在樂隊進行第二張專輯《(What’s The Story)Morning Glory?》的樂器錄製期間,Liam甚至在一次去酒吧喝酒之後把酒吧里的許多朋友請到錄音室里狂歡,而此時的Noel正在錄音室試圖工作。Noel對弟弟這種可以搗亂的胡作非為十分不爽,二人甚至用板球拍大打出手。同樣是在1995年,樂隊鼓手Tony McCarroll也因與Liam的一次激烈的爭執導致二人在公開場合大打出手,McCarroll也不幸地被踢出樂隊,由Alan White替代。
《(What’s The Story)Morning Glory?》發行之後,樂隊取得了前所未有的超級成績,它也成為了全英歷史上銷量第三多的專輯。在這段時間,Oasis與當時同樣很受好評的Blur樂隊陷入爭端,這場臭名昭著的“英倫大戰”在當時擠滿了各大媒體的頭條。這兩支在英倫搖滾歷史上都十分偉大的樂隊以兩種截然不同的風格在當時引領著英倫風暴的潮流,Oasis代表的是工人階級,Blur則是很學院的四個大學生,代表著中高產階級。兩支樂隊,一支來自英國北方一支來自南方,這使他們本應很自然地成為對手,但是Liam和Noel兩兄弟不斷放出厥詞,讓這場爭端在Oasis的主動挑釁和Blur的隱忍當中愈發激烈。
1995年8月14日,Blur與Oasis在同一天發行新單曲,Blur的《Country’s House》,Oasis則是新專輯中的第二首單曲《Roll With It》,Blur以一周之內賣出27萬4千張的驚人成績勝出(《Roll With It》在當周賣出21萬6千張)。
2000年Oasis以《Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants》專輯回歸,在錄製期間,節奏吉他手Paul Arthur和Paul McGuigan離開了樂隊,原因也同樣是與兩兄弟的爭端。這樣,The Rain的創團元老就只剩下Liam一人了。值得一提的是,Liam首次在這張專輯中寫歌,他寫的《Little James》,擁有兒童級的旋律,是為Kensit的兒子James Kerr創作的。這首歌連同整張專輯都遭到了評論界一片惡評,這也被稱為Oasis的創作低谷期。
2005年,《Don’t Believe The Truth》發行,Liam又拿出了三首歌《Love Like A Bomb》《The Meaning Of Soul》《Guess God Think I’m Abel》(其中《Love Like A Bomb》是與節奏吉他手Gem Archer合作完成的。)。
2007年,包括Liam在內的樂隊所有成員參加了全英音樂獎的頒獎典禮,Oasis獲得了“樂壇傑出貢獻獎”。Liam作為樂隊代表走上台領獎時,發表獲獎感言時他說:“我們本不應該得到這個狗屁提名的,但是我現在不得不來領這個獎項了。”(Seeing as we don’t get nominated no more this ’ll have to do)同年,Liam 與Channel 4 的製作者簽了協定,在該電視台每周的Countdown節目中再“Dictionary Corner”板塊中作為名人嘉賓客串。
"It's with some sadness and great relief to tell you that I quit Oasis tonight. People will write and say what they like, but I simply could not go on working with Liam a day longer. Apologies to all the people who bought tickets for the shows in Paris, Konstanz and Milan."
Dearly beloved, it is with a heavy heart and a sad face that I say this to you this morning.
As of last Friday the 28th August, I have been forced to leave the Manchester rock'n'roll pop group Oasis.
The details are not important and of too great a number to list. But I feel you have the right to know that the level of verbal and violent intimidation towards me, my family, friends and comrades has become intolerable. And the lack of support and understanding from my management and band mates has left me with no other option than to get me cape and seek pastures new.
I would like firstly to offer my apologies to them kids in Paris who'd paid money and waited all day to see us only to be let down AGAIN by the band. Apologies are probably not enough, I know, but I'm afraid it's all I've got.
While I'm on the subject, I'd like to say to the good people of V Festival that experienced the same thing. Again, I can only apologise - although I don't know why, it was nothing to do with me. I was match fit and ready to be brilliant. Alas, other people in the group weren't up to it.
In closing I would like to thank all the Oasis fans, all over the world. The last 18 years have been truly, truly amazing (and I hate that word, but today is the one time I'll deem it appropriate). A dream come true. I take with me glorious memories.
Now, if you'll excuse me I have a family and a football team to indulge.
I'll see you somewhere down the road. It's been a fuckin' pleasure.