Good-bye Twitter

Good-bye Twitter

Good-bye Twitter是美國歌手麥莉·賽勒斯在2009年推出的說唱類歌曲。


  • 中文名稱:Good-bye Twitter
  • 發行時間:2009年
  • 歌曲原唱麥莉·賽勒斯
  • 歌曲語言:英文
  • 類型:說唱


麥莉·賽勒斯用說唱的形式解釋為什麼要刪除她的微博。外界盛傳是因Liam Hemsworth規勸刪除Twitter帳戶,但對此麥莉本人高調錶示刪除Twitter帳戶和緋聞對象Liam Hemsworth完全無關,在歌詞中唱道"Yo, it wasn't because my friend (Liam Hemsworth) told me to(這並不是我的朋友(Liam Hemsworth)要我做的)"。麥莉·賽勒斯認為她的微博無論大小事情都成為小報關注的焦點這影響到自己的私生活,所以刪除了微博賬戶


Yeah, the rumours are true
I deleted my Twitter
Ha, can you believe it?
I got to 2, 2 million
That I said adios
I had to say goodbye
And this little rap is to tell my fans why
Huh, uh!
No, it wasn't because my friend told me to
Y'all know very well, what you say I don't do
And the reasons are simple
I started tweetin' by pimples
I stopped livin' for moments
And started livin' for people
Yeah, you write what'cha doin'
But who really cares
If I'm playin' with Noah or just doin' my hair?
Everything that I type
And everything that I do
All those lame gossip sites
Take it and they make it news
I want my private life private
I'm done trying to please
I ain't livin' for tabliods
No, I'm livin' for me
No more emo quotes
And fake feuds with Demi
Yeah, I'm done with all that
And the truth is I'm too busy
Yeah, I gotta admit
I miss Dane Cook's tweets
And I really liked looking at Katy Perry and Britney
I might have some withdraws
I was a little obsessed
But I'm peacin' out
And I'm leaving with this
Ha, goodbye
Ah, ah goodbye


