

太原理工大學教授,碩士生導師。2006年畢業於南京理工大學,獲得工學學士學位;2011年畢業於浙江大學光電系,獲得工學博士學位;同年起在太原理工大學物理與光電工程學院任職。2013年7月特殊破格晉升教授。曾於2008年赴香港中文大學進行為期三個月的交流訪問,2009年赴美國伊利諾伊大學香檳分校Nicholas X. Fang教授小組進行為期15個月的交流訪問,2013年赴香港浸會大學朱福榮教授小組進行為期2個月的交流訪問。主持國家自然科學基金委員會資助項目及多項省部級項目。2013年,榮獲“香江學者”、“山西省優秀青年學術帶頭人”、“山西省131工程優秀中青年拔尖創新人才”。截止2013年底,已發表SCI論文17篇,共被引用近200次。美國光學學會會員,擔任頂級國際學術期刊(如Optics Letters, Optics Express, Plasmonics)的審稿人。


  • 中文名:崔艷霞
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:南京理工大
  • 學位:博士


  • 國家自然科學基金青年項目(11204205),金納米複合共振基元增強有機光伏器件的寬譜光吸收效率,主持,在研
  • 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金-新教師類項目(20121402120017),寬譜表面等離子激元在有機太陽能電池中的激發,主持,在研
  • 山西省基礎研究計畫自然項目(2012011020-4),用於超分辨光刻技術的表面電漿器件研究,主持,在研
  • 中國博士後“香江學者”,基於納米結構的有機太陽能電池光吸收增強,主持,在研
  • 山西省優秀青年學術帶頭人,銀納米結構提高PTB7基有機太陽能電池的光電轉化效率,主持,在研
  • 山西省“131”工程優秀中青年拔尖創新人才,金屬納米結構提高有機太陽能電池的光電轉化效率,主持,在研
  • 太原理工大學青年基金(2012L033),表面電漿在有機光伏電池中的套用,主持,在研
  • 太原理工大學科研啟動基金,主持,在研
  • 國家自然科學基金面上項目(61274056),包覆型銀納米結構對有機太陽能電池性能的最佳化研究,第2參與人 ,在研
  • 太原理工大學學科建設項目專項經費,物理學科科研基礎平台建設,主要參與人,在研


  • 香港學者 2013年
  • 山西省優秀青年學術帶頭人 2013年
  • “131”工程優秀中青年拔尖創新人才 2013年
  • 中國儀器儀表學會獎學金 2009年
  • 浙江大學竺可楨獎學金 2009年
  • 南京理工大學校級最高獎學金 2005年
  • 校級優秀班主任 2013年
  • 太原理工大學研究生創新基金項目指導老師 2013年 學生:林引岳
  • 山西省研究生創新基金項目指導老師 2013年學生:林引岳


