Edit entry

Edit entry,雪野湖,位於萊蕪市區北部25公里處,原名雪野水庫 ,建成於1985年,為山東省大型水庫之一,水面約14平方公里。


  • 中文名:Edit entry
  • 原名:雪野水庫
  • 建成於:1985年
  • 水面:約14平方公里
基本介紹,地理位置 Location,景區特色 Scenic Features,雪野湖 Yukino Lake,雪野湖 Yukino Lake,雪野湖 Yukino Lake,雪野湖 Yukino Lake,


Edit entry 雪野湖 Yukino Lake 百科名片 Wikipedia card 雪野湖景區 Yukino Lake scenic area is located in Laiwu City, District, 25 kilometers north, formerly Xueye reservoir , built in 1985, the Shandong Province is one large reservoir, the water is about 14 square kilometers.
目錄[ 隱藏 ] Contents [ hide ] 簡介 Introduction 地理位置 Location 景區特色 Scenic Features 景區開發 Development of Scenic Spots 交通位置 Traffic position[ 編輯本段 ] [ Edit this paragraph ] 簡介 Introduction

地理位置 Location

雪野湖旅遊區 Yukino Lake Tourist Area
雪野旅遊區位於萊蕪市北部,距萊城20公里,距濟南44公里,東與淄博毗鄰,西與泰安接壤,是山東省版圖的中心,總面積223平方公里,轄雪野鎮,總共49個村,46000口人。 Yukino tourist area is located in Laiwu City, North, 20 km from Lae, 44 kilometers away from Jinan, Zibo, east and adjacent to the west, bordering Taian, Shandong Province, the center of the territory, with a total area of 223 square kilometers, the town Xueye jurisdiction, a total of 49 villages , 46 000 people. 區內有省道242線(萊明路)、244線(0九公路)和327線(仲臨路)等幾條幹線穿過,交通便利。 Provincial Highway 242, the district line (Fleming Road), 244 lines (0 9 road) and 327 lines (Chung Pro Road) and so on through a few lines, and convenient transportation. 隨著濟青高速南線2007年底開通,雪野旅遊區將名副其實地進入濟南半小時經濟圈。 With the opening of Jinan-Qingdao South line of the end of 2007, Yukino tourism will truly enter the half-hour economic circle of Jinan.

景區特色 Scenic Features

雪野湖景區是1993年進行旅遊開發後,以湖山垂釣,水上遊船觀光和“雪野魚頭湯”為旅遊特色而形成發展起來的。 Yukino Lake scenic spot for tourism development in 1993, with its hills, fishing, water tourism and cruise ships, "Yukino head soup" as the tourist attractions and form develop.[ 編輯本段 ] [ Edit this paragraph ] 景區開發 Development of Scenic Spots  

雪野湖 Yukino Lake

雪野湖三面環山,形成湖光山色的秀美風光。 Yukino lake surrounded by mountains, lakes and mountains form the beautiful scenery. 湖東馬鞍山和湖西懸羊吊鼓山已得到初步開發。 Lake East Ma On Shan and the western area has been suspended sheep hanging Gushan initial development. 因湖水極為適宜養殖各淡水魚類和垂釣。 Because the lake is extremely suitable for all freshwater fish farming and fishing. 因此,除每年吸引大批濟南、淄博等外地遊客外,山東省釣魚協會已在此連續舉辦了三屆釣魚比賽。 Therefore, in addition attracts a large number of Jinan, Zibo and other foreign visitors, the Shandong Province Fishing Association has held three straight in this fishing game. 1997年夏天,全國第十三屆釣魚比賽也在此舉行。 The summer of 1997, the Thirteenth National Fishing Competition held here also. 雪野湖交通便利,有兩條交通幹線沿湖而過,是往返萊蕪到濟南的必經之路。 Yukino Lake transport facilities, there are two lines of lake and over, is a must from Laiwu and Jinan. 因此,湖區路邊經濟活躍,已建成大小賓館、飯店30多處。 Therefore, the lake road economically active, has been completed the size of hotels, restaurants and more than 30 places. “雪野魚頭”地方名吃對遊客有較強的吸引力。 "Yukino head" Local Cuisines have more attractions to tourists. 湖上遊樂主要以遊船觀光為主。 Pleasure boat on the lake mainly tourism-based. 擁有各類遊船30餘只。 Has more than 30 types of boats only. 湖中唯一的小島文昌嶺正在進行旅遊開發。 The only island in Lake Ridge Wenchang ongoing tourism development.  聘請了全球最大的規劃諮詢公司——美國易道公司,進行雪野旅遊區概念性規劃 ,雪野旅遊區整體開發定位為:山東湖濱休閒度假中心,山水運動、會議療養基地。 Planning to hire a consulting firm the world's largest - the United States EDAW Inc., to conduct conceptual Xueye tourism planning , development Xueye positioning tourism as a whole: Shandong lakeside leisure center, landscape movement, meeting convalescence base. 遠期發展目標是:中國著名的複合體驗型、生態型休閒度假旅遊與高端商務旅遊勝地,東北亞地區知名的休閒度假目的地。 Long-term development objectives are: the famous composite experience and ecological tourism and high-end business and leisure destination, Northeast Asia, leading leisure destination. 整個區域分為房乾生態景區和雪野湖休閒度假區兩大板塊。 The whole region is divided into rooms dry lake ecological attractions and leisure resort Xueye two plates. 雪野湖休閒度假區規劃控制面積130平方公里,核心景區面積60平方公里,總開發面積18平方公里,共分為七個重點區域,即呂祖泉歷史長廊、雪野北岸新鎮、東部高爾夫社區、 水上運動中心、南岸果園社區、左岸水都、 馬鞍山森林公園 。 Leisure Lake Resort Xueye planning control area 130 square kilometers, the core scenic area of 60 square kilometers, with a total development area of 18 square kilometers, divided into seven key areas, namely Lvzu Quan history gallery, Yukino new town north east golf communities, water Sports Centre, South Bank orchard community, left bank of the water is, Ma On Shan Forest Park . 將本著“健康、和諧、幸福”的原則,依託濟青高速南線,面向濟南和周邊城市,發揮獨特的湖光山色優勢,做大做活做美山水文章,按照地中海式風格,建設集休閒度假、旅遊觀光、會議會展、運動項目等為一體的幸福之洲。 The spirit of "health, harmony and happiness" principle, relying on the south line of Jinan-Qingdao, Jinan and the surrounding cities for, lakes and mountains play a unique advantage, the United States to do bigger and QUICKER landscape articles, in accordance with the Mediterranean style, to construct a leisure , tourism, conferences and exhibitions, sports as one of the well-being of the Island.[ 編輯本段 ] [ Edit this paragraph ] 交通位置 Traffic position  

