- 外文名:Point Of Departure
- 歌手:Andrew Hill
- 音樂風格:爵士
- 發行時間:1999年05月18日
最常用的幾種聯合暴露評估方法包括危害指數法(hazard index,HI)、相對毒效因子法(relative potency factor,RPF)、暴露閾值法(margin of exposure,MOE)及分離點指數法(point of departure index,PODI)。危害指數法 危害指數法適用於...
Leslie Zelamsky是一位藝術家。主要作品 Leslie Zelamsky的主要作品信息如下:1、"Point of Departure 2", abstract, mixed media painting, blues, greens, pink, 2018 2、"Point of Departure 6", abstract, mixed media painting,...
(2-B)“在內陸指定的發貨地點的指定內陸運輸工具上交貨,運費預付到指定的出口地點”F.O.B.(named inland carrier at named inland point of departure)FREI-GHT PREPAID TO (named point of export-ation) 按此術語,賣方所報價格包...
3.3 Definition and point of departure /52 3.4 Definition and thoughts-collecting ./55 3.5 Definition and structuring /56 3.6 Definition and audience /58 3.7 Working definitions /59 Critical thinking activities /60 Wr...
36) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Pearce, P. L. (2014). Host tourism aspirations as a point of departure for the sustainable livelihoods approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI, IF=2.978). 22(3): 440-460.37) ...
6.1 Constructing the Point of Departure 6.2 Creating a Flow of Information 6.3 Organizing a Cohesive Whole 6.4 Discussion 7 Discussion 7.1 Revisiting the Analysis 7.2 Bringing the Frameworks Together 7.3 Future ...
Our point of departure is to serve the people wholeheartedly Service(服務)S--微笑待客Smile for every one E—精通業務上的工作Excellence in everything you do R—對客戶態度親切友善Reaching out to every customer with ...
a comprehensive discussion of the selected works from a variety of theoretical perspectives. Each essay offers a critical introduction to the text that can serve as a point of departure for literary scholars, professors of ...
book examines fundamental aesthetic issues raised by the monochrome in a historical context. The authors ask whether the monochrome is the last and most radical phase of abstract painting or instead a point of departure for...
the dimensions of business power in the political system and provides a fresh consideration of how economic power translates into political power. Charles Lindbloom's analysis of business power provides a point of departure ...
of the 1980s and early 1990s into the panorama of Spanish American literature. Providing both primary and secondary sources, this comprehensive reference work should serve scholars and students as the point of departure for ...
This book takes as its point of departure today’s pressing environmental challenges, particularly the loss of biodiversity, and the role of communities in protected areas conservation. In its chapters, the authors discuss ...