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吳茂英博士,浙江大學管理學院旅遊管理系副教授、博士生導師。本科與碩士就讀於浙江大學旅遊管理專業(2002-2008)。在澳大利亞聯邦政府的奮進研究生獎學金(Australian Endeavour Postgraduate Award)的資助下,她前往澳大利亞詹姆斯庫克大學(James Cook University)(2009-2012)攻讀博士學位,師從“澳洲旅遊學首席教授”Philip Pearce博士。


  • 中文名:吳茂英
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職稱:副教授


吳茂英博士,浙江大學管理學院旅遊管理系副教授、博士生導碑影勸師。本科與碩士就匪戀煮讀於浙江大學旅遊管理專業(2002-2008)。在澳大利亞聯邦政府的奮進研究生獎學金(Australian Endeavour Postgraduate Award)的資助下,她前往澳大利亞詹姆斯庫克大學(James Cook University)(2009-2012)攻讀博士學位,師從“澳洲旅遊學首席教授”Philip Pearce博士。
吳茂英先後在Journal of Sustainable Tourism , Tourism Management, Current Issues in Tourism, Tourism Geographies , Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Tourism and Hospitality Research等SSCI期刊和國內高質量期刊(如旅遊學刊、經濟地理、地理科學、人文地理等)發表近70篇期刊文章。編輯出版The World Meers Aisan Tourists (倫敦Emerald 出版社)一本,聚焦亞洲遊客走出亞洲的旅遊體驗。在多項獨立學者的研究評價(如張凌雲教授等學者[2017,《中國大陸和港澳台地區學者國際旅遊學術論文產出和影響評價》,旅遊導刊]、保繼剛、陳鋼華和Jin [2018, China Tourism Research: A Review of Publications from Four Top International Journals, Journal of China Tourism Research ]),吳茂英均受到良好頸棗喇希的評價,位列高產榜中。2020年,吳茂英被中國旅遊研究聯合會(International Association for China Tourism Studies, IACTS)評為傑出青年學者(Outstanding Young Scholar of IACTS)。
此外,吳茂英擔任國際旅遊學會(International Tourism Studies Association,ITSA)中國區副主席;澳中旅遊研究中心(Australia-China Tourism Research Network,ACTReNET)副主任。擔任Journal of Travel Research編委,Tourism Management、Current Issues in Tourism、International Journal of Hospitality Management、Journal of Hospitality &Tourism Research等多個期刊的審稿人。




1) 中國大運河的多重遊憩空間與文化自信戰略研究 (國家社科一般項目, No. 19GB136, 2019-2022),主持。
2)大運承墓凶河杭州段打造國際旅遊目的地戰略研究, 杭州運河(河道)研究院運河學研究課題 (2017-2018), 主持
3) 家庭旅遊體驗及學習收益研究:兒童與家長的系統視角, 中央高校基本科研業務費交叉預研項目(2017-2019, No. 2017XZA228), 聯合主持
4) “新公共外交”視角下的公民出境文明旅遊與國家形象關係研究. 國家社科青年項目 (2014 – 2016, No. 14CGL024,免於鑑定), 主持
5) 西藏非物質文化遺產資料庫建設(國家社科重點項目,2013-2016,No. 13AZD060 , 申請結題), 參與(3/6)
6) 城市濱水區文化遺產保護與傳承研究(國家社科一般項目,2013-2016,No. 13BSH044,已結題,免鑑定),參與(2/8)
7) 信息化和旅遊業的深度融合----智慧旅遊新業態研究(國家社科一般項目永恥,2013-2015. No. 13BJY148, 已結題,良好),參與(3/7)
8) Chinese tourists in regional Australia. Australia China Council’s Australian Studies Competitive Project Award (2014-2015),主持


1) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. (2016). The World Meets Asian Tourists (Eds). London: Emerald.
1) Tong, Y., Wu, M.-Y. *, Pearce, P. L., Zhai, J., & Shen, H. (2020). Children and structured holiday camping: processes and perceived outcomes. Tourism Management Perspectives. DOI:
2) Wen, J., & Wu, M.-Y.* (2020). How special is special interest tourism and how special are special interest tourists? A perspective article in a Chinese context. Current Issues in Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2020.1750575.
3) Li, Q. & Wu, M.-Y. * (2020). Tourists’ pro-environmental behaviour in travel destinations: benchmarking the power of social interaction and individual attitude. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(9),1371-1389.
4) Shen, H., Wu, M.-Y. *, Wall, G., & Tong, Y., (2019). Craft museum visitors’ interactive experiences, benefits and behavioural intentions: Perspectives of Chinese parents. Leisure Studies (SSCI). DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2019.1696390.
5) Wu, M.-Y., Wall, G., Zhai, J. *, & Li, Q., (2019). Understanding International Students’ Motivations to Pursue Higher Education in Mainland China. Educational Review. DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2019.1662772.
6) Fan, L.-N., Wu, M.-Y. *, Wall, G., & Zhou, Y. (2019). Community support for tourism in China’s Dong ethnic villages. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. DOI: 10.1080/14766825.2019.1659283.
7) Wu, M.-Y., Zu, Y.-J., Wall, G., & Ying, T.* (2019). Chinese children’s family tourism experiences. Tourism Management Perspectives (SSCI). 29, 166-175.
