Fruit of the earth(中文譯名:閃露,又名:地球之果)創立於1980年,是第一個創新的將蘆薈引入全線護膚產品的公司,現在已經成為美國市場上蘆薈產品的領導品牌。充分的發揮了蘆薈這種神奇植物的各種驚人效果!品牌背景
Customer Reviews 美國 評價5星 Average Rating:Fruit of the earth創立於1980年,是美國一家專門生產天然蘆薈相關商品的知名品牌, 在美國眾多蘆薈的品牌中, FRUIT OF THE EARTH是穩居第一品牌的地位。他們堅持“100%蘆薈”以及不加酒精及色素。 獲得了各大美國雜誌網站的推薦。 很多好萊塢明星的家中的醫藥箱裡都會有這個產品。 蘆薈膠尤其有名。 他們家的蘆薈潤膚露曾做為美國滑雪隊的指定護膚產品。在美國,大家都知道要找遍100%純蘆薈呵護皮膚,Fruit of the Earth的就是不言而喻的選擇。100%純天然蘆薈精華、無色無味、無人工添加劑 持久保濕、平衡膚質、消炎消腫、皮膚曬傷、蚊叮後痛癢、脫毛後舒緩皮膚、不粘膩造型喱、護髮保濕啫。Fruit of the earth創立於1980年,是第一個創新的將蘆薈引入全線護膚產品的公司,現在已經成為美國市場上蘆薈產品的領導品牌。充分的發揮了蘆薈這種神奇植物的各種驚人效果!
外文名:Fruit of the Earth
Fruit of the Earth 產品暢銷美國、德國、法國、瑞士、芬蘭、中國香港、中國大陸等26個國家和地區,2010財年全球銷售額20億美元,並以每年27.8%的增長速度發展。
I've tried it all, from the cheapest to the most expensive, high end products. Nothing, and I mean nothing tops this! My friend had skin cancer surgery, and her doctor recommended this. I bought a jar and have been hooked for the past few years. I have ultra-sensitive skin, rosacea, and in winter, my skin is dry as dust. This product heals, soothes, ends dryness, it's virtually a miracle in a jar. If it were $100 per jar, it would be well worth the price. It is absolutely THE BEST cream and, yes, I use it on my face.
-- Anonymous on September 1, 2006
I ran out of my usual body cream that I've sworn by for years, and decided to try and find something that cost less than $30/6 oz jar. I tried every drugstore brand of lotion and body cream out there and while I was searching, my skin was suffering terribly...becoming dry and prickly feeling. I was just about ready to give up and fork out the usual cash when I stumbled onto this cream. Totally rocks! Completely wiped out my dry skin, smells delicious, leaves my skin dewy and soft, soaks in immediately with no sticky or waxy feel, and costs pennies compared to pounds. I am completely addicted to this stuff.