現為西北工業大學教授,2011年入選西北工業大學翱翔之星人才計畫。累計主持國際自然科學基金2項,教育部留學回國人員啟動基金1項,擔任Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium國際會議分會主席,International Journal of Antenna Propagation客座編輯,Applied Physics Letters,Optics Express等國際期刊通訊審稿人。主要研究方向包括微納光學、周期結構電磁光學性能、製備及其在射頻器件套用。
1、國際期刊International Journal of Antenna and Propagation客座編輯;
2、Applied Physics Letters,Optics Express,Applied Optics,Progress In Electromagnetics Research -PIER等國際期刊通訊審稿人。
主要從事微納光學、周期結構電磁光學性能、製備及其在射頻器件套用。在Materials Today,Applied Physics Letters,New Journals of Physics,Optics Express等國際一流學術期刊上發表科研論文30餘篇,SCI收錄18篇;影響因子大於5的3篇,影響因子大於3的11篇,JCR大類2區論文12篇,SCI他引超過170次。申請發明專利8項,已獲授權5項。
1.F. Zhang, X. He, X. Zhou, Y. Zhou, S. An, G. Yu, and L. Pang, “Large Group Index Induced By Asymmetric Split Ring Resonator Dimer”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 221904 (2013).(影響因子:3.794)
2. F. Zhang, Q. Zhao, J. Zhou, and S.Wang, “Polarization and incidence insensitive dielectric electromagnetically induced transparency metamaterial,”Opt. Express21, 19675 (2013).(影響因子:3.88)
3. F. Zhang, V.Sadaune, L. Kang, Q. Zhao, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens, “Coupling effect for dielectric metamaterial Dimer,”Progress In Electromagnetics Research-PIER132, 587-601(2012).(影響因子:5.298).
4. F. Zhang, Q. Zhao, J. Sun, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens, “Coupling Effect of Split Ring Resonator and Its Mirror Image,”Progress In Electromagnetics Research-PIER124, 233-247 (2012). (影響因子:5.298).
5. F. Zhang, L. Kang, Q. Zhao, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens, “Magnetic and electric couplin g effects of dielectric metamaterial,”New J. Phys.14, 033031 (2012). (影響因子:4.117)
6. F. Zhang, W. Zhang, Q. Zhao, J. Sun, K. Qiu, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens, “Electrically controllable fishnet metamaterial based on nematic liquid crystal,”Opt. Express19, 1563 (2011). (影響因子:3.88).
7. F. Zhang,Q. Zhao, W. Zhang, J. Sun, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens, “Voltage Tunable Short Wire-Pair Type of Metamaterial Infiltrated by Nematic Liquid Crystal”Appl. Phys. Lett.97, 134103 (2010) (影響因子:3.726).
8. Q. Zhao, J. Zhou,F. Zhang, and D. Lippens, “Mie resonance-based dielectric metamaterial,”Mater. Today.12, 60 (2009). (影響因子:12.96).
9. F. Zhang, Q. Zhao, L. Kang, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens, “Experime9tal verification of isotropic and polarization properties of high permittivity-based metamaterial,”Phys. Rev. B80, 195119 (2009). (影響因子:3.322).
10. F. Zhang, L. Kang, Q. Zhao, J. Zhou, X. Zhao, and D. Lippens, “Magnetically tunable left handed metamaterials by liquid crystal orientation,”Opt. Express17, 4360 (2009). (影響因子:3.88).
11. F. Zhang, D. P. Gaillot, C. Croënne, E. Lheurette, X. Mélique, and D. Lippens, “Low-loss left-handed metamaterials at millimeter waves,”Appl. Phys. Lett.93, 083104 (2008). (影響因子:3.726).
12. F. Zhang, Q. Zhao, L. Kang, D. P. Gaillot, X. Zhao, J. Zhou, and D. Lippens, “Magnetic control of negative permeability metamaterials based on liquid crystals,”Appl. Phys. Lett.92, 193104 (2008). (影響因子:3.726).
13. F. Zhang, Q. Zhao, D. P. Gaillot, X. Zhao, and D. Lippens, “Numerical Investigation of Metamaterials Infiltrated by Liquid Crystal,”J. Opt. Soc. Am. B25, 1920 (2008). (影響因子:2.182).
14. F. Zhang, S. Potet, J. Carbonell,, E. Lheurette, O. Vanbésien, X. Zhao, and D. Lippens, “Negative-zero-positive refractive index in a prism-like omega-type metamaterial,”IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 56, 2566 (2008). (影響因子:2.711).
15. F. Zhang, G. Houzet, E. Lheurette, D. Lippens, M. Chaubet, and X. Zhao, “Negative-zero-positive metamaterial with omega-type metal inclusions,”J. Appl. Phys.103, 084312 (2008). (影響因子:2.201).
16. D. P. Gaillot, C. Croenne,F. Zhang, and D. Lippens, “Transformation optics for the full dielectric electromagnetic cloak and metal–dielectric planar hyperlens,”New J. Phys. 10, 115039 (2008). (影響因子:3.44).
17. E. Lheurette, G. Houzet, J. Carbonell,F. Zhang, O.Vanbésien, and D. Lippens, “Omega-type balanced composite negative refractive index materials,”IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.56, 3462 (2008). (影響因子:2.479).