8) Li, Q., & Wu, M. –Y.*, (2019). Rationality or morality? A comparative study of pro-environmental intentions of local and nonlocal visitors in nature-based destinations. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management (SSCI).11, 130-139.
9) Huang, K., Pearce, P., Wu, M.-Y.*, & Wang, X., (2019). Tourists and Buddhist heritage sites: an integrative analysis of visitors’ experience and happiness through positive psychology constructs. Tourist Studies (SSCI). 19(4), 549-568.
10) Wu, M.-Y., Wall, G., & Tong, Y.* (accepted in June 2018). Research on China’s inbound tourism: A comparative review. Journal of China Tourism Research.
11) Wang, W., Yi, L., Wu, M.-Y. *, Pearce, P. & Huang, S. (2018). Examining Chinese young adults’ motivations for traveling with their parents. Tourism Management. 69:422-433.
12) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y.* (2018). Entertaining international tourists: An empirical study of an iconic site in China. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (SSCI, IF=2.646). 42(5): 772-792.
13) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. *(2018). A mobile narrative community: Communication amongst senior recreational vehicle travellers. Tourist Studies (SSCI, IF=1.147). 18(2):194-212.
14) Zhou, L.-Q., Shen, H.-L., Wu, M. -Y. *, Wall, G., & Shen, X. (2018). The perceived benefits of visiting heritage museums: Chinese parents’ perspectives. International Journal of Heritage Studies (SSCI, IF=1.156). DOI: 10.1080/13527258.2018.1428667.
15) Wang, W., Wu, J., Wu, M.-Y. *, & Pearce, P. (2018). Shaping tourists’ green behavior: the hosts’ efforts at rural Chinese B&Bs. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management (SSCI, IF=1.556). DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2018.01.006.
16) Zhou, L.-Q., Yu, J.-B., Wu, M.-Y., *Wall, G., & Pearce, P. L. (2018). Seniors’ seasonal movements for health enhancement. The Service Industries Journal. (SSCI, IF=1.172). 38(1-2), 27-47.
17) Wu, M.-Y.,* & Pearce, P. L. (2017). Gap time and Chinese tourists: Exploring constraints. Current Issues in Tourism (SSCI, IF=2.451). DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2017.1415868.
18) Wu, M.-Y., Pearce, P. L., & Li, Q.* (2017). Chinese behind the wheel: factors affecting their satisfaction with international self- drive holidays. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (SSCI, IF=1.556). DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2017.09.004.
19) Wu, M.-Y. * & Pearce, P. L. (2017). Understanding Chinese overseas recreational vehicle tourists: A netnographic and comparative approach. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (SSCI, IF=2.646). 41(6): 696-718.
20) Wu, M.-Y. *, & Pearce, P. L., (2017). A tale of two parks: Tibetan youth’s preferences for tourism community futures. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change (SSCI, IF=0.732). 15(4): 359-379.
21) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Wall, G. (2017). Visiting heritage museums with children: Chinese parents’ motivations. Journal of Heritage Tourism. 12(1), 36-51.
22) Wu, M.-Y. , Pearce, P. L., & Dong, W.,* (2017). How satisfying are Shanghai’s superior hotels? The views of international tourists. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI, IF=3.196). 29 (4), 1096-1115.
23) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Pearce, P. L. (2017). The rally experience: Exploring motivation patterns of Australian Grey Nomads. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (SSCI, IF=1.556). 6(4), 407-415.
24) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Wall, G. (2016). Chinese research on family tourism: Review and research implications. Journal of China Tourism Research. 12(3-4): 274-290.
25) Wu, M.-Y. * & Pearce, P. L. (2016). Tourism blogging motivations: Why we create little “Lonely Planet”?. Journal of Travel Research (SSCI, IF=4.564). 55(4): 537-549.
26) Pearce P. L. & Wu, M.-Y.* (2016). Tourists’ evaluation of a romantic themed attraction: Expressive and instrumental issues, Journal of Travel Research (SSCI, IF=4.564). 55(2): 220-232.
27) Wu, M.-Y. (2016). Approaching tourism: Perspectives from the young hosts in a rural heritage community in Tibet. Current Issues in Tourism (SSCI, IF=2.451). 19(11): 1158 - 1175.
28) Wu, M.-Y. (2015).Driving an unfamiliar vehicle in an unfamiliar country: Exploring Chinese recreational vehicle tourists’ safety concerns and coping techniques in Australia. Journal of Travel Research (SSCI, IF=4.564). 54(6): 801-813.
29) Wu, M.-Y. *, Pearce, P. L., Huang, K., & Fan, T. (2015). The “Gap Year” in China: Views from the participants and implications for the future. Current Issues in Tourism (SSCI, IF=2.451). 18(2): 158-174.
30) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y.* (2015). Soft Infrastructure at Tourism Sites: Identifying Key Issues for Asian Tourism from Case Studies. Tourism Recreation Research. 40(1):120-132.
31) Pearce, P. L., Wu, M.-Y.* & Chen, T. (2015). The spectacular and the mundane: Chinese tourists' online representations of an iconic landscape journey. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (SSCI, IF=1.556), 4: 24-35.
32) Wu, M.-Y., Wall, G.*, & Zhou, L. (2014). A free pricing strategy at a major tourist attraction: The West Lake case, China. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (SSCI, IF=1.556). 3, 96-104.
33) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Pearce, P. L. (2014). Chinese recreation vehicle users in Australia: a netnographic study of tourist motivation. Tourism Management (SSCI, IF=4.707). 43, 22-35.
