- 外文名:calamint
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:['kæləmɪnt]
- 釋義:風輪菜;塔花
Cuphea calaminthifolia Cuphea calaminthifolia是植物界被子植物門木蘭綱薔薇亞綱薔薇超目桃金孃目千屈菜科萼距花屬植物。
Sonerila calaminthifolia Sonerila calaminthifolia是植物界被子植物門木蘭綱薔薇亞綱薔薇超目桃金孃目野牡丹科蜂鬥草屬植物。
Mint薄荷 Calamint卡拉薄荷 Catnip貓薄荷 Oniony herbs洋蔥味的香草 Garlic大蒜 Green onion青蔥 Chives細香蔥 Chinese chives韭菜 Bitter or astringent herbs苦味或澀味的香草 Celery芹菜 Lovage圓葉當歸 Hyssop牛膝草 Chicory菊苣 Pungent and spicy herbs刺激性或辛辣的香草 Oregano & marjoram奧勒岡與馬郁蘭草 Rosemary...
《They Want EFX》是Das EFX演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Hi-Five - Hip Hop Blender》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Bum stiggedy bum stiggedy bum hon I got the Old pa rum pum pum pum But I can fe fi fo fum diddly bum here I come So Peter Piper I’m hyper than Pinocchio’s nose I’m the supercala...
I'm the supercalafragilistic tic-tac pro I gave my oopsy daisy now you've got the crazy Crazy with the books googley-goo wheres the gravy So one two unbuckle my um shoe Yabba doo hippity-hoo crack a brew So trick or treat smell my feet yup I drippedy-...