



  • 中文名:金良海
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 職稱:教授


1988,2002,2008分別於長沙鐵道學院(中南大學)、北京交通大學、華中科技大學獲得計算機軟體學士、計算機套用碩士、模式識別與智慧型系統博士學位。2010.06~2010.08應邀到紐西蘭University of Canterbury計算機學院交流訪問。






2. Lianghai Jin,Enmin Song, et al. Quaternion-based structure adaptive anisotropic smoothing of color images.Pattern Recognition,under review.
3. X. Wang, M. Chen, T. kwon,Lianghai Jin*, V. Leung. Mobile traffic offloading by exploiting social network services and leveraging opportunistic device-to-device sharing,IEEE Wireless Communications, 2014, 21(3), 28–36.(IF=3.248)
4. Lianghai Jin,Enmin Song, Lei Li, Xiang Li. A quaternion gradient operator for color image edge detection. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP), Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2013, pp. 3040–3044.(Top80)
5. Xiang Li,Lianghai Jin*,Enmin Song, Lei Li. Full-range affinities for graph-based segmentation. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP), Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2013, pp. 4084–4087.(Top80)
6. Lei Li,Lianghai Jin*, Xiangyang Xu, Enmin Song. Unsupervised color-texture segmentation based on multiscale quaternion Gabor filters and splitting.Signal Processing,2013, 93(9): 2559–2572.(IF=1.745)
7. Lianghai Jin,Hong Liu, Xiangyang Xu, Enmin Song. Quaternion-based impulse noise removal from color video sequences.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,2013, 23(5): 741–755.(IF=2.556)
8. Lianghai Jin,Hong Liu, Xiangyang Xu, Enmin Song. Improved direction estimation for Di Zenzo's multichannel image gradient operator.Pattern Recognition,2012, 45(12): 4300–4311. (IF=3.219)
9. Lianghai Jin,Caiquan Xiong,Hong Liu. Improved bilateral filter for suppressing mixed noise in color images.Digital Signal Processing,2012, 22(6), 903–912. (IF=1.871)
10. Lianghai Jin,Hong Liu, Xiangyang Xu, Enmin Song. Color impulsive noise removal based on quaternion representation and directional vector order-statistics.Signal Processing,2011, 91(5): 1249–1261.(IF=1.745)
11. Xiangyang Xu, Shengzhou Xu,Lianghai Jin,Enmin Song. Characteristic analysis of Otsu threshold and its applications.Pattern Recognition Letters,2011, 32(7): 956–961.(IF=1.724)
12. Lianghai Jin,Hong Liu, Xiangyang Xu, Enmin Song. Quaternion-based color image filtering for impulsive noise suppression.Journal of Electronic Imaging,2010, 19(4): 043003.(IF=0.694)
13. Lianghai Jin, Hong Liu, Enmin Song, Xiangyang Xu. Impulsive noise removal using switching scheme and adaptive weighted median filters.Optical Engineering,2010, 49(1): 017004.(IF=0.885)
14. Lianghai Jin, Dehua Li, Enmin Song. Combining vector ordering and spatial information for color image interpolation.Image and Vision Computing,2009, 27(4): 410–416.(IF=1.743)
15. Lianghai Jin, Caiquan Xiong, Dehua Li. Selective adaptive weighted median filter.Optical Engineering,2008, 47(3): 037001. (IF=0.885)
16. Lianghai Jin, Dehua Li. An efficient color-impulse detector and its application to color images.IEEE Signal Processing Letters,2007, 14(6): 397–400.(IF=1.430)
17. Lianghai Jin, Dehua Li. A switching vector median filter based on the CIELAB color space for color image restoration.Signal Processing,2007, 87(6): 1345–1354.(IF=1.745)
18. Lianghai Jin, Dehua Li, Zijian Lu. Improved adaptive spatial distance-weighted median filter.Optical Engineering,2007, 46(3): 037003.(IF=0.885)
19. Xingzhong Yao,LianghaiJin, Hanping Hu.Pinwheel patterns give rise to the direction selectivity of complex cells in the primary visual cortex.Brain Research,2007, 1170(9): 140–146. (IF=2.739)
20. Lianghai Jin, Dehua Li. Improved directional-distance filter. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China, 2008, 3(2): 205–211.
21.金良海,李德華.基於噪聲檢測的圖像去噪算法研究.模式識別與人工智慧, 2008, 21(3): 298–302.
22.金良海,李德華,姚行中.自適應距離加權的中值濾波算法.模式識別與人工智慧, 2007, 20(4): 577–581.
23.金良海,熊才權,李德華.自適應中心加權的中值濾波器.華中科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2008, 36(8): 9–12.
24.金良海,李德華.一種改進型的距離方向矢量濾波器.光學精密工程, 2007, 15(5): 798–806.
25.金良海,姚行中,李德華.彩色圖像矢量濾波技術綜述.中國圖形圖象學報, 2009, 14(2): 45–56.
26.金良海,李德華.一種基於空間距離加權的自適應矢量中值濾波器.中國圖形圖象學報, 2007, 12(6): 970–976.
27.金良海,李德華.基於四元數旋轉的開關型矢量中值濾波器.中國圖形圖象學報, 2007, 12(11): 185–191.
28.金良海,李德華.基於CIELAB空間的開關型矢量中值濾波器.小型微型計算機系統,2007, 28(9): 1700–1704.
29.許向陽,宋恩民,金良海,文耀光.邊緣和區域多階段結合的圖像分割,小型微型計算機系統, 2011, 32(5): 943–946.
30. Lianghai Jin, Caiquan Xiong, Xingzhong Yao, Dehua Li. Image interpolation using median characteristics and spatial information. Proceedings of the SPIE on the fifth International Symposium on Multi-spectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR 2007), Wuhan, China, 2007, vol. 6789, pp. 67891A.
31. Dehua Li,Lianghai Jin,Xingzhong Yao,Caiquan Xiong. Color image filtering based on impulsive noise detection.Proceedings of the SPIE on the fifth International Symposium on Multi-spectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR 2007), Wuhan, China, 2007, vol. 6786, pp. 67860M.
32. Xiang Li,Lianghai Jin,Hong Liu, Zeng He. A quaternion-based spectral clustering method for color image segmentation. Proceedings of the SPIE on the 7th International Symposium on Multi-spectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR 2011), Guilin, China, 2011, pp. 800303.
33. Xiangyang Xu, Shengzhou Xu,Lianghai Jin,Shenyi Zhang. Using PSO to improve dynamic programming based algorithm for breast mass segmentation. Proceedings of IEEE Fifth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, Changsha, China, 2010, pp. 485–488.