  1. 1. W. Wang, Y. Cui*, Y. He, Y. Hao*, Y. Lin, X. Tian, T. Ji, S. He, “Efficient multiband absorber based on 1D periodic metal-dielectric photonic crystal with a reflective substrate,” Optics Letters, to be published (2013). [SCI 2區]
  2. 2. G. Li*, Y. Cui, and J. Wang, “Photorefractive inhibition of second harmonic generation in periodically poled MgO doped LiNbO3 waveguide,” Optics Express 19(21), 21790 (2013). [SCI 2區]
  3. 3. Y. Li, Y. Hao*, W. Li, S. Yuan, H. Liu, Y. Cui, H. Wang, B. Xu, and W. Huang “Improving working lifetime and efficiency of phosphor doped organic light-emitting diodes,” Optics Express 14(21), 17020 (2013). [SCI 2區]
  4. 4. T. Ji*, L. Peng, Z. Fang*, Y. Cui, Y. Hao, “Band offsets of Er2O3 films grown on Ge substrates by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,” Applied Physics A 09478396 (2013). [SCI 4區]
  5. 5. Y. Cui*, J. Xu, Y. Lin, G. Li, Y. Hao, S. He, and N. X. Fang, “Optical curtain effect: extraordinary optical transmission enhanced by antireflection,” Plasmonics, 8(2), 1087-1093 (2013). [SCI 1區,影響因子3.7]
  6. 6. Y. Cui, K. H. Fung, J. Xu, H. Ma, Yi Jin, S. He, and N. X. Fang*, “Ultra-broadband light absorption by a sawtooth anisotropic metamaterial slab,” Nano Letters 12 (3), 1443 (2012). [SCI 1區,影響因子12.9,引用頻次32, MIT News, Science & Technology News, Laser Focus World等多家雜誌報導]
  7. 7. Y. Cui*, K. H. Fung, J. Xu, S. He, and N. X. Fang, “Multiband plasmonic absorber based on transverse phase resonances,” Optics Express 20(16), 17552-17559 (2012). [SCI 2區]
  8. 8. F. Ding, Y. Cui, X. Ge, Y. Jin, and S. He*, “Ultra-broadband microwave metamaterial absorber,” Applied Physics Letters 100(10), 103506 (2012). [SCI 2區]
  9. 9. Y. Cui, J. Xu, K. H. Fung, Y. Jin*, A. Kumar, S. He, and N. X. Fang*, “A thin Film broadband absorber based on multi-sized nanoantennas,” Applied Physics Letters 99, 253101 (2011). [SCI 2區]
  10. 10. Y. Cui, K. H. Fung, J. Xu, Y. Jin, S. He, and N. X. Fang*, “Exciting multiple plasmonic resonances by a double-layered metallic nanostructure,” Journal of Optical Society of America B 28(11), 2827 (2011). [SCI 3區]
  11. 11. Q. Liu, Y. Cui, D. Gardner, X. Li, S. He, and I. I. Smalyukh*, “Self-alignment of plasmonic gold nanorods in reconfigurable anisotropic fluids for tunable bulk metamaterial applications,” Nano Letters 10, 1347 (2010). [SCI 1區,影響因子12.9]
  12. 12. Y. Cui, J. Xu, S. He, and N. X. Fang*, “Plasmon-assisted optical curtains,” Plasmonics 5(4), 369 (2010). [SCI 1區]
  13. 13. Z. Zhang, K. T. Chan*, Y. Cui, S. He, C. Wang, Q. Xing, and Q. Wang, “Multimode transmission in complementary plasmonic structures at terahertz frequencies,” Applied Physics Letters 96, 073506 (2010). [SCI 2區]
  14. 14. Y. Cui and S. He*, “Enhancing extraordinary transmission of light through a metallic nano-slit with a nano cavity antenna,” Optics Letters 34, 16 (2009). [SCI 2區]
  15. 15. Y. Cui and S. He*, “A theoretical re-examination of giant transmission of light through a metallic nano-slit surrounded with periodic grooves,” Optics Express 17, 13995 (2009). [SCI 2區]
  16. 16. S. He*, Y. Cui, Y. Ye, P. Zhang, and Y. Jin, “Optical nanoantennas and metamaterials,” Materials Today 12, 16 (2009). [SCI 1區]
  17. 17. Y. Cui, J. Hu*, and S. He, “Nanocavity antenna array assisted enhancing extraordinary optical transmission of light through a metallic nanoslit,” Journal of Optical Society of America B 26, 2131 (2009). [SCI 3區]


