Journey to the River Sea(2008年Macmillan Children's Books出版的圖書)

Journey to the River Sea(2008年Macmillan Children's Books出版的圖書)

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《Journey to the River Sea》是Macmillan Children's Books出版的圖書,作者是Eva Ibbotson


  • ISBN:9780330397155
  • 作者:Eva Ibbotson
  • 出版社:Macmillan Children's Books
  • 出版時間:2008年5月2日
  • 頁數:304 頁
  • 定價:GBP 5.99
  • 裝幀:Paperback
Sent in 1910 to live with distant relatives who own a rubber plantation along the Amazon River, English orphan Maia is excited. She believes she is in for brightly colored macaws, enormous butterflies, and "curtains of sweetly scented orchids trailing from the trees." Her British classmates warn her of man-eating alligators and wild, murderous Indians. Unfortunately, no one...(展開全部) Sent in 1910 to live with distant relatives who own a rubber plantation along the Amazon River, English orphan Maia is excited. She believes she is in for brightly colored macaws, enormous butterflies, and "curtains of sweetly scented orchids trailing from the trees." Her British classmates warn her of man-eating alligators and wild, murderous Indians. Unfortunately, no one cautions Maia about her nasty, xenophobic cousins, who douse the house in bug spray and forbid her from venturing beyond their coiffed compound. Maia, however, is resourceful enough to find herself smack in the middle of more excitement than she ever imagined, from a mysterious "Indian" with an inheritance, to an itinerant actor dreading his impending adolescence, to a remarkable journey down the Amazon in search of the legendary giant sloth. Eva Ibbotson, author of Dial-A- Ghost, Island of the Aunts, and other positively delightful and droll fantasies, won a Gold Award for this book in the 2001 Nestlé Smarties Book Prizes. Likable heroines, loathsome villains, and splendid adventures—-along with Kevin Hawkes's appealing ink illustrations--make Ibbotson's novels a must for every bookshelf. (Ages 9 and older) --Emilie Coulter --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. 伊娃•伊博森Eva Ibbotson (1925~2010) 伊娃•伊博森,被推崇為與J.K.羅琳比肩的耀眼文學之星。出生於奧地利的維也納,後到英國北部定居,育有三個兒子及一個女兒。曾榮獲雀巢聰明豆文學獎金獎、衛報小說獎、卡耐基文學獎提名獎、惠特布雷德文學獎提名獎、 藍彼得圖書獎提名獎、學校圖書館雜誌最佳圖書獎等多項大獎。有多部作品被改編成電影、電視劇。 《蝴蝶•天堂•探險記》作為作者最經典的代表作,每個角色各有特質,以致形成強烈的對比與張力,也各有自己的故事,故事間又巧妙地互為牽連,構成《蝴蝶•天堂•探險記》這本具有豐富情節與深刻人性的冒險小說,同時攫獲了兒童與成人的心,並帶給讀者真