1.主持國家自然科學基金項目:基於四元數的彩色視頻去噪方法(2014.01~ 2017.12)。
2.主持校自主創新基金項目:基於四元數的彩色圖像濾波方法(2014.04~ 2015.06)。
3.主持國家自然科學基金項目:基於四元數的彩色圖像邊緣檢測和分割方法研究(2010.01 ~ 2012.12)。
4.主持華為研究項目:高解析度圖像去噪與增強技術(2013.06 ~ 2014.12)
5.主持華為研究項目:低照度圖像去噪技術研究(2011.01 ~ 2012.12)。
6.主持湖北省自然科學基金項目:基於四元數的彩色圖像混合噪聲去除方法(2009.01 ~ 2010.12)。
7.主持教育部圖像信息處理與智慧型控制重點實驗室開放基金課題:基於振動彈性成像的乳腺癌檢測硬體平台研究(2009.01 ~ 2010.06)。
8.主持湖北省的科研課題:SDTV/HDTV視音頻軟體系統,並於2008年06月通過湖北省科技廳的技術鑑定(2005.01 ~ 2007.12)。
9.參加江蘇華陽電器有限公司項目:數字感測血糖動態檢測儀(2011.03 ~ 2012.12)。
10.參加杭州海康威視數位技術股份有限公司項目:視頻復原增強技術研究(2012.09 ~ 2014.09)。
11. 醫學圖像特徵量化分析系統,湖北省科技進步三等獎, 2012年(排名第6)。
12.放療運動補償系統,第40屆瑞士日內瓦國際發明展覽會,發明獎,銀質獎, 2012年(排名第5)。