34) Zhou, L-Q, Ye, S., Pearce, P. L., & Wu, M.-Y.* (2014). Refreshing hotel satisfaction studies by reconfiguring customer review data. International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI, IF=2.787). 38, 1-10.
35) Wu, M.-Y., Wall, G., & Pearce, P. L*. (2014). Shopping experiences: International tourists in Beijing’s Silk market. Tourism Management (SSCI, IF=4.707). 41: 96-106.
36) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Pearce, P. L. (2014). Host tourism aspirations as a point of departure for the sustainable livelihoods approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI, IF=2.978). 22(3): 440-460.
37) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. * (2014). Building familiarity with a new market: Motivations for Chinese recreational vehicle tourists in Australia. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases. 3(1):20-29.
38) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Pearce, P. L. (2014). Appraising netnography: Towards insights about new markets in the digital tourist era. Current Issues in Tourism (SSCI, IF=2.451). 17(5): 463-474.
39) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Pearce, P. L. (2014). Assets-based community development as applied in tourism in Tibet. Tourism Geographies (SSCI, IF=1.663). 16(3): 438-456.
40) Pearce, P. L., Wu, M.-Y.*, De Carlo, M., & Rossi, A. (2013). Contemporary experiences of Chinese tourists in Italy: An onsite analysis in Milan. Tourism Management Perspectives.7, 34-37.
41) Pearce, P. L., Wu, M.-Y.*, & Osmond, A. (2013). Puzzles in understanding Chinese tourist behaviour: Towards a trip-C gaze. Tourism Recreation Research. 38(2):145-157.
42) Wu, M.-Y. (2013). I would love to work in tourism, but…. Exploring the outcomes of an ethnic tourism education initiative. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education (SSCI, IF=0.206). 12(1): 47-58.
43) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Pearce, P. L. (2013). Tourists to Lhasa, Tibet: How local youth classify, understand and respond to different types of travellers. Asia Pacific Journal of Travel Research (SSCI, IF=1.051). 18(6), 549-572.
44) Pearce, P. L.*, & Wu, M.-Y., (2013). Endogenous tourism marketing for destination development. Tourism Tribune, 28(2):3-6.
45) Wu, M.-Y., & Pearce, P. L. (2012). Tourism research in and about Tibet: Employing a system for reviewing regional tourism studies. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 12(2): 59-72.
1) 黃克己、張朝枝、吳茂英(2020). 遺產地居民幸福嗎?基於不同旅遊扶貧模式的案例分析. 旅遊學刊
2) 易柳夙、吳茂英(2020). 家庭旅遊研究進展 ——基於1998-2017年英文文獻的綜述. 旅遊學刊.
3)吳茂英、沈海莉(2018). 新媒體時代視覺材料與目的地形象關係研究. 旅遊學刊. 33(3):5-7.
4) 張環宙、吳茂英、沈旭煒 (2018). 特色小鎮:旅遊業的浙江經驗及其啟示. 武漢大學學報(哲學社會科學版). 71(4):
5) 易柳夙、吳茂英、盧歡(2018). 基於激活-擴散理論的旅遊目的地地域文化認知研究——以長江三峽為例. 旅遊論壇
6) 王婉飛、吳建興、吳茂英(2018年1月接收). 鄉村旅遊發展中地方政府生態管理的驅動因素研究. 旅遊學刊.
7) 吳茂英、謝朝武、盧歡. (2017). “特色大國外交”形勢下中國公民出境文明旅遊行為的塑造.中國旅遊報. 2017年12月5日003版.
8) 周波、周玲強、吳茂英(2017). 智慧旅遊背景下增強現實對遊客旅遊意向的影響研究——一個基於TAM的改進模型,商業經濟與管理. 2: 71-79.
9) 張環宙、黃克己、吳茂英、汪勇慶、凌怡.(2017). 我國郵輪遊客的體驗研究:以三大知名郵輪公司為例. 浙江外國語學院學報. 3:106-115.
10) 張環宙、李秋成、吳茂英(2016). 自然旅遊地遊客生態行為內生驅動機制實證研究,經濟地理. 36(12): 139-148.
11) 張環宙、吳茂英、劉婷(2016). 國際遊客凝視與旅遊文明:基於“印象•劉三姐”的實證研究,世界地理研究. 25(6): 139-148.
12) 吳茂英、周玲強 (2016). “新公共外交”視角下的出境文明旅遊與國家形象關係研究. 旅遊學刊. 31(7):5-6.
13) 吳茂英、陸均良 (2016). 網際網路背景下的中國出境遊客行為新特點. 旅遊學刊. 31(5):5-7.
14) 張環宙、黃克己、吳茂英(2015). 基於博弈論視角的濱海文化旅遊可持續發展研究[J]. 經濟地理, 35(4): 202-208.
15) 張環宙,沈旭煒,吳茂英(2015), 濱水區工業遺存與城市記憶的延續研究,地理科學. 35(2): 183-189.
16) 吳茂英,黃克己(2014),網路志評析:智慧旅遊時代的套用與創新,旅遊學刊, 29(12): 66-74.
17) 吳茂英,Philip L. Pearce (2014), 積極心理學在旅遊學研究中的套用,旅遊學刊, 29(2):36-44.
18) 張環宙,沈旭煒,吳茂英(2013), 城市歷史街區空間更新與業態更替研究,浙江外國語學院學報,1:90-96.
