

毛東,男,西北工業大學理學院副教授, 碩士生導師。1987年出生於陝西省山陽縣。2008年畢業於西北工業大學獲學士學位,2014年畢業於中科院西安光機所獲博士學位。

主要從事主要從事光纖非線性、納米光學材料和超快鎖模雷射研究。在Scientific Reports, Optics Letters, Optics Express,Laser Physics Letters,中國科學等國內外期刊發表SCI論文50餘篇,一篇學術論文入選“中國百篇最具影響學術論文”和ESI資料庫“熱點論文”。獲得授權發明專利和實用新型專利各一項。主持國家自然科學基金和校基礎研究基金各一項。曾獲得中科院“院長獎”、博士生“國家獎學金”、“陝西省首屆研究生創新成果展一等獎”等。
1. Dong Mao, Yadong Wang, Chaojie Ma, Lei Han, Biqiang Jiang, Xuetao Gan, Shijia Hua, Wending Zhang, Ting Mei, and Jianlin Zhao, WS2 mode-locked ultrafast fiber laser, Scientific Reports 5, 7965 (2015).
2. Dong Mao, X. M. Liu, Z. Sun, H. Lu, D. Han, G. X. Wang, and F. Wang, Flexible high-repetition-rate ultrafast fiber laser, Scientific Reports 3, 3223 (2013).
3. Dong Mao, X. M. Liu, D. D. Han, and H. Lu, Compact all-fiber laser delivering conventional and dissipative solitons, Optics Letters 38 (16), 3190-3193 (2013).
4. Dong Mao, X. M. Liu, and H. Lu, Observation of pulse trapping in a near-zero dispersion regime, Optics Letters 37 (13), 2619-2621 (2012).
5. Dong Mao, X. M. Liu, L. R. Wang, X. H. Hu, and H. Lu, Partially polarized wave-breaking-free dissipative soliton with super-broad spectrum in a mode-locked fiber laser, Laser Physics Letters 8 (2), 134-138 (2011).
6. Dong Mao, Biqiang Jiang, Xuetao Gan, Chaojie Ma, Yu Chen, Chujun Zhao, Han Zhang, Jianbang Zheng, and Jianlin Zhao, Soliton fiber laser mode locked with two types of film-based Bi2Te3 saturable absorbers, Photonics Research 3 (2), A43-A46 (2015).
7. Dong Mao, X. M. Liu, L. R. Wang, H. Lu, and L. N. Duan, Dual-wavelength step-like pulses in an ultra-large negative-dispersion fiber laser, Optics Express 19 (5), 3996-4001(2011).
8. Dong Mao, X. M. Liu, L. R. Wang, H. Lu, and L. N. Duan, Coexistence of unequal pulses in a normal dispersion fiber laser, Optics Express 19 (17), 16303-16308 (2011).
9. Dong Mao, X. M. Liu, L. R. Wang, H. Lu, and H. Feng, Generation and amplification of high-energy nanosecond pulses in a compact all-fiber laser, Optics Express18 (22), 23024-23029 (2010).
10. Dong Mao and H. Lu, Formation and evolution of passively mode-locked fiber soliton lasers operating in a dual-wavelength regime, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29 (10), 2819-2826 (2012).
11. Dong Mao, Biqiang Jiang, Wending Zhang, and Jianlin Zhao, Pulse-state switchable fiber laser mode-locked by carbon nanotubes, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27 (3), 253-256 (2015).
12. Dong Mao, X. M. Liu, L. R. Wang, and H. Lu, Experimental investigation of square dissipative soliton generation and propagation, Applied Optics 49 (25), 4751-4755 (2010).
13. Dong Mao, X. M. Liu, L. R. Wang, H. Lu, X. H. Hu, Investigation of soliton pairs in an erbium-doped fiber laser with large normal dispersion, Optics Communications 283, 3492-3496 (2010).
14. Dong Mao, X. M. Liu, L. R. Wang, X. H. Li, H. Lu, H. B. Sun, and Y. K. Gong, Evolution of dual-wavelength solitons in an erbium-doped fiber laser, Laser Physics 20 (4), 847-854 (2010).
15. Dong Mao, X. M. Liu, H. Lu, L. R. Wang, and L. N. Duan, “Dispersion-insensitive low-coherent pulses emerging from nonlinear polarization switching,” Laser Physics 21 (11), 1903-1908 (2011).
16. Dong Mao, A nonuniform-polarization high-energy ultra-broadband laser with a long erbium-doped fiber, Laser Physics 23, 035104 (2013).
17. Dong Mao, B. Q. Jiang, W. D. Zhang, and J. L. Zhao, Observation of a giant-chirp dissipative soliton and near chirp-free pulse in a slight-normal-dispersion fiber laser, Laser Physics 24, 105103 (2014).
18. Yadong Wang, Dong Mao, Xuetao Gan, Lei Han, Chaojie Ma, Teli Xi, Yi Zhang, Wuyun Shang, Shijia Hua, and Jianlin Zhao, Harmonic mode locking of bound-state solitons fiber laser based on MoS2 saturable absorber, Optics Express 23 (1), 205-210 (2015).
19. X. M. Liu and Dong Mao, Compact all-fiber high-energy fiber laser with sub-300-fs duration, Optics Express 18 (9), 8847-8852 (2010).
20. X. M. Liu, Dong Mao, L. R. Wang, and L. N. Duan, Experimental investigation of high-energy wave-breaking-free-pulse generation in bidirectional-pumping all-fiber laser, Applied Optics 50 (10), 1465-1468 (2011).


