Liang He,演員,2012年參演電影《畫皮Ⅱ》。
- 外文名:Liang He
- 職業:演員
- 代表作品:畫皮Ⅱ
時間 | 名稱 | 備註 |
2012年 | 畫皮Ⅱ | 演員 |
Liang He,演員,2012年參演電影《畫皮Ⅱ》。
時間 | 名稱 | 備註 |
2012年 | 畫皮Ⅱ | 演員 |
Liang He Liang He,演員,2012年參演電影《畫皮Ⅱ》。人物經歷 2012年參演電影《畫皮Ⅱ》。主要作品
3.Liang He, An Investigation on Influences of Acculturation Strategies on Crisis Management Behavior of MNCs in China. Proceedings of the2nd International ISCRAM, 2007,08 ISTP 4.梁河,李婉紅. 問題導向教學在國際經濟學教學中...
3.Liang He,Xin Sui,Wenyan Liang*,Zhenqing Wang,Abdolhamid Akbarzadeh *.Numerical analysis of anisotropic wetting of chemically striped surfaces. RSC Advances, 2018, 8(55), 31735-31744 4.Liang He, Wenyan Liang*, ...
兩河站(Lianghe Station),位於中國山東省青島市黃島區,是青島捷運集團有限公司管理運營的捷運車站,途經線路為青島捷運13號線。兩河站於2018年12月26日隨青島捷運13號線的開通投用運營。據2023年11月青島捷運官網顯示,兩河站開放3個...
5. Liang He, Jianping Pan, Jingdong Xu, Maryam Ahmadi. A Partition-based Data Collection Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks with a Mobile Sink. In Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ...
[7] Xueying Gao, Xin Yu, Lincai Peng*, Liang He, Junhua Zhang*. Magnetic Fe₃O₄nanoparticles and ZrO₂-doped mesoporous MCM-41 as a monolithic multifunctional catalyst for γ-valerolactone production directly from...
. Yang Song, Wenxin Hu, Liang He. Using Fractional Latent Topic to Enhance Recurrent Neural Network in Text Similarity Modeling. In the 24th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), ...
5. Ji Q, Zhang L, Sun F, Deng X, Liang H, Bae T, He C. Staphylococcus aureus CymR is a new thiol-based oxidation-sensing regulator of stress resistance and oxidative response. J Biol Chem. 287, 21102-9 (...
20. Yan-Bin Tao, Liang-Liang He, Longjian Niu and Zeng-Fu Xu*. 2016. Isolation and characterization of the Jatropha curcas APETALA1(JcAP1) promoter conferring preferential expression in inflorescence buds. Planta, 244(2...
Zhao, Y., Liang, C*., et al., Effect of doping on the short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage of polymer solar cells. Journal of Applied Physics, 2014. 116(15): p. 154506.Y. Peng, Z. He, A. Diy...
6 Shi Lianghe, Ye meiling, Wang Wei, et al. Concentration Depencdence in Gel Permeation Chromatography. Journal of Liquid Chromatography, 1984, 7 (9):1851 7 Weisheng Li, Lianghe Shi, Deyan Shen. Miscibility of ...
14.Sun DC, Huang L & Liang HJ Unstable inverted phases of di- and tri-block copolymers on solution-casting films Macromolecules Research 2005, 13, 152 15、Lu T, He XH & Liang HJ Ordered Microstructures by assembly ...
15. Shen XC, GUO JH, Liang H, He XW*, A Novel Silver Colloid as Substrate for Studying Near-infrared Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering of HSA, Acta Chimica Sinica , 2003, 61(5): 785~789 16. OU SJ, Shen, XC...
浩良河站(HaoLiangHe Railway Station),始建於1938年5月,位於中國黑龍江省伊春市南岔縣境內,是中國鐵路哈爾濱局集團有限公司佳木斯車務段管轄的三等站。浩良河站的上下行車站在綏佳鐵路上,上行線距綏化站292.9公里,距佳木斯站87.0...
10.Li S, Hu H, He Z, Liang D, Sun R,Lan K*. Fine-Tuning of the Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Life Cycle in Neighboring Cells through the RTA-JAG1-Notch Pathway.PLoS Pathog.2016 Oct 19;12(10):e100...
Yu C, Yu J, Yao X, Wu WK, Lu Y, Tang S, Li X, Bao L,Li X, Hou Y, Wu R, Jian M, Chen R, Zhang F, Xu L, Fan F, He J, Liang Q, Wang H,Hu X, He M, Zhang X, Zheng H, Li Q, Wu H, ...
何亮(HELIANG),(時尚攝影師)。何亮(HELIANG),(1979年)生於北京。畢業於北京航空航天大學,商業時尚攝影師。歷程 合作的雜誌 《精品購物指南》、《世界都市》、《卓展》、《時尚伊人》、《時尚健康》、《25安》、《商界時尚》...
2. Zhang H, Liang Z, Hu Y, Wang X, Wang B, Huang H*. The effectiveness of interferon-α combined with imatinib in patient with chronic myeloid leukemia harboring T315I BCR-ABL1 mutation. Leuk Lymphoma. 2018 Apr ...
南兩合程(Nan liang he cheng)位於河北省安平縣程油子北部,在鄉人民政府駐地正北3.9公里處。為南兩合程村民委員會駐地。村落概況 南兩合程(Nanlianghecheng)位於河北省安平縣程油子北部,在鄉人民政府駐地正北3.9公里處。為...
[30]Changhua Li,Chenzhou Cui,Linying Mi,Boliang He,Dongwei Fan,Shanshan Li,Sisi Yang,Yunfei Xu,Jun Han,Junyi Chen, Hailong Zhang(張海龍),Ce Yu,Jian Xiao,Chuanjun Wang,Zihuang Cao, Yufeng Fan, Liang Liu, Xiao ...
54. Ying Peng, Pai-Hao Yang, K.H.H.Kwok, Yan Guo, Jie Liu, Ming-liang He,Samuel S.M.Ng, Jie Ge, Hsiang-fu kung and Marie C.M. Lin*. Protection of Xenopus Embryos Against Alcohol- induced Growth ...
35.Yunbin He*, Liangheng Wang, Lei Zhang,Mingkai Li, Xunzhong Shang, Yanyan Fang, Changqing Chen,Solubility limits and phase structures in epitaxial ZnOS alloy films grown by pulsed laser deposition,J. Alloy. Compd.53...
32. Xiang Li,Lianghai Jin,Hong Liu, Zeng He. A quaternion-based spectral clustering method for color image segmentation. Proceedings of the SPIE on the 7th International Symposium on Multi-spectral Image Processing and ...
42. Y. Jin,Y.Sun, K.Wang, Y. Chen,Z. Liang, Y. Xu, F. Xiao, Long-Term Stable Silver Nanowire Transparent Composite as Bottom Electrode for Perovskite Solar Cells.Nano Res. 11, 1998–2011 (2018).41. M. H...