19) 張環宙,吳茂英,沈旭煒 (2013),城市濱水RBD開發:讓濱水回歸生活,經濟地理,33(6):73-78.
20) 吳茂英 (2013), 旅遊凝視:評述與展望,旅遊學刊,27(3): 107-112.
21) 張環宙,吳茂英(2010),休閒遊憩導向的國外城市歷史濱水地段復興研究,人文地理,25(4):132-136.
22) 周永廣,馬金濤,吳茂英 (2009),基於“真實性”體驗的鄉村旅遊社區化發展研究——以河北白洋淀“島村”為例,浙江旅遊職業學院學報,22(6):42-47.
23) 周亞慶,吳茂英,周永廣,竺燕紅(2007),旅遊學研究中的真實性理論及其比較,旅遊學刊,22(6):42-47.
59) Wu, M.-Y. (2018). Getting around. In Pearce, P. L. (Eds). Tourist Behaviour. The Essential Companion.
60) Wu, M.-Y. & Pearce, P. L. (2017). Factors affecting how young hosts welcome tourists; an Asian case study. In Y. Wang, A. Shakeela, A. Kwek, & C. Khoo-Lattimore (Eds). Managing Asian Destinations.
61) Xu, J. & Wu, M.-Y. (accepted in April, 2016). Netnography as a new research method in tourism studies: A bibliometric analysis of journal articles (2006-2015). In Nunkoo, R. (Eds): Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism and Hospitality Management. Edward Elgar publishers.
62) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. (2016). Introduction: Meeting Asian tourists. In P. L. Pearce, & M.-Y. Wu, (Eds): The World Meets Asian Tourists. (pp.1-19). Bingley: Emerald.
63) Wu, M.-Y. (2016). Media representation of Chinese outbound tourists’ behavior. In P. L. Pearce, & M.-Y. Wu, (Eds): The World Meets Asian Tourists. (pp.57-71). Bingley: Emerald.
64) Wu, M.-Y. & Pearce, P. L. (2016).Italian cathedrals and Chinese tourists. In P. L. Pearce, & M.-Y. Wu, (Eds): The World Meets Asian Tourists. (pp.149-167). Bingley: Emerald.
65) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. (2016).Conclusion: Theoretical and managerial considerations. In P. L. Pearce, & M.-Y. Wu, (Eds): The World Meets Asian Tourists. (pp.325-343). Bingley: Emerald.
66) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. (2016). Chinese tourists’ on-site experience in Florence; applying the orchestrate model. In Li, X (Eds): Chinese Outbound Tourism 2.0. (pp.199-214). Oakville, Canada: Apple Academic Press.
67) 吳茂英(2014). 澳大利亞對華遊客細分戰略研究. 宋子千.胡撫生主編,中國旅遊評論:政策專輯(pp.136-146). 北京:旅遊教育出版社.
68) Wu, M.-Y., & Pearce, P. L. (2013). Looking down, looking out, and looking forward: Tibetan youth view tourism in the future. In O. Moufakkir & Y. Reisinger (Eds.), The Host Gaze in Global Tourism (pp.125-141). Oxfordshire: CABI.
69) 張環宙、沈旭煒、吳茂英、汪勇慶 (2013).錢塘江及錢江新城旅遊開發研究:從CBD到濱水RBD. 王國平主編, 錢塘江研究報告 (pp163-204). 杭州:杭州出版社.
70) Wu, M.-Y. Pearce, P. L., Li, Q., & Chen, Y. (2017). International Chinese self-drive tourists: components of satisfaction. Paper presented at the 15th APacCHIRE Conference, Bali, Indonesia.
71) Xu, F., Wu, M.-Y., & Ying, T. (2017). Why Chinese tourists shopping for others when travel overseas? From a cultural perspective. Paper presented at the 15th APacCHIRE Conference, Bali, Indonesia.
72) Pearce, P. L., Oguchi, T., Wu, M.-Y. & Mohammadi, Z. (2016). International studies in savoring; coding recollections of intensely remembered tourism experiences.Paper presented at the 6th Bioannal ITSA Conference, London, UK.
73) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. (2014). Personal benefits of Grey Nomads travel: A positive psychology evaluation. Paper presented at the 5th Bioannal ITSA Conference, Perth, Australia.
74) Yu, J., Zhou, L., & Wu, M.-Y. (2014). Living long, living well: Perceived benefits driving Chinese senior mobility in Bama ethnic village. Paper presented at the 5th Bioannal ITSA Conference, Perth, Australia.
75) Wu, M.-Y., Pearce, P. L., & Zhou, Y.-Q. (2014). Creating value for satisfaction assessment from hotel travel reviews. Paper presented at the 12th APacCHIRE Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
76) Wu, M.-Y., Pearce, P. L., Huang, K.-J., & Fan, T.-T. (2014). The evolving and involving concept of “Gap Year”: Perspectives from Chinese Participants. Paper presented at the 12th APacCHIRE Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
77) Liu, W., Wu, M.-Y. & Pearce, P. L. (2014). Explaining students’ motivations for studying in China. Poster presented at the 5th APacCHIRE Youth Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
78) Liu, B.-H, & Wu, M.-Y. (2014). Visiting intangible heritage museums: Linking parents and children’s views. Poster presented at the 5th APacCHIRE Youth Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
79) Wu, M.-Y.*, Pearce, P. L. & Zhou, L. (2013). My little Lonely Planet: Motivations for blog writing among Chinese outbound independent tourists. Paper presented at the 2 World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality, Orlando, Florida, USA.