雪野湖 Yukino Lake

區內有省道242線(萊明路)、244線(0九公路)和327線(仲臨路)等幾條幹線穿過,濟青高速南線2007年即將開通,並設有雪野旅遊區出入口,從濟南機場到雪野湖(雪野水庫)僅有半小時車程,交通十分便利。 Provincial Highway 242, the district line (Fleming Road), 244 lines (0 9 road) and 327 lines (Chung Pro Road) and so on through a few lines, Jinan-Qingdao line in 2007 is about to open the South, and travel with Yukino area entrance, from the Jinan airport to Xueye Lake (Xueye Reservoir) is only half an hour, the traffic is very convenient.

雪野湖 Yukino Lake

該區域內,地廣人稀,物產豐富,民風淳樸,旅遊資源豐富。 The region is sparsely populated, rich resources, the people are rich in tourism resources. 不僅有距今2500多年的古老齊長城 ,又有新時期社會主義新農村建設的典範— 房乾村 ,既有聞名遐邇的九龍大峽谷 ,又有濟南50公里圈內最大的水面—雪野湖(雪野水庫)。 Not only 2500 years ago the ancient Great Wall of Qi , but also in the new period model of a new socialist countryside construction - room dry village , both the famous Grand Canyon in Kowloon , there are 50 km circle Jinan largest water - Yukino Lake ( Xueye Reservoir). 雪野湖總庫容2.21億立方米,興利庫容1.12億立方米,最大水面面積18000畝,湖面開闊,岸線曲折,四周群山環抱,森林蒼鬱,山水和諧;此外,雪野湖還主要承擔萊蕪市工農業用水。 Yukino total storage capacity 221 million cubic meters Lake, useful storage capacity 112 million cubic meters, the largest surface area of 18,000 acres, the lake open, winding coastline, surrounded by mountains, luxuriant forests, landscape harmony; addition, Yukino Lake also is mainly responsible for Laiwu industrial agricultural water use. 每年向萊城電廠、萊蕪電廠供水2000多萬方,向萊鋼送水1000多萬方,是萊鋼邁向千萬噸級大鋼廠的重要保障。 Plant each year to Lae, Laiwu power plant water supply of more than 2000, the Laiwu Steel of water to more than 1000, is towards 10 million tonne large Laiwu Steel's important to protect.

雪野湖 Yukino Lake

建立雪野旅遊區是市委市政府的重大戰略決策,雪野旅遊區必將在萊蕪經濟社會發展中扮演重要的角色。 The establishment of a municipal government Xueye tourism a major strategic decision, Yukino tourist areas in Laiwu economic and social development will play an important role. 總的發展目標是:作為萊蕪的四大功能區之一,爭當萊蕪旅遊和服務業的龍頭,建設成接軌濟南的前沿陣地,發揮好萊蕪融入省會都市圈的橋樑和紐帶作用。 The overall development objectives are: the four functional areas as one of Laiwu, Laiwu strive leading tourism and services, integration into the forefront of Jinan, Laiwu play into the Metropolitan Region of the bridge and link.

