《Nikon D5000 Digital Field Guide》是2009年Publisher:John Wiley & Sons出版的圖書,作者是Author:J. Dennis Thomas(J·丹尼斯·托馬斯。
- 中文名:Nikon D5000 Digital Field Guide
- 外文名:Nikon D5000 Digital Field Guide
- 頁數:272
- 裝幀:平裝
作 者/Author:J. Dennis Thomas(J·丹尼斯·托馬斯) 著
出 版 社/Publisher:John Wiley & Sons
中文書名/Chinese Title:Nikon D5000尼康數碼單眼攝影手冊
出版時間/Publication Date:2009-07-01
頁 數/Pages:272
裝 幀/Format:平裝
尺寸及重量/Dimensions & Weight:22.6 x 15 x 1.5 cm ; 499 g
紙 張/Paper:膠版紙
Get to know your D5000 and unlock new possibilities With outstanding one-touch automatic options plus a full range of manual functions, your Nikon D5000 will nourish your creativity in new ways. This guide will help you get completely comfortable with your camera, explaining every button and dial and what you can achieve by taking control with manual settings. Explore the essence of quality photography, what different lenses can offer, and how to get professional results in various situations. Whenever you pick up your D5000, grab this book too.
D5000是尼康首款帶有旋轉顯示屏的數碼單眼相機。《Nikon D5000尼康數碼單眼攝影手冊》全面介紹了這款相機,以及如何充分利用它進行攝影,全書共15章和2個附錄,主要介紹了D5000的基礎知識、設定選項、鏡頭選用,還介紹了基本的攝影概念、用光技巧、一些高級攝影技巧以及進行相機內的編輯。
《Nikon D5000尼康數碼單眼攝影手冊》由資深攝影師撰寫,書中不僅介紹了作者的大量經驗,而且包括了大量的示例照片,讓您可以充分領略如何最大限度地發揮D5000的優勢。《Nikon D5000尼康數碼單眼攝影手冊》圖文並茂,適合所有層次的專業和業餘攝影師閱讀參考。
J. Dennis Thomas is a professional photographer and author based in Austin, TX. He owns Dead Sailor Productions, a photography and graphic design business, and has worked with many notable clients. He has authored eight previous Digital Field Guides and has published articles in national photography magazines.
J.Dennis Thomas是一位居住在德克薩斯州奧斯汀的自由攝影師。他在過去的25年中一直使用相機尋找樂趣並依靠攝影謀生。他最先在高中、然後在奧斯汀學院學習攝影,在膠片攝影和數碼攝影領域中都獲得了諸多的獎項。Denny非常熱衷於為他人講授攝影知識,他為中學生講授黑白膠片攝影,並在奧斯汀的討論會上介紹用光和數碼攝影的有關知識。他喜歡所有類型的攝影,他的拍攝主題多種多樣,從婚禮和攝影棚人像,到音樂會和極限體育運動。他已經撰寫了多本大獲成功的數碼攝影指南,並且正在撰寫另外一本。他的攝影作品出現在眾多畫廊、雜誌和報紙上。