80) Pearce, P. L.* & Wu, M.-Y. (2013). Small Towns as Traveller Friendly Destinations: Exploring Stakeholder Views. Paper presented at the 2 World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality, Orlando, Florida, USA.
81) Pearce, P. L.*, & Wu, M.-Y. (2012). Developing soft infrastructure to enhance the tourist experience: identifying key issues for Asian Pacific tourism from case studies. Paper presented at the TOSOK Conference, Ulsan, Korea.
82) Pearce, P. L., & Wu, M.-Y.* (2010). The joint power of social representations theory and livelihoods analysis to assess tourism community futures. Paper presented at the the16th Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA), Macau.


  1. Wu, M.-Y. (2012), Tourism at the roof of the world: Young hosts assessing tourism community futures, Ph. D thesis, James Cook University, retrived from http://eprints.jcu.edu.au/24990/
  2. 吳茂英. (2008). 飯店餐飲顧客感知公平性、消費情感與滿意度關係研究,浙江大學碩士學位論文
  3. 吳茂英. (2006). 高星級飯店的定製化服務研究,浙江大學本科學位論文




1) 中國大運河的多重遊憩空間與文化自信戰略研究 (國家社科一般項目, No. 19GB136, 2019-2022),主持。
2)大運河杭州段打造國際旅遊目的地戰略研究, 杭州運河(河道)研究院運河學研究課題 (2017-2018), 主持
3) 家庭旅遊體驗及學習收益研究:兒童與家長的系統視角, 中央高校基本科研業務費交叉預研項目(2017-2019, No. 2017XZA228), 聯合主持
4) “新公共外交”視角下的公民出境文明旅遊與國家形象關係研究. 國家社科青年項目 (2014 – 2016, No. 14CGL024,免於鑑定), 主持
5) 西藏非物質文化遺產資料庫建設(國家社科重點項目,2013-2016,No. 13AZD060 , 申請結題), 參與(3/6)
6) 城市濱水區文化遺產保護與傳承研究(國家社科一般項目,2013-2016,No. 13BSH044,已結題,免鑑定),參與(2/8)
7) 信息化和旅遊業的深度融合----智慧旅遊新業態研究(國家社科一般項目,2013-2015. No. 13BJY148, 已結題,良好),參與(3/7)
8) Chinese tourists in regional Australia. Australia China Council’s Australian Studies Competitive Project Award (2014-2015),主持


1) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. (2016). The World Meets Asian Tourists (Eds). London: Emerald.
1) Tong, Y., Wu, M.-Y. *, Pearce, P. L., Zhai, J., & Shen, H. (2020). Children and structured holiday camping: processes and perceived outcomes. Tourism Management Perspectives. DOI:
2) Wen, J., & Wu, M.-Y.* (2020). How special is special interest tourism and how special are special interest tourists? A perspective article in a Chinese context. Current Issues in Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2020.1750575.
3) Li, Q. & Wu, M.-Y. * (2020). Tourists’ pro-environmental behaviour in travel destinations: benchmarking the power of social interaction and individual attitude. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(9),1371-1389.
4) Shen, H., Wu, M.-Y. *, Wall, G., & Tong, Y., (2019). Craft museum visitors’ interactive experiences, benefits and behavioural intentions: Perspectives of Chinese parents. Leisure Studies (SSCI). DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2019.1696390.
5) Wu, M.-Y., Wall, G., Zhai, J. *, & Li, Q., (2019). Understanding International Students’ Motivations to Pursue Higher Education in Mainland China. Educational Review. DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2019.1662772.
6) Fan, L.-N., Wu, M.-Y. *, Wall, G., & Zhou, Y. (2019). Community support for tourism in China’s Dong ethnic villages. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. DOI: 10.1080/14766825.2019.1659283.
7) Wu, M.-Y., Zu, Y.-J., Wall, G., & Ying, T.* (2019). Chinese children’s family tourism experiences. Tourism Management Perspectives (SSCI). 29, 166-175.
8) Li, Q., & Wu, M. –Y.*, (2019). Rationality or morality? A comparative study of pro-environmental intentions of local and nonlocal visitors in nature-based destinations. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management (SSCI).11, 130-139.
9) Huang, K., Pearce, P., Wu, M.-Y.*, & Wang, X., (2019). Tourists and Buddhist heritage sites: an integrative analysis of visitors’ experience and happiness through positive psychology constructs. Tourist Studies (SSCI). 19(4), 549-568.
10) Wu, M.-Y., Wall, G., & Tong, Y.* (accepted in June 2018). Research on China’s inbound tourism: A comparative review. Journal of China Tourism Research.
11) Wang, W., Yi, L., Wu, M.-Y. *, Pearce, P. & Huang, S. (2018). Examining Chinese young adults’ motivations for traveling with their parents. Tourism Management. 69:422-433.
12) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y.* (2018). Entertaining international tourists: An empirical study of an iconic site in China. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (SSCI, IF=2.646). 42(5): 772-792.
13) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. *(2018). A mobile narrative community: Communication amongst senior recreational vehicle travellers. Tourist Studies (SSCI, IF=1.147). 18(2):194-212.
