Joanne Chory

Joanne Chory

Joanne Chory:美國索爾克生物研究所(英文:Salk Institute for Biological Studies,Salk)研究員,美國霍華德·休斯醫學研究所(英文: The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, HHMI) 研究員,美國科學院院士,世界著名遺傳學家、植物學家。


  • 外文名:Joanne Chory
  • 國籍美國
  • 畢業院校:University of Illinois
  • 職業:生物學家


Dr. Chory is also the Howard H. and Maryam R. Newman Chair in Plant Biology, a professor and director of the Plant Biology Laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and an adjunct professor of biology at the University of California, San Diego.
Joanne Chory
Joanne Chory
AB, Biology, Oberlin College, Ohio
Joanne Chory
Joanne Chory
PhD, Microbiology, University of Illinois
Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School




Li, L., K. Ljung, G. Breton, R.J. Schmitz, J. Pruneda-Paz, C. Cowing-Vitron, B.J. Cole, U. Pedmale, H.-S. Jung, L.J. Ivans, J.R. Ecker, S.A. Kay, andJ. Chory. (2012). Linking photoreceptor excitation to changes in plant architecture.Genes Dev.26: 785-790.
Belkhadir, Y., Y. Jaillais, P. Epple, E. Balsemao-Pires, J.L. Dangl, andJ. Chory. (2012). Brassinsteroids modulate the efficiency of plant immune responses to microbe-associated molecular patterns.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 109: 297-302. Epub 2011 Nov15.
Won, C., SX. Shen, K. Mashiguchi, Z. Zheng, X. Dai, Y. Cheng, H. Kasahara, Y Kamiya,J. Chory, and Y. Zhao. (2011). Conversion of tryptophan to indole-3-acetic acid by TAAs and YUCs inArabidopsis.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.Epub 2011Oct 24.
Hothorn, M., T. Dabi, andJ. Chory. (2011). Structural basis for cytokinin recognition byArabidopsis thalianahistidine kinase 4.Nature Chem Bio.7: 766-768.
Hothorn, M., Y. Belkhadir, M. Dreux, T. Dabi, J.P. Noel, I.A. Wilson, andJ. Chory. (2011). Structural basis of steroid hormone perception by a membrane receptor kinase.Nature,474: 467-471. Epub2011 Jun12
Woodson, J.D., J.M. Perez-Ruiz, andJ. Chory. (2011). Heme synthesis by plastid ferrochelatase I regulates nuclear gene expression in plants.Curr. Biol. 24: 897-903. Epub 2011 May 24.
Jaillais, Y.*, Y. Belkhadir*, E. Balsemao-Pires, J.L. Dangl, andJ. Chory. (2011). Extracellular leucine-rich-repeats as a platform for receptor-co-receptor complex formation.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.108:8503-8507. Epub 2011April 4.
Keller, M.M., Y. Jaillais, U.V. Pedmale, J.E. Moreno,J. Chory, and C.L. Ballaré. (2011). Cryptochrome 1 and phytochrome B control shade-avoidance responses inArabidopsisvia partially-independent hormonal cascades.Plant J.67: 195-207. Epub 2011 May 25.
Jaillais, Y.*, M. Hothorn*, Y. Belkhadir, T. Dabi, Z.L. Nimchuk, E.M. Meyerowitz, andJ. Chory. (2011). Tyrosine phosphorylation controls brassinosteroid receptor activation by triggering membrance release of its kinase inhibitor.Genes Dev.25: 232-237.
Cole, B., S.A. Kay, andJ. Chory(2011). Automated analysis of hypocotyl growth dynamics during shade avoidance inArabidopsis.Plant J.,65: 991-1000. Epub 2011 Feb 2.
Todesco, M., S. Balasubramanian, T. Hu, P. Epple, C. Kuhns, S. Sureshkumar, C. Schwartz, M.B. Traw, C. Lanz, R.A.E. Laitinen,J. Chory, V. Lipka, J.O. Borevitz, J. Bergelson, J.L. Dangl, M. Nordborg, and D. Weigel. (2010). Natural allelic variation underlying a major fitness trade off inArabidopsis thaliana.Nature.465: 632-636.
Atwell, S., Y. Huang, B. Vilhjalmsson, G. Willems, M. Horton, Y. Li, D. Meng, A. Platt, A. Tarone, T. Hu, R.Jiang, W. Muliyati, X. Zhang, M.A. Amer, I. Baxter, B. Brachi,J. Chory, C. Dean, M. Debieu, J. de Meaux, J. Ecker, N. Faure, J. Kriskern, J.D.G. Jones, T. Michael, A. Nemri, F. Roux, D. Salt, C. Tang, M.B. Traw, D. Weigel, J. Borevitz, J. Bergelson, and M. Nordborg. (2010). Genome-wide association study of 107 phenotypes inArabidopsis thalianainbred lines.Nature.465: 627-631. Epub 2010 March 29.
Ibanes, M., N. Fabregas,J. Chory*and A. Cano-Delgado*. (2009). Brassinosteroid signaling and auxin transport are required to establish the periodic pattern ofArabidopsisshoot vascular bundles.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 106:13630-13635. (*co-corresponding authors).
