《OPTICS EXPRESS》是1997年UNITED STATES出版的研究領域為物理-光學的期刊。
- 語言:English
- 出版周期:Semimonthly
- 國際刊號:1094-4087
《OPTICS EXPRESS》是1997年UNITED STATES出版的研究領域為物理-光學的期刊。
《OPTICS EXPRESS》是1997年UNITED STATES出版的研究領域為物理-光學的期刊。...... 《OPTICS EXPRESS》是1997年UNITED STATES出版的研究領域為物理-光學的期刊。...
他同時擔任生物醫學工程系副系主任、北京大學IACUC委員和中國生物醫學工程學會生物信息與控制分會委員。並擔任《Optics Express》期刊的Associate Editor....
Optics Express19, 13285-13290 (2011). (IF: 3.561)(15)Hongbao Xin, Hongxiang Lei, Yao Zhang, Xingmin Li, and Baojun Li. Photothermal trapping of ...
美國光學學會會員,擔任頂級國際學術期刊(如Optics Letters, Optics Express, Plasmonics)的審稿人。 [1] 中文名 崔艷霞 國籍 中國 畢業院校 南京理工大 學位 ...
22. Tu, XG; Mario, LY;Mei, T*, Coupled Fano resonators, OPTICS EXPRESS 18, 18820-18831,201023. Darmawan, S; Tobing, LYM;Mei, T*, Coupling-...
H. Cheng, Micro Fabry-Perot interferometers in silica fibers machined by femtosecond laser, Optics Express, 15(21), 14123-14128 (2007). 7、Z. L. ...
Optics Express 26, 12, 15471-15479 (2018).[4] Huizhan Yang, Yunxin Kuan, Tuowen Xiang, Yuntao Zhu, Xinlun Cai, and Liu Liu*, "Broadband ...
“Broadband infrared luminescence from Li2O-Al2O3-ZnO-SiO2 glasses doped with Bi2O3”, Optics Express[2010 IF=3.749], 13 (18), 6892~6898, 2005....
單明廣,男,1979年出生,工學博士,副教授,博士生副導師,碩士生導師,入選2014年哈爾濱工程大學青年骨幹教師支持計畫;擔任了SCI源期刊Optics Letters、Optics Express、...
現為Applied Physics Letters、Optics Letters、Optics Express、Material Science and Engineering B、Journal of Crystal Growth、Thin Solid Film等期刊審稿人;《雷射...
Optics Express, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 6021-6028, Mar. 12, 2012.10. Bai-Ou Guan*, Long Jin, Yang Zhang, and Hwa-Yaw Tam,...
獲權發明專利16項,獲省部級一等獎4項,在Scientific Reports、Optics Express、Dalton Transactions、Nanoscal Research Letter等學術刊物和會議上發表論文50餘篇。...
J. Backhouse, Rapid simulation of wide-angle scattering from mitochondria in single cells, Optics Express, Vol. 16,12819-12834 (2008).(IF=3.75)...
Jiawei Qiu, and Renjun Zhang, "1.5 µm polarization coherent lidar incorporating time-division multiplexing," Optics Express, 25(17), 20663-20674, 2017...
受邀擔任IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Optics Express, Optics Letter, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Optics Communications 等國際頂級雜誌的審稿...
光電協同創新中心范滇元團隊張晗教授髮辮在《OPTICS EXPRESS》(2015)的論文《Broadband nonlinear optical response in multi-layer black phosphorus: an emerging ...
在Scientific Reports, Optics Letters, Optics Express,Laser Physics Letters,中國科學等國內外期刊發表SCI論文50餘篇,一篇學術論文入選“中國百篇最具影響學術論文”...
“Flat andbroadband supercontinuum generation by four-wave mixing in a highly nonlineartapered microstructured fiber,” OpticsExpress 20, B574-B580 (2012). ...
X.Y. Dong, et al, “Multiwavelength Raman fiber laser with a continuously-tunable spacing,”Optics Express, 14(8), 3288-3293, 2006. X.Y. Dong, ...
1)Lu Lu, Pengfei Zhang, Chengyu Fan*, and Chunhong Qiao, Influence of oceanic turbulence on propagation of a radial Gaussian beam array, Optics Express...
在國內外發表/錄用科研論文20餘篇,其中SCI論文18篇左右,包括國際光學和遙感權威期刊Applied Optics, Optics Letters, Optics Express和Journal of Geophysical Research...
吳真平,北京郵電大學理學院副教授、博士生導師。至今在Applied Physics Letters, Optics Express, Journal of Materials Chemistry C,ACS Applied Materials & ...
2、Applied Physics Letters,Optics Express,Applied Optics,Progress In Electromagnetics Research -PIER等國際期刊通訊審稿人。科學研究...