14) Zhou, L.-Q., Shen, H.-L., Wu, M. -Y. *, Wall, G., & Shen, X. (2018). The perceived benefits of visiting heritage museums: Chinese parents’ perspectives. International Journal of Heritage Studies (SSCI, IF=1.156). DOI: 10.1080/13527258.2018.1428667.
15) Wang, W., Wu, J., Wu, M.-Y. *, & Pearce, P. (2018). Shaping tourists’ green behavior: the hosts’ efforts at rural Chinese B&Bs. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management (SSCI, IF=1.556). DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2018.01.006.
16) Zhou, L.-Q., Yu, J.-B., Wu, M.-Y., *Wall, G., & Pearce, P. L. (2018). Seniors’ seasonal movements for health enhancement. The Service Industries Journal. (SSCI, IF=1.172). 38(1-2), 27-47.
17) Wu, M.-Y.,* & Pearce, P. L. (2017). Gap time and Chinese tourists: Exploring constraints. Current Issues in Tourism (SSCI, IF=2.451). DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2017.1415868.
18) Wu, M.-Y., Pearce, P. L., & Li, Q.* (2017). Chinese behind the wheel: factors affecting their satisfaction with international self- drive holidays. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (SSCI, IF=1.556). DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2017.09.004.
19) Wu, M.-Y. * & Pearce, P. L. (2017). Understanding Chinese overseas recreational vehicle tourists: A netnographic and comparative approach. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (SSCI, IF=2.646). 41(6): 696-718.
20) Wu, M.-Y. *, & Pearce, P. L., (2017). A tale of two parks: Tibetan youth’s preferences for tourism community futures. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change (SSCI, IF=0.732). 15(4): 359-379.
21) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Wall, G. (2017). Visiting heritage museums with children: Chinese parents’ motivations. Journal of Heritage Tourism. 12(1), 36-51.
22) Wu, M.-Y. , Pearce, P. L., & Dong, W.,* (2017). How satisfying are Shanghai’s superior hotels? The views of international tourists. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI, IF=3.196). 29 (4), 1096-1115.
23) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Pearce, P. L. (2017). The rally experience: Exploring motivation patterns of Australian Grey Nomads. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (SSCI, IF=1.556). 6(4), 407-415.
24) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Wall, G. (2016). Chinese research on family tourism: Review and research implications. Journal of China Tourism Research. 12(3-4): 274-290.
25) Wu, M.-Y. * & Pearce, P. L. (2016). Tourism blogging motivations: Why we create little “Lonely Planet”?. Journal of Travel Research (SSCI, IF=4.564). 55(4): 537-549.
26) Pearce P. L. & Wu, M.-Y.* (2016). Tourists’ evaluation of a romantic themed attraction: Expressive and instrumental issues, Journal of Travel Research (SSCI, IF=4.564). 55(2): 220-232.
27) Wu, M.-Y. (2016). Approaching tourism: Perspectives from the young hosts in a rural heritage community in Tibet. Current Issues in Tourism (SSCI, IF=2.451). 19(11): 1158 - 1175.
28) Wu, M.-Y. (2015).Driving an unfamiliar vehicle in an unfamiliar country: Exploring Chinese recreational vehicle tourists’ safety concerns and coping techniques in Australia. Journal of Travel Research (SSCI, IF=4.564). 54(6): 801-813.
29) Wu, M.-Y. *, Pearce, P. L., Huang, K., & Fan, T. (2015). The “Gap Year” in China: Views from the participants and implications for the future. Current Issues in Tourism (SSCI, IF=2.451). 18(2): 158-174.
30) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y.* (2015). Soft Infrastructure at Tourism Sites: Identifying Key Issues for Asian Tourism from Case Studies. Tourism Recreation Research. 40(1):120-132.
31) Pearce, P. L., Wu, M.-Y.* & Chen, T. (2015). The spectacular and the mundane: Chinese tourists' online representations of an iconic landscape journey. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (SSCI, IF=1.556), 4: 24-35.
32) Wu, M.-Y., Wall, G.*, & Zhou, L. (2014). A free pricing strategy at a major tourist attraction: The West Lake case, China. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (SSCI, IF=1.556). 3, 96-104.
33) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Pearce, P. L. (2014). Chinese recreation vehicle users in Australia: a netnographic study of tourist motivation. Tourism Management (SSCI, IF=4.707). 43, 22-35.
34) Zhou, L-Q, Ye, S., Pearce, P. L., & Wu, M.-Y.* (2014). Refreshing hotel satisfaction studies by reconfiguring customer review data. International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI, IF=2.787). 38, 1-10.
35) Wu, M.-Y., Wall, G., & Pearce, P. L*. (2014). Shopping experiences: International tourists in Beijing’s Silk market. Tourism Management (SSCI, IF=4.707). 41: 96-106.
36) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Pearce, P. L. (2014). Host tourism aspirations as a point of departure for the sustainable livelihoods approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (SSCI, IF=2.978). 22(3): 440-460.
37) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. * (2014). Building familiarity with a new market: Motivations for Chinese recreational vehicle tourists in Australia. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases. 3(1):20-29.
38) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Pearce, P. L. (2014). Appraising netnography: Towards insights about new markets in the digital tourist era. Current Issues in Tourism (SSCI, IF=2.451). 17(5): 463-474.
39) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Pearce, P. L. (2014). Assets-based community development as applied in tourism in Tibet. Tourism Geographies (SSCI, IF=1.663). 16(3): 438-456.
