IBM Global Technology Services (GTS) primarily reflects infrastructure services. It includes outsourcing services, business continuity and resilience, Integrated Technology Services, and Maintenance. GTS accounts for around 39% of IBM's revenue globally ($42B in revenue in 2011 out of $107B for IBM overall), the highest revenue of the 5 segments of IBM.
GTS is the leading e-business on demand and hosting services provider, according to IDC, Forrester Research, Gartner/Dataquest and Meta Group; the leader in providing high-availability services, networking services and storage services, according to Gartner Group and IDC; the leader in the emerging wireless services market, according to IDC.
midas Geotechnical and Tunnel analysis System (GTS) 是midas公司在岩土和隧道開發的一款有限元分析軟體,適用於岩土工程、樁基工程、地下工程、水利工程、水利工程、礦山工程等領域,可便捷實現複雜模型在靜動(地震、爆破、移動荷載)荷載作用下的回響分析,具體包括施工階段、滲流、動態邊坡穩定、固結、動力分析等功能。
midas GTS (Geotechnical and Tunnel System) is founded on the expertise in analysis and contemporary graphics technologies accumulated since 1989.
midas GTS enables engineers to intuitively generate and analyze complex geotechnical and structural models. The modeling capabilities are developed with integrated analysis features that are powered by uniquely developed equation solvers providing accurate results and fastest computations. Moreover, the software automatically generates concise and practical analysis reports. midas GTS stands to provide the utmost environment of innovative paradigm in tunnel and geotechnical engineering.