I'm a little rough around the edges But I think I'm exactly what you need As you can see I ain't all spit and polished And every hair on my head ain't in its place I ain't got no...
Politically Correct Coflee Gets Creamed/咖啡立場 Hairless Doe'’Earns Nadonal Prestige/國之瑰寶 Nazis Hoped Cocaine Would Help Win War/納粹乞靈古柯鹼 Animal Cruelty Now Illegal,Bulls Excluded/虐畜非法且鬥牛 State Wants co Fix Its。Highway tO Hell’/改名大吉 Vote Harry Ivanovich Potter!/投哈利·...
Politically Correct Right Now What A Mess Last Man On The Moon Empty Spaces Another Night Alone Alive Fame (What She's Wanting)Go Away Non-Toxic Paul McCartney Tomorrow (2002年10月20日)They All Fall Down Tomorrow My World Hello Hello Truth Goodbye She Was Dead Best Is Yet To Come Broke...
《Nobody's Watching》是Céline Dion演唱的歌曲,收錄於2019年11月15日發行的專輯《Courage》中。歌曲歌詞 I've had it up to here up to my neck With everything politically correct Just wanna lock myself away leave me alone Gonna lay it all out on my hairbrush microphone I wanna sit ...
試析媒體與網路在新術語漢譯中的作用——以politicallycorrect漢譯為例 法律術語翻譯等值分析——以《德國民法典》之《物權法》為例 染整專業術語翻譯探討 面向翻譯及辭書編纂的人文社科漢英動態術語知識庫——需求分析與構建思考 評《新華新詞語詞典》中法律詞目的英譯——兼談對雙語辭書編纂者的要求 基於英漢雙語平行...
Others saw them as politically correct and morally appropriate. 其他人則認為它們在政治上是正確的,在道德上是恰當的。It is not appropriate to interrupt teachers when they are talking. 在老師們講話時打斷他們是不合適的。They should explain how certain type of behavior was not appropriate. 他們應該...
《SPIN》是Darren Hayes演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Spin》中。歌曲歌詞 Governments elected nobody votes Politically correct isn't that a joke We censor music then give children guns On CNN Still fighting to death over Jerusalem Four letter disease still makes us run Can't comprehend ...
策略性正確的struct(The Politically Correct Struct) 19 1.3 對象的差異(An Object Distinction) 22 指針的類型(The Type of a Pointer) 28 加上多態之後(Adding Polymorphism) 29 第2章 構造函式語意學(The Semantics of Constructors) 37 2.1 Default Constructor的構造操作 39 “帶有Default ...
潘石屹:那一年,任志強被評為“人民公敵”、“最想打的人第三名”,他代表言論是“開發商是給富人蓋房子”,總說“窮人”這個詞。我勸他,不要這樣說,瘸子不能說瘸子,應該說行動不便的人。有個詞“Politically correct”,窮國不能說窮國,應該說開發中國家。但他批評我不說實話。米瑞蓉:時而苦大仇深;...
For every professional woman who wants to get ahead - but feels she is at an impasse - NICE GIRLS DON'T GET THE CORNER OFFICE comes to the rescue. Although it's less threatening and more politically correct for women to point the finger outwardly when assessing why they are overlooked for...
Alex Ubago visits all the common places for a Latin and romantic singer-songwriter: check "Allí Estaré", "Salida", and "Aunque No Te Pueda Ver". He tries to be politically correct (and concerned) in the song "Fantasía o Realidad", but the result it's not very different from a ...
試析媒體與網路在新術語漢譯中的作用——以politicallycorrect漢譯為例 法律術語翻譯等值分析——以《德國民法典》之《物權法》為例 染整專業術語翻譯探討 面向翻譯及辭書編纂的人文社科漢英動態術語知識庫——需求分析與構建思考 評《新華新詞語詞典》中法律詞目的英譯——兼談對雙語辭書編纂者的要求 ...
《Everything Louder Than Everything Else》是由Meat Loaf演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《6 x 6 - Rock》中。歌詞 Artist:meat loaf Songs Title:everything louder than everything else I know that I will never be politically correct And I dont give a damn about my lack of ettiquette As far as Im ...
Crow & Vince Gill 《Shelter From The Storm》Rodney Crowell & Emmylou Harris 《Like We Never Loved At All》Faith Hill & Tim McGraw 《Dreams Come True》Willie Nelson & Norah Jones 《Politically Uncorrect》Gretchen Wilson & Merle Haggard 最佳鄉村器樂表現 《I'll Fly Away》Charlie Daniels ...
Being politically correct If I see through it now But I didn‘t at first The hypocrites made it worse and worse Lookin‘ down their noses at What people say These are just words and words are okay It‘s what you do and not what you say If you‘re not part of the future Then get ...
use the state-granted label to conceptualise Bai identities through historical studies, recent memories,religious practices and an annual social event. Most significant among my findings is the role of the legitimate name Baizu, which fits well into a China context by being politically correct, ...
Politically Correct政治態度正確的 布希isms 從Legco的縮拼談起 “米老鼠”及其他 舊日情懷 文革“曲線救書”記 田埂“小布”用英文演話劇《雷雨》勤則不匱 我與“譯文”上海譯文版《英漢大詞典》前言 《英漢大詞典補編》小序 作文難 寫作是非常美妙的智力活動 留住我們的精神線索 ———漫談漢語修養問題 翻譯與...
3 政治問題Politically Correct154 4 禮貌友好Friendly Expressions157 5 詞語褒貶Complimentary vs. Derogatory162 Chapter 11 與時俱進Currency167 1 名正言順Updating Names168 2 語言陳腐Clichés to Avoid168 3 物盡其用Working Clichés Welcome173 4 與時俱進Modern Remodeling175 5 多樣化表達Expressions ...
他的音樂永遠有一種悽美,淒但是美。他專注愛情,也關心社會問題(聽聽那首Sights and sounds of london town吧),他似乎永遠政治正確(politically correct),這樣的人或許很悶,但是關鍵在於,他很純,他很真,他讓你可以相信,可以給你慰藉,這讓他的悶反而成為我敬佩他的一個理由。