40) Pearce, P. L., Wu, M.-Y.*, De Carlo, M., & Rossi, A. (2013). Contemporary experiences of Chinese tourists in Italy: An onsite analysis in Milan. Tourism Management Perspectives.7, 34-37.
41) Pearce, P. L., Wu, M.-Y.*, & Osmond, A. (2013). Puzzles in understanding Chinese tourist behaviour: Towards a trip-C gaze. Tourism Recreation Research. 38(2):145-157.
42) Wu, M.-Y. (2013). I would love to work in tourism, but…. Exploring the outcomes of an ethnic tourism education initiative. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education (SSCI, IF=0.206). 12(1): 47-58.
43) Wu, M.-Y.*, & Pearce, P. L. (2013). Tourists to Lhasa, Tibet: How local youth classify, understand and respond to different types of travellers. Asia Pacific Journal of Travel Research (SSCI, IF=1.051). 18(6), 549-572.
44) Pearce, P. L.*, & Wu, M.-Y., (2013). Endogenous tourism marketing for destination development. Tourism Tribune, 28(2):3-6.
45) Wu, M.-Y., & Pearce, P. L. (2012). Tourism research in and about Tibet: Employing a system for reviewing regional tourism studies. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 12(2): 59-72.
1) 黃克己、張朝枝、吳茂英(2020). 遺產地居民幸福嗎?基於不同旅遊扶貧模式的案例分析. 旅遊學刊
2) 易柳夙、吳茂英(2020). 家庭旅遊研究進展 ——基於1998-2017年英文文獻的綜述. 旅遊學刊.
3)吳茂英、沈海莉(2018). 新媒體時代視覺材料與目的地形象關係研究. 旅遊學刊. 33(3):5-7.
4) 張環宙、吳茂英、沈旭煒 (2018). 特色小鎮:旅遊業的浙江經驗及其啟示. 武漢大學學報(哲學社會科學版). 71(4):
5) 易柳夙、吳茂英、盧歡(2018). 基於激活-擴散理論的旅遊目的地地域文化認知研究——以長江三峽為例. 旅遊論壇
6) 王婉飛、吳建興、吳茂英(2018年1月接收). 鄉村旅遊發展中地方政府生態管理的驅動因素研究. 旅遊學刊.
7) 吳茂英、謝朝武、盧歡. (2017). “特色大國外交”形勢下中國公民出境文明旅遊行為的塑造.中國旅遊報. 2017年12月5日003版.
8) 周波、周玲強、吳茂英(2017). 智慧旅遊背景下增強現實對遊客旅遊意向的影響研究——一個基於TAM的改進模型,商業經濟與管理. 2: 71-79.
9) 張環宙、黃克己、吳茂英、汪勇慶、凌怡.(2017). 我國郵輪遊客的體驗研究:以三大知名郵輪公司為例. 浙江外國語學院學報. 3:106-115.
10) 張環宙、李秋成、吳茂英(2016). 自然旅遊地遊客生態行為內生驅動機制實證研究,經濟地理. 36(12): 139-148.
11) 張環宙、吳茂英、劉婷(2016). 國際遊客凝視與旅遊文明:基於“印象•劉三姐”的實證研究,世界地理研究. 25(6): 139-148.
12) 吳茂英、周玲強 (2016). “新公共外交”視角下的出境文明旅遊與國家形象關係研究. 旅遊學刊. 31(7):5-6.
13) 吳茂英、陸均良 (2016). 網際網路背景下的中國出境遊客行為新特點. 旅遊學刊. 31(5):5-7.
14) 張環宙、黃克己、吳茂英(2015). 基於博弈論視角的濱海文化旅遊可持續發展研究[J]. 經濟地理, 35(4): 202-208.
15) 張環宙,沈旭煒,吳茂英(2015), 濱水區工業遺存與城市記憶的延續研究,地理科學. 35(2): 183-189.
16) 吳茂英,黃克己(2014),網路志評析:智慧旅遊時代的套用與創新,旅遊學刊, 29(12): 66-74.
17) 吳茂英,Philip L. Pearce (2014), 積極心理學在旅遊學研究中的套用,旅遊學刊, 29(2):36-44.
18) 張環宙,沈旭煒,吳茂英(2013), 城市歷史街區空間更新與業態更替研究,浙江外國語學院學報,1:90-96.
19) 張環宙,吳茂英,沈旭煒 (2013),城市濱水RBD開發:讓濱水回歸生活,經濟地理,33(6):73-78.
20) 吳茂英 (2013), 旅遊凝視:評述與展望,旅遊學刊,27(3): 107-112.
21) 張環宙,吳茂英(2010),休閒遊憩導向的國外城市歷史濱水地段復興研究,人文地理,25(4):132-136.
22) 周永廣,馬金濤,吳茂英 (2009),基於“真實性”體驗的鄉村旅遊社區化發展研究——以河北白洋淀“島村”為例,浙江旅遊職業學院學報,22(6):42-47.
23) 周亞慶,吳茂英,周永廣,竺燕紅(2007),旅遊學研究中的真實性理論及其比較,旅遊學刊,22(6):42-47.
59) Wu, M.-Y. (2018). Getting around. In Pearce, P. L. (Eds). Tourist Behaviour. The Essential Companion.
60) Wu, M.-Y. & Pearce, P. L. (2017). Factors affecting how young hosts welcome tourists; an Asian case study. In Y. Wang, A. Shakeela, A. Kwek, & C. Khoo-Lattimore (Eds). Managing Asian Destinations.