  1. 1. Y. Cui*, S. He, “Plasmonic Structures and Metamaterials as Electromagnetic Absorbers,” The 8th International Conference on Thin film Physics and Applications 2013, Sep 20-23, Shanghai, China
  2. 2. 張葉,王文艷,崔艷霞*,李占峰,冀婷,郝玉英* “熱點效應在有機光伏電池中的套用” 第五屆光學青年學術論壇 2013,Jul 31- Aug 4,太原,中國
  3. 3. Y. Cui*, G. Li, K. H. Fung, Y. Hao, S He, and N. X. Fang, “Plasmonic sensors based on Rayleigh anomaly,” Asia Communication and Photonics 2012, Nov 7-10, Shenzhen, China
  4. 4. W. Wang, Y. Cui*, J. Xu, Y. Lin, X. Tian, Y. Hao, S. He, and N. X. Fang, “Multiband electromagnetic absorbers based on a metal/dielectric multilayer stack,” Asia Communication and Photonics 2012, Nov 7-10, Shenzhen, China
  5. 5. Y. Lin, Y. Cui*, K. H. Fung, Y. Hao, S. He, N. X. Fang, “Designing a thin film blackbody based on plasmonic anisotropic metamaterials,” Asia Communication and Photonics 2012, Nov 7-10, Shenzhen, China
  6. 6. Y. Cui, J. Xu, Y. Jin, S. He, and N. X. Fang, “U-shaped grooves enhanced extraordinary optical transmission through metallic nano-slits,” The International Conference on Nanophotonics 2012, May 27-30, Beijing, China
  7. 7. Y. Cui, K. H. Fung, J. Xu, Y. Jin, S. He, and N. X. Fang, “Ultra-broadband light harvesting absorbers based on slow light using anisotropic metamaterials,” The International Conference on Nanophotonics 2011, May 26-29, Shanghai, China
  8. 8. Y. Cui, J. Xu, K. H. Fung, A. Kumar, S. He, and N. X. Fang, “An efficient broadband thin film infrared absorber/emitter,” MRS Fall Meeting, 2010, Nov 28-Dec 2, Boston, US
  9. 9. Y. Cui, K. H. Fung, S. He, and N. X. Fang, “Absorbing light by a compound plasmonic nanostructure,” The International Conference on Nanophotonics 2010, May 30-Jun 3, Tsukuba, Japan
  10. 10. Y. Cui, Y. Jin, Y. Okuno, and S. He, “Transmission enhancement of light through a metallic nanoslit with periodic metallic nanostrips,” the SPIE Symposium on Optics and Optoelectronics 2009, Apr. 20-23, Prague, Czech
  11. 11. Y. Cui, Y. Jin, Y. He, and S. He, “Transmission enhancement of a metallic slit by a nearby metallic nano-particle,” Asia Pacific Optical Communications 2008, Oct 26-30, Hangzhou, China
  12. 12. Y. Zhang, W. Wang, Y. Cui*, Z. Li, T. Ji, Y. Hao*, “Absorption Enhancement in Organic Solar Cells Based on the Plasmonic Hot Spot Effect,” 2013 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Nov 12-15, Beijing, China
  13. 13. P. Tong, S. Zhang, Y. Cui*, Y. Lin, T. Ji, Y. Hao*, “Thin Film Dual Band Metamaterial Absorber Based on Gold Triangular Patches,” 2013 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Nov 12-15, Beijing, China
  14. 14. S. Zhang, G. Li, Y. Cui*, Y. Hao, F. Zhang, S. He, “Designing a Thin Beam Collimator Based on a Metal/dielectric Multilayer Structure,” 2013 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Nov 12-15, Beijing, China
  15. 15. 林引岳,崔艷霞*,Kin Hung Fung,郝玉英*,Nicholas X. Fang “基於各向異性超材料的黑體設計”第五屆光學青年學術論壇 2013,7. 31- 8. 4,太原,中國
  16. 16. 田喜敏,王文艷,郝玉英*,崔艷霞*,“基於金屬納米核殼結構的有機太陽能電池性能研究”第五屆光學青年學術論壇 2013,7. 31- 8. 4,太原,中國
  17. 17. 童培謙,張收,崔艷霞*,林引岳,冀婷,郝玉英*,“基於三角塊的雙頻帶電磁吸波材料”第五屆光學青年學術論壇 2013,7. 31- 8. 4,太原,中國
  18. 18. 王文艷,宋景成,郝玉英*,崔艷霞*,“包覆型銀納米牆增強超薄有機光伏器件的光吸收”第五屆光學青年學術論壇 2013,7. 31- 8. 4,太原,中國
  19. 19. 徐傑,郝玉英*,崔艷霞*,“球形金納米顆粒陣列增強有機光伏電池光吸收的三維理論”第五屆光學青年學術論壇 2013,7. 31- 8. 4,太原,中國
  20. 20. 張收,李國輝,崔艷霞*,郝玉英*,張鋒,何賽靈,“基於金屬介質交替層的薄膜型光準直器”第五屆光學青年學術論壇 2013,7. 31- 8. 4,太原,中國
  21. 21. 王志慧,李戰鋒,崔艷霞*,郝玉英*,“高效雙極性氟取代螺二芴藍光主體材料的合成及器件性能研究” 第五屆光學青年學術論壇 2013,7. 31- 8. 4,太原,中國
  22. 22. J. Song, W. Wang, Z. Yan, Y. Hao, Y. Cui, and T. Ji, “Investigation on the exciplex and electroplex based on 2-(4- trifluoromethyl-2-hydroxyphenyl) benzothiazole] zinc as donor or acceptor,” Asia Communication and Photonics 2012, Nov 7-10, Shenzhen, China
  23. 23. H. Zhou, Y. Cui, Y. Ye, Y. Jin, and S. He, “Experimental demonstration of a thin THz metamaterial absorber,” The International Conference on Nanophotonics 2011, May 26-29, Shanghai, China
  24. 24. Y. Cui, J. Xu, K. H. Fung, S. He, and N. X. Fang, “Study of Metallic nanostrip antennas for broadband light absorption,” Illinois CNST Annual Nanotechnology Workshop 2010, May 6-7, Urbana, United States
  25. 25. S. He, Y. Ye, Y. Jin, and Y. Cui, “Transmission enhancement, perfect absorption and field squeezing with nano-antennas and metamaterials,” The Second International Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Nano-Photonics 2009, Oct 28-30, Bad Honnef, Germany
  26. 26. Q. Liu, Y. Cui, D. Gardner, S. He, and I. I. Smalyukh, “Tunable plasmonic effects in nanoparticle-doped liquid crystals,” The Inter-Continental Advanced Materials for Photonics Summer School 2009, Jun 28-Jul 19, Beijing, China
  27. 27. Q. Liu, Y. Cui, D. Gardner, X. Li, S. He, and I. I. Smalyukh, “Assembly and alignment of plasmonic nanoparticles by Lyotropic liquid crystals,” Planer-Smoluchowski Soft Matter Workshop 2009, Jun 22, Lviv, Ukraine
  28. 28. Y. Cui, S. He, and Y. Okuno, “Giant optical transmission through a metallic nanoslit achieved by the optimization of the groove periodicity and other parameters,” International Workshop on Metamaterials 2008, Nov 9-12, Nanjing, China


  1. 李國輝,陳鈺水,崔艷霞,一種光纖雷射器到單模光纖的自動耦合裝置,受理編號:201210330164.1.,受理時間2012年9月10日.
  2. 崔艷霞,張收,李國輝,韓國華,郝玉英,張鋒,何賽靈,一種基於表面等離子激元的薄膜型光準直器,受理編號:201310141709.9,受理時間2013年4月24日.


