自2009年1月1日起,Journal of China University of Geosciences(《中國地質大學學報》(英文版))(ISSN 1002-0705,CN 42-1279/P)將正式更名為Journal of Earth Science (《地球科學學刊》)(ISSN 1674-487X,CN 42-1788/P)。《中國地質大學學報》(英文版)創刊於1990年,是中華人民共和國教育部主管、中國地質大學主辦的綜合性地球科學學術理論期刊,雙月刊,國內外公開發行。
Journal of Earth Science, issued bimonthly through China University of Geosciences, covers all branches of geology and related technology in the exploration and utilization of earth resources. Founded in 1990 as the Journal of China University of Geosciences, this publication is expanding its breadth of coverage to an international scope. Coverage includes such topics as geology, petrology, mineralogy, ore deposit geology, tectonics, paleontology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, geochemistry, geophysics and environmental sciences. Articles published in recent issues include Tectonics in the Northwestern West Philippine Basin; Creep Damage Characteristics of Soft Rock under Disturbance Loads; Simplicial Indicator Kriging; Tephra Discovered in High Resolution Peat Sediment and Its Indication to Climatic Event. The journal offers discussion of new theories, methods and discoveries; reports on recent achievements in the geosciences; and timely reviews of selected subjects.
Former Title: Journal of China University of Geosciences