61) Xu, J. & Wu, M.-Y. (accepted in April, 2016). Netnography as a new research method in tourism studies: A bibliometric analysis of journal articles (2006-2015). In Nunkoo, R. (Eds): Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism and Hospitality Management. Edward Elgar publishers.
62) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. (2016). Introduction: Meeting Asian tourists. In P. L. Pearce, & M.-Y. Wu, (Eds): The World Meets Asian Tourists. (pp.1-19). Bingley: Emerald.
63) Wu, M.-Y. (2016). Media representation of Chinese outbound tourists’ behavior. In P. L. Pearce, & M.-Y. Wu, (Eds): The World Meets Asian Tourists. (pp.57-71). Bingley: Emerald.
64) Wu, M.-Y. & Pearce, P. L. (2016).Italian cathedrals and Chinese tourists. In P. L. Pearce, & M.-Y. Wu, (Eds): The World Meets Asian Tourists. (pp.149-167). Bingley: Emerald.
65) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. (2016).Conclusion: Theoretical and managerial considerations. In P. L. Pearce, & M.-Y. Wu, (Eds): The World Meets Asian Tourists. (pp.325-343). Bingley: Emerald.
66) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. (2016). Chinese tourists’ on-site experience in Florence; applying the orchestrate model. In Li, X (Eds): Chinese Outbound Tourism 2.0. (pp.199-214). Oakville, Canada: Apple Academic Press.
67) 吳茂英(2014). 澳大利亞對華遊客細分戰略研究. 宋子千.胡撫生主編,中國旅遊評論:政策專輯(pp.136-146). 北京:旅遊教育出版社.
68) Wu, M.-Y., & Pearce, P. L. (2013). Looking down, looking out, and looking forward: Tibetan youth view tourism in the future. In O. Moufakkir & Y. Reisinger (Eds.), The Host Gaze in Global Tourism (pp.125-141). Oxfordshire: CABI.
69) 張環宙、沈旭煒、吳茂英、汪勇慶 (2013).錢塘江及錢江新城旅遊開發研究:從CBD到濱水RBD. 王國平主編, 錢塘江研究報告 (pp163-204). 杭州:杭州出版社.
70) Wu, M.-Y. Pearce, P. L., Li, Q., & Chen, Y. (2017). International Chinese self-drive tourists: components of satisfaction. Paper presented at the 15th APacCHIRE Conference, Bali, Indonesia.
71) Xu, F., Wu, M.-Y., & Ying, T. (2017). Why Chinese tourists shopping for others when travel overseas? From a cultural perspective. Paper presented at the 15th APacCHIRE Conference, Bali, Indonesia.
72) Pearce, P. L., Oguchi, T., Wu, M.-Y. & Mohammadi, Z. (2016). International studies in savoring; coding recollections of intensely remembered tourism experiences.Paper presented at the 6th Bioannal ITSA Conference, London, UK.
73) Pearce, P. L. & Wu, M.-Y. (2014). Personal benefits of Grey Nomads travel: A positive psychology evaluation. Paper presented at the 5th Bioannal ITSA Conference, Perth, Australia.
74) Yu, J., Zhou, L., & Wu, M.-Y. (2014). Living long, living well: Perceived benefits driving Chinese senior mobility in Bama ethnic village. Paper presented at the 5th Bioannal ITSA Conference, Perth, Australia.
75) Wu, M.-Y., Pearce, P. L., & Zhou, Y.-Q. (2014). Creating value for satisfaction assessment from hotel travel reviews. Paper presented at the 12th APacCHIRE Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
76) Wu, M.-Y., Pearce, P. L., Huang, K.-J., & Fan, T.-T. (2014). The evolving and involving concept of “Gap Year”: Perspectives from Chinese Participants. Paper presented at the 12th APacCHIRE Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
77) Liu, W., Wu, M.-Y. & Pearce, P. L. (2014). Explaining students’ motivations for studying in China. Poster presented at the 5th APacCHIRE Youth Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
78) Liu, B.-H, & Wu, M.-Y. (2014). Visiting intangible heritage museums: Linking parents and children’s views. Poster presented at the 5th APacCHIRE Youth Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
79) Wu, M.-Y.*, Pearce, P. L. & Zhou, L. (2013). My little Lonely Planet: Motivations for blog writing among Chinese outbound independent tourists. Paper presented at the 2 World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality, Orlando, Florida, USA.
80) Pearce, P. L.* & Wu, M.-Y. (2013). Small Towns as Traveller Friendly Destinations: Exploring Stakeholder Views. Paper presented at the 2 World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality, Orlando, Florida, USA.
81) Pearce, P. L.*, & Wu, M.-Y. (2012). Developing soft infrastructure to enhance the tourist experience: identifying key issues for Asian Pacific tourism from case studies. Paper presented at the TOSOK Conference, Ulsan, Korea.
82) Pearce, P. L., & Wu, M.-Y.* (2010). The joint power of social representations theory and livelihoods analysis to assess tourism community futures. Paper presented at the the16th Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA), Macau.


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  2. 吳茂英. (2008). 飯店餐飲顧客感知公平性、消費情感與滿意度關係研究,浙江大學碩士學位論文
  3. 吳茂英. (2006). 高星級飯店的定製化服務研究,浙江大學本科學位論文