Sellaro, R., U. Hoecker, M. Yanovsky,J. Chory, JJ Casal. (2009). Synergism of red and blue light in the control ofArabidopsisgene expression and development.Curr. Biol.19: 1216-1220.
Loudet, O., T.P. Michael, B. Burger, C. Le Mette, T.C. Mockler, D. Weigel, andJ. Chory. (2008). A zinc knuckle protein that negatively controls morning-specific growth inArabidopsis thaliana.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.105:17193-17198. Epub 2008 Oct 29.
Moreno, J., Y. Tao,J. Chory*, and C.L. Ballaré*. (2009). Ecological modulation of plant defense via phytochrome control of jasmonate sensitivity.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.106:4935-4940. (*Co-corresponding authors).
Geldner, N., V. Dénervaud-Tendon, U. Mayer, Y.D. Stierhof, D.L. Hyman, andJ. Chory. (2009). Rapid, combinatorial analysis of membrane compartments in intact plants with a multi-color marker set.Plant J.59: 169-178. Epub 2009 Feb 26.
Balasubramanian, S., C. Schwartz, A. Singh, N. Warthmann, M.C. Kim, J. Maloof, O. Loudet, G.T. Trainer, T. Dabi, J. Borevitz,J. Chory, and D. Weigel. (2009). QTL mapping in newArabidopsis thalianaadvanced intercross-recombinant inbred lines.PLoS One4: e4318. Epub 2009 Feb2.130.
Li, X. Yu, A. Thompson, M. Guo, S. Yoshida, T. Asami,J. Chory, and Y. Yin. (2008). TheArabidopsis MYB30is a direct target of BES1 and cooperates with BES1 to regulate brassinosteroid-induced gene expression.Plant J.
Savaldi-Goldstein, S., F. Pojer, T.J. Baiga, T. Dabi, C. Butterfield, N. Dharmasiri, G. Parry, A. Santner, Y. Tao, M. Estelle, J.P. Noel, andJ. Chory. (2008). New auxin analogs with growth promoting effects in intact plants reveal a chemical strategy to improve hormone delivery.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.105:15190-15195. Epub 2008 Sept 25.
Michael, T.P., G. Breton, S.P. Hazen, T.C. Mockler, S.A. Kay, andJ. Chory. (2008) A morning-specific phytohormone gene expression program underlying rhythmic plant growth.PLoS Biol.6: e255. 2008 September 16.
Vert, G., C. Walcher,J. Chory, and J. Nemhauser. (2008). Integration of auxin and brassinosteroid pathways by auxin response factor 2.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.105: 9829-9834.
Yu, X., L. Li, L. Li,J. Chory, and Y. Yin. (2008). Modulation of brassinosteroid regulated gene expression by jumonji domain-containing proteins ELF6 and REF6.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.105:7618-7623. Epub 2008 May 8.
Tao, Y., K. Ljung, J-L. Ferrer, F. Pojer, F. Hong, J. Long, L. Li, J. Moreno, M. Bowman, L. Ivans, Y. Chen, J. Lim, Y. Zhao, C. Ballare, G. Sandberg, J. Noel, andJ. Chory. (2008). Rapid synthesis of auxin via a new tryptophan-dependent pathway is required for shade avoidance in plants.Cell. 133: 164-176.
Mockler, T.C., T.P. Michael, H.D. Priest, R. Shen, C.M. Sullivan, S.A. Givan, C. McEntee, S.A. Kay, andJ. Chory. (2007). The DIURNAL PROJECT: Diurnal and circadian expression profiling, model-based pattern matching and promoter analysis.Cold Spring Harbor Symp.72: 353-363.
Borevitz, J.O., S. Hazen. T.P. Michael, G. Morris, I. Baxter, T. Hu, H. Chen, J. Werner, M. Nordborg, D. Salt, S. Kay,J. Chory, D. Weigel, J. Jones, and J. Ecker. (2007). Genome-wide patterns of single-feature polymorphism inArabidopsis thaliana.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.104: 12057-12062. Epub: 2007 July 12
Geldner, N., X. Wang, K. Schumacher, andJ. Chory. (2007). Endosomal signaling of plant steroid receptor kinase BRI1.Genes Dev.21: 1598-1602. Epub: 2007 June 19.
Koussevitzky, S*., A. Nott*, T.C. Mockler, F. Hong, G. Sacheto-Martins, M. Surpin, J. Lim, R. Mittler, andJ. Chory. (2007). Signals from chloroplasts converge to regulate nuclear gene expression. (Article).Science. 316: 715-719. Epub: 2007 Mar 29. (Accompanying Perspectives) (*co-first authors).
Savaldi-Goldstein, S., C. Peto, andJ. Chory. (2007). The epidermis both drives and restricts plant shoot growth.Nature. 446:199-202. (Accompanying News and Views).


