n. 薄荷;薄荷糖;鑄幣廠;巨款
v. 鑄造(硬幣);創造,製造
adj. (物品)嶄新的,無污損的;<英> 非常好的,很棒的
The ice tasted of mint. 這刨冰有薄荷味兒。
She sucked on a mint. 她嘴裡咂著一顆薄荷糖。
In 1965 the mint stopped putting silver in dimes. 1965年,造幣廠停止在10美分鑄幣中加入銀。
I decorated the fruit salad with a sprig of mint. 我用小薄荷枝裝點水果色拉。
A top dressing of fertilizer should be added to improve growth as mint impoverishes the soil quickly. 應施頂肥以促進生長,因為薄荷會使土壤迅速變得貧瘠。
I can tell you that it was quite an emotional day at the Mint. 我可以告訴你,在鑄幣廠的那一天是相當令人激動的。
Add rest of ingredients except oil and mint, and blend well, until sugar is dissolved. 加入除油和薄荷外的其他原料,充分混合,直到糖溶解。
Many fans want to sup with Mr Jones, despite the fact that he once exploded after eating a wafer-thin mint. 許多冬粉都想和瓊斯先生共進晚餐,儘管有一次他曾在吃下薄如薄紙的薄荷葉後大發雷霆。
The effort to remove dirt, and imbue bodies and bathrooms with the scent of tangerine, mint or almond instead, is a big business. 盡力清除污垢,讓身體和浴室充滿橘子、薄荷或是杏仁的味道,是一項大工程。
According to local sheriffs, he often slips into a house just to soak in a hot bath or steal mint-chip ice cream from the fridge. 根據當地治安官的說法,他經常潛入一所房子,只是為了泡個熱水澡,或者從冰櫃里偷薄荷冰淇淋。
How cool was the welcome of a tall glass of iced green mint in the shady room, to heads ringing with colors and the cymbals of the sun. 我們被太陽照得兩眼發花,耳邊就像有震天響的鈸聲,這時候在陰涼的房間裡喝上一大杯冰鎮綠薄荷水,是何等愜意。
She popped a mint into her mouth. 她往嘴裡丟了塊兒薄荷糖。
As an expression of Moroccan hospitality and tradition, mint tea-a mix of green tea, spearmint leaves and sugar-is served during gatherings. 作為摩洛哥熱情好客和傳統的一種表現,聚會中會提供由綠茶、荷蘭薄荷葉和糖混合而成的薄荷茶。
I always get mint chocolate chip. 我總是吃薄荷朱古力片。
Everyone drank mint juleps. 每個人都喝著薄荷朱利酒。
They learned to mint from the Greeks. 他們從希臘人那裡學會鑄幣。
Her breath smelling of mint, her tongue. 她的呼吸是薄荷味的,她的舌頭。
Or, how about Mint? 或者是薄荷味的?
Scented leaves like lavender, mint or thyme. 有香味的葉子:薰衣草、薄荷和百里香。
Fresh blackberries and mint for topping (optional). 用作裝飾的鮮黑莓和薄荷(可選擇)。
It's secondary supply, it's just not mint-fresh. 不只是工廠出產的新貨,還有市場上提供的二手貨。
The mint, rice and leek in BNC’s identity are typical. BNC中薄荷、糯米和小蔥就是典型。
I can tell you it was quite an emotional day at the Mint. 我可以告訴你,在鑄幣局那一刻絕對是激動人心的日子。
Chop 1 cucumber and puree in a blender with 4 tablespoons mint. 切碎1個黃瓜,和4大湯匙薄荷在攪拌機里攪拌成泥。
My last workspace was filled with color; a cool mint green, to be exact. 我上一個工作環境到處可見顏色,準確地說,是一種充滿涼意的薄荷綠。
Mint Lifestyle produced a mini gift guide for its clients this fall. 廣告MintLifestyle今年秋季為其客戶製作了微型禮品指南。
"This is my private mint," he snickered, showing Paul his home office. “這是我們的私房錢,”他竊笑道,領保羅看他的家庭辦公室。
If we don't have both of these mint products, then we could but mint gums instead. 沒有真薄荷的話也可以用薄荷味的口香糖代替。
The personal finance site Mint aggregates spending data from four million users. 個人理財網站Mint從數百萬的用戶統計出花